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Rhampholeon princeeai MENEGON, LYAKURWA, LOADER & TOLLEY, 2022

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Rhampholeon princeeai »

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Higher TaxaChamaeleonidae, Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Princeeai’s Pygmy Chameleon 
SynonymRhampholeon princeeai MENEGON, LYAKURWA, LOADER & TOLLEY 2022: 107 

Type locality: Mkingu Nature Reserve in the Nguru Mountains, at 1870 m a.s.l. (-6.0655; 37.4907), Mvomero District, Morogoro Region of Tanzania.  
TypesHolotype: MUSE 14034, Adult male in the MUSE, the Science Museum of Trento, (field tag MW 06838) collected in the Nguru South Forest Reserve, now part of Mkingu Nature Reserve, on 13 January 2008 by David Gower, Simon Loader, Hendrik Mueller and Mark Wilkinson (Fig. 13 and Table S2).
Paratypes: One adult male – MUSE 14036 (field tag MW 06914), one adult female, MUSE 14033 (field tag MW 06837) and one juvenile – MUSE 14035 (field tag MW0 06839) same locality as the holotype. One adult male – MTSN 5537 and one adult female – MTSN 5538 (field tags respectively KMH 35703 and KMH 35704) collected by members of Frontier Tanzania on 7 September 2002. 
CommentInformation request form sent to authors on 4/2/2023 with details requested for next database release. 
EtymologyThe species is named after Richard Williams, better known by his stage name Prince Ea, an American activist and inspirational spoken word artist, poet, rapper and filmmaker. From 2014 he has shifted his focus from music to creating motivational and inspirational spoken word films and content covering a wide range of topics such as deforestation and the reckless destruction of our environment for which we are all responsible. The specific epithet is considered to be a noun in apposition. 
  • Menegon, M., Lyakurwa, J. V., Loader, S. P., & Tolley, K. A. 2022. Cryptic diversity in pygmy chameleons (Chamaeleonidae: Rhampholeon) of the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania, with description of six new species. Acta Herpetologica, 17(2), 85-113 - get paper here
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