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Philodryas livida AMARAL, 1923

IUCN Red List - Philodryas livida - Vulnerable, VU

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Higher TaxaColubridae (Dipsadinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesPortuguese: Corre-Campo, Parelheira-do-Campo 
SynonymPlatyinion lividum AMARAL 1923: 91
Platyinion lividum AMARAL 1926: 113
Philodryas lividum — THOMAS & FERNANDES 1996
Philodryas livida — DI BERNARDO (pers. comm.)
Philodryas livida — GRAZZIOTIN et al. 2012
Philodryas livida — WALLACH et al. 2014: 550
Philodryas livida — NOGUEIRA et al. 2019
Philodryas livida — MELO-SAMPAIO et al. 2020 
DistributionBrazil (Mato Grosso, Parana, Sao Paulo, Goiás [HR 30: 55]), Paraguay

Type locality: Dorizon, Paraná, Brazil.  
TypesHolotype: IBSP (= IB) 3000, adult male 
DiagnosisAdditional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (1618 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentSynonymy: Note that Amaral described Dipsas neivai as a new species in two independent papers, published in 1923 and 1926.

Habitat: partly arboreal (Harrington et al. 2018). 
EtymologyNamed after Latin lividus, livida, livid, slate-colored; discolored by bruises. (AMARAL 1923, Esteban Lavilla, pers. comm., April 2024) 
  • Amaral, A. do 1923. New genera and species of snakes. Proc. New England Zool. Club 8: 85-105 - get paper here
  • Amaral, A. do 1926. Novos gêneros e expécies de ophidios brasileiros. Arch. Mus. Nac. Brazil, Rio de Janeiro 26: 1-27
  • Bressan, Paulo Magalhães; Maria Cecília Martins Kierulff, Angélica Midori Sugieda (eds.) 2009. FAUNA AMEAÇADA DE EXTINÇÃO NO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO: VERTEBRADOS. São Paulo: Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo: Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, 2009. - get paper here
  • Cacciali, Pier; Norman J. Scott, Aida Luz Aquino Ortíz, Lee A. Fitzgerald, and Paul Smith 2016. The Reptiles of Paraguay: Literature, Distribution, and an Annotated Taxonomic Checklist. SPECIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MUSEUM OF SOUTHWESTERN BIOLOGY, NUMBER 11: 1–373 - get paper here
  • Gonzalez R. C. et al. 2020. Lista dos Nomes Populares dos Répteis no Brasil – Primeira Versão. Herpetologia Brasileira 9 (2): 121 – 214 - get paper here
  • Grazziotin, Felipe G.; Hussam Zaher, Robert W. Murphy, Gustavo Scrocchi, Marco A. Benavides, Ya-Ping Zhang and Sandro L. Bonatto 2012. Molecular phylogeny of the New World Dipsadidae (Serpentes: Colubroidea): a reappraisal. Cladistics DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-0031.2012.00393.x - get paper here
  • Harrington, Sean M; Jordyn M de Haan, Lindsey Shapiro, Sara Ruane 2018. Habits and characteristics of arboreal snakes worldwide: arboreality constrains body size but does not affect lineage diversification. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 125 (1): 61–71 - get paper here
  • MARQUES, O. A. V. et al. 2009. Repteis. In: Bressan et al., FAUNA AMEAÇADA DE EXTINÇÃO NO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO: VERTEBRADOS. São Paulo: Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo: Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, pp. 285-327 - get paper here
  • Melo-Sampaio, P. R., Passos, P., Martins, A. R., Moura-leite, J. C., Morato, S. A., Venegas, P. J., Chávez G., Venâncio N.M. & De Souza, M. B. 2020. A phantom on the trees: integrative taxonomy supports a reappraisal of rear-fanged snakes classification (Dipsadidae: Philodryadini). Zoologischer Anzeiger 290: 19-39 [dated 2021 in print version, but 2020 published online] - get paper here
  • Nogueira, Cristiano C.; Antonio J.S. Argôlo, Vanesa Arzamendia, Josué A. Azevedo, Fausto E. Barbo, Renato S. Bérnils, Bruna E. Bolochio, Marcio Borges-Martins, Marcela Brasil-Godinho, Henrique Braz, Marcus A. Buononato, Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia, 2019. Atlas of Brazilian snakes: verified point-locality maps to mitigate the Wallacean shortfall in a megadiverse snake fauna. South American J. Herp. 14 (Special Issue 1):1-274 - get paper here
  • Sawaya, Ricardo Jannini; Otavio Augusto Vuolo Marques <br>& Marcio Martins 2008. Composition and natural history of a Cerrado snake assemblage at Itirapina, São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil Biota Neotropica 8 (2): 127-149 - get paper here
  • Smith, Paul; Cacciali, Pier; Scott, Norman; del Castillo, Hugo; Pheasey, Helen; Atkinson, Karina 2014. First record of the globally-threatened Cerrado endemic snake Philodryas livida (Amaral, 1923) (Serpentes, Dipsadidae) from Paraguay, and the importance of the Reserva Natural Laguna Blanca to its conservation. Cuad. Herpetol. 28: - get paper here
  • Thomas, R. A. & R. FERNANDES 1996. The systematic status of Platyinion lividum AMARAL, 1923 (Serpentes: Colubridae: Xenodontinae). Herpetologica 52 (2): 271-275. - get paper here
  • Valdujo, Paula H.; Campos Nogueira, Cristiano 1999. Geographic distribution. Philodryas livida. Herpetological Review 30 (1): 55 - get paper here
  • Valdujo, Paula Hanna; Cristiano de Campos Nogueira; Leandro Baumgarten; Flavio Henrique Guimarães Rodrigues; Reuber Albuquerque Brandão; André Eterovic; Mário Barroso Ramos-Neto; Otavio A. V. Marques 2009. Squamate Reptiles from Parque Nacional das Emas and surroundings, Cerrado of Central Brazil. Check List 5 (3): 405–417 - get paper here
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
  • Zaher, Hussam; Fausto Erritto BarboI; Paola Sanchez Martínez; Cristiano Nogueira; Miguel Trefaut Rodrigues; Ricardo Jannini Sawaya 2011. Répteis do Estado de São Paulo: conhecimento atual e perspectivas. Biota Neotropica, 11 (1): 1–15. - get paper here
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