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Tachymenoides harrisonfordi LEHR, CUSI, FERNANDEZ, VERA & CATENAZZI, 2023

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Tachymenoides harrisonfordi »

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Higher TaxaColubridae (Dipsadinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: Harrison Ford’s Slender Snake 
SynonymTachymenoides harrisonfordi LEHR, CUSI, FERNANDEZ, VERA & CATENAZZI 2023 
DistributionPeru (Junin)

Type locality: puna of the Otishi National Park (12°19’23.10” S, 73°35’43.54” W; WGS84), 3248 m a.s.l., Distrito Río Tambo, Provincia Satipo, Region Junín, Peru.  
TypesHolotype (Figs 4–6): MUSM 40925 (field number IWU 404), a male, collected on 22 May 2022 by E. Lehr, J. C. Cusi, M. I. Fernandez, and R. J. Vera. 
DiagnosisAdditional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (4572 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
  • Lehr, Edgar; Juan C. Cusi, Maura I. Fernandez, Ricardo J. Vera & Alessandro Catenazzi 2023. A new species of Tachymenoides (Serpentes: Dipsadidae: Tachymenini) from the puna of the Otishi National Park in Peru. Salamandra 59 (3): 199–206 - get paper here
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