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Paikwaophis kruki KOK & MEANS, 2023

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Higher TaxaColubridae (Dipsadinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common Names 
SynonymPaikwaophis kruki KOK & MEANS 2023: 10 

Type locality: ‘Sloth Camp’ [5.247074° N, 60.705471° W; ~1180 m elevation; Cuyuni-Mazaruni District (Region 7), Guyana, South America], which is located on a broad ridge running downhill along the west fork of the Paikwa River from the bottom of the talus slope below the vertical cliff wall of Wei-Assipu-tepui (Fig. 2).  
TypesHolotype: RBINS 2734 (field number CPI11310; Figs 4–13), an immature female, collected by D. Bruce Means on 24 February 2021. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis (genus): Paikwaophis can be differentiated from all other Xenodontinae (and Dipsadidae) by the combination of the following morphological characters: head poorly distinct from neck; body robust, slightly wider than high; tail short, ~13% of total length in female; snout short and blunt; rostral wider than high, visible from above; undivided nasal; paired internasals; paired prefrontals; subtriangular frontal; absence of loreal; presence of minute cephalic sensory pits; eye medium in size, with vertically oval pupil, iris dark reddish orange; single supraocular; one preocular, two postoculars; three rows of temporals; chinshields medium in size, anterior chinshields projecting frontolaterally; body scales rhomboid, smooth, lacking keels or apical pits, 17 dorsal scale rows without reduction; subcaudals paired; anal entire; aglyphous, presence of a diastema; low number of teeth: 7 prediastemal maxillary teeth, 2 enlarged postdiastemal maxillary teeth, 8 pterygoid teeth, 5 palatine teeth, 12 dentary teeth; neural spines smooth, ungrooved and not laterally expanded; 175 trunk vertebrae; absence of hypapophyses on posterior vertebrae; caudal vertebrae with distinct haemapophyses; lacrimal foramen large and vertically ovoid; and postorbital bone highly reduced, free from the frontal bone. 
CommentType species: Paikwaophis kruki KOK & MEANS 2023 is the type species of the genus Paikwaophis KOK & MEANS 2023. 
  • Kok, P. J., & Means, D. B. 2023. Hiding in the mists: molecular phylogenetic position and description of a new genus and species of snake (Dipsadidae: Xenodontinae) from the remote cloud forest of the Lost World. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zlad082 - get paper here
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