Psammodromus edwarsianus (DUGÈS, 1829)
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Higher Taxa | Lacertidae (Gallotiinae), Sauria, Lacertoidea, Squamata (lizards) |
Subspecies | |
Common Names | E: East Iberian Psammodromus G: Ostiberischer Sandläufer |
Synonym | Lacerta edwarsiana DUGÈS 1829: 339 Psammodromus Edwardsii — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1839: 253 Lacerta Edwardsii — ZANG 1903 Psammodromus hispanicus edwardsianus — MERTENS 1925 Psammodromus hispanicus edwardsianus — BRUEKERS 2005 Psammodromus edwardsianus — FITZE et al. 2012 Psammodromus edwarsianus — CROCHET 2015 Psammodromus edwarsianus — KWET & TRAPP 2014 Psammodromus edwarsianus — SPEYBROECK et al. 2020 |
Distribution | E Spain, S France Type locality: “South of France”; “bas Languedoc” [= lowland parts of the current Languedoc region] fide CROCHET 2015. |
Reproduction | oviparous (not imputed, fide Zimin et al. 2022) |
Types | Holotype: unlocated (not in MNHN fide Guibé 1954, as stated by Duges 1829). |
Diagnosis | |
Comment | Subspecies: SINDACO & JEREMCENKO 2008 state that edwardsianus is not accepted by any authors (!?). FITZE et al. 2012 revalidated P. h. edwardsianus and suggested to elevate it to full species status. P. hispanicus hispanicus (Fitzinger 1826) and P. hispanicus edwardsianus (Dugès 1829) can be easily distinguished by the absence or presence of a supralabial scale below the subocular scale, respectively (Boulenger 1921, Mertens 1925, Pérez-Mellado 1998). P. hispanicus can be distinguished from P. algirus by the smaller body size, a shorter tail length that rarely exceeds 2 x SVL, absence of pterygoid teeth, presence of a gular fold and distinct collar scales, and pres- ence of two central ventral rows of clearly narrower scales compared to scales of adjoining rows. P. microdactylus can be distinguished from the other species by the absence of a gular fold. In 40 % of P. microdactylus kind of a collar could be detected, while a collar was present in 100% of the other species (Table 1 in FITZE et al. 2012). The only character that allows distinguishing between P. blanci and P. microdactylus (at least in old museum specimens) is the presence/absence of the diffuse gular fold. However, there are specimens that show intermediate characters. |
Etymology | Named after H. Milne Edwards. Note, however, that the original spelling “Lacerta Edwarsiana” can be found four times in the description (three times in the text, once in the table) hence this spelling is not an incorrect original spelling and Article 32.5 of the Code (ICZN 1999) does not apply (CROCHET 2015). |
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