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Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus (REINHARDT, 1843)

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Higher TaxaPsammophiidae, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: Western beaked snake 
SynonymPsammophis oxyrhynchus REINHARDT 1843: 244
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus — PETERS 1854
Coelopeltis oxyrhynchus — JAN 1863: 89
Rhagerrhis unguiculata — GÜNTHER 1868: 422
Rhagerrhis oxyrhynchus — GÜNTHER 1888: 327 (part.)
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus — BOULENGER 1896: 12
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus — BOULENGER 1896: 21
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus — BOULENGER 1896: 146 (part)
Rhamphiophis oxyrrhynchus — BOETTGER 1913: 360
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus — ANGEL 1922: 40
Rhamphiophis connali PARKER 1929: 450
Rhamphiophis connali — LOVERIDGE 1933: 199
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus — ANGEL 1933: 764
Rhamphiophis connali — ANGEL 1933: 764
Rhamphiophis oxyrrhynchus — PASQUAL 1938: 37
Rhamphiophis connali — BARBOUR & LOVERIDGE 1946: 187
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus — ANGEL 1950: 48
Ramphiophis oxyrhynchus — DEKEYSER & VILLIERS 1954: 962
Ramphiophis oxyrhynchus — CONDAMIN 1958: 254
Ramphiophis oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus — PERRET 1961: 136
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus — ANFINNSEN 1966: 9
Ramphiophis oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus — PAPENFUSS 1969: 312
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus — HUGHES & BARRY 1969: 1021
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus — BROADLEY 1971: 87
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus — PITMAN 1974
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus — BÖHME 1975: 39; 1978: 403
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus — BONATH 1977: 35
Ramphiophis oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus — COURTOIS & CHIPPAUX 1977: 75
Raphiophis oxyrhyunchus — STUCKI-STIRN 1979: 423
Rhamphiophis oxhrinchus — ASHE 1979: 19
Ramphiophis oxyrynchus — ROMAN 1980: 67
Rhamphiophis oxyrrhynchus — CHIFUDNERA 1990: 142
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus — CHIRIO & INEICH 1991: 223
Ramphiophis oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus — MANE 1992: 23
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus — BROADLEY 1998
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus — SPAWLS et al. 2001
Rhampiophis oxyrhynchus — SPAWLS et al. 2002: 399
Ramphiophis [sic] oxyrhynchus — PADIAL 2006
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus — WALLACH et al. 2014: 646
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus — SPAWLS et al. 2018: 447 
DistributionN Botswana, N Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire), Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Ghana, Sudan (Jumhūriyyat), Republic of South Sudan (RSS), Central African Republic, Cameroon, Benin, Nigeria, Niger, Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali, Ivory Coast, Guinea (Conakry), Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania ?, Malawi, Namibia ?, Ethiopia, Uganda

Type locality: Ghana, Gambia  
TypesLectotype: ZMUC 63125 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: “Cette espèce se distingue de toutes les autres espèces du genre par la combinaison de trois caractères: présence de 17 rangées d'écailles dorsales au milieu du corps, absence de bandes longitudinales en arrière du cou et absence de taches paravertébrales plus sombres.” (Chirio & Ineich 1991).

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CommentSubspecies: Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus rostratus (PETERS 1854) is now considered as a valid species.

Distribution: It is suspected that specimens from “Tangaika” (Witte 1953) were obtained on the Tanzanian side of Lake Tanganyika (BROADLEY 1998). Not listed for Zambia by BROADLEY et al. (2003) and thus deleted for Zambia. Not in Mauritania and Namibia fide Chippaux & Jackson 2019: 280 (Fig. 11.74).

Synonymy initially after GÜNTHER 1888, updated after B. Hughes (pers. comm., 14 Nov 2016). R. connali has been described by Parker 1929 who lists R. oxyrhynchus as a synonym. 
EtymologyFrom Latin, alluding to the pointed rostral scale; oxyus = sharp, rhynchus = of the nose / snout, literally meaning sharp-snouted. 
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  • Böhme, Wolfgang, Mark-Oliver Rödel, Christian Brede & Philipp Wagner 2011. The reptiles (Testudines, Squamata, Crocodylia) of the forested southeast of the Republic Guinea (Guinée forestière), with a country-wide checklist. Bonn zoological Bulletin 60 (1): 35-61 - get paper here
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  • Segniagbeto GLazcano. H., Trape J. F., David P., Ohler A., Dubois A. & Glitho I. A. 2011. The snake fauna of Togo: systematics, distribution and biogeography, with remarks on selected taxonomic problems. Zoosystema 33 (3): 325-360. DOI: 10.5252/z2011n3a4 - get paper here
  • Segniagbeto, G.H.; Dekawole, J.K.; Ketoh, G.K.; Dendi, D.; Luiselli, L. 2022. Herpetofaunal Diversity in a Dahomey Gap Savannah of Togo (West Africa): Effects of Seasons on the Populations of Amphibians and Reptiles. Diversity 14: 964
  • Sow, Andack Saad; Duarte Vasconcelos Gonçalves, Fábio Vieira Sousa, Fernando Martínez- Freiría, Frederico Santarém, Guillermo Velo-Antón, Hamidou Dieng, João Carlos Campos, Saer Khayar Diagne, Zbyszek Boratyński, José Carlos Brito 2017. Atlas of the distribution of amphibians and reptiles in the Diawling National Park, Mauritania. Basic and Applied Herpetology - get paper here
  • Spawls, S.; Howell, K.; Drewes, R.C. & Ashe, J. 2002. A field guide to the reptiles of East Africa. Academic Press, 543 pp. [reviews in HR 34: 396 and Afr. J. Herp. 51; 147] - get paper here
  • Spawls, Stephen; Tomáš Mazuch & Abubakr Mohammad 2023. Handbook of Amphibians and Reptiles of North-east Africa. Bloomsbury, 640 pp. - get paper here
  • Spawls, Steve; Kim Howell, Harald Hinkel, Michele Menegon 2018. Field Guide to East African Reptiles. Bloomsbury, 624 pp. - get paper here
  • Trape J-F and Mané Y. 2015. The snakes of Niger. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 9(2) [Special Section]: 39–55 (e110) - get paper here
  • Trape, J.-F. 2023. Guide des serpents d’Afrique occidentale, centrale et d’Afrique du Nord. IRD Éditions, Marseille, 896 pp.
  • Trape, J.-F. & Mané, Y. 2002. Les serpents du Sénégal: liste commentée des espèces. Bull. Soc. Pathol. Exot. 95 (3): 148-150
  • Trape, J.-F. & Mané, Y. 2004. Les serpents des environs de Bandafassi (Sénégal oriental). Bull. Soc. Herp. France 109: 5-34 - get paper here
  • Trape, J.-F. & Mané, Y. 2006. Guide des serpents d’Afrique occidentale. Savane et désert. [Senegal, Gambia, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger]. IRD Editions, Paris, 226 pp. - get paper here
  • TRAPE, JEAN-FRANÇOIS & CELLOU BALDÉ 2014. A checklist of the snake fauna of Guinea, with taxonomic changes in the genera Philothamnus and Dipsadoboa (Colubridae) and a comparison with the snake fauna of some other West African countries. Zootaxa 3900 (3): 301–338 - get paper here
  • Trape, Jean-François; Mané, Youssouph 2000. Les serpents des environs de Dielmo (Sine-Saloum, Sénégal). Bull. Soc. Herp. France 95: 19-35 - get paper here
  • Trape, Jean-François & Youssouph Mané 2017. The snakes of Mali. Bonn zoological Bulletin 66 (2): 107–133 - get paper here
  • Ullenbruch, K.; Grell, O.; Böhme, W. 2010. Reptiles from southern Benin, West Africa, with the description of a new Hemidactylus (Gekkonidae), and a country-wide checklist. Bonn Zool. Bull. 57 (1): 31-54 - get paper here
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
  • Walsh, T. & S. Davis 1978. Observations on the Husbandry and Breeding of the Rufous-Beaked Snake, Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus rostratus, at the National Zoological Park Bull. Maryland Herpetol. Soc., 14(2): 75-78. - get paper here
  • Werner, F. 1899. Ueber Reptilien und Batrachier aus Togoland, Kamerun und Deutsch-Neu-Guinea grösstentheils aus dem k. Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 49: 132-157 - get paper here
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