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Tarentola panousei PASTEUR, 1959

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Higher TaxaPhyllodactylidae, Gekkota, Sauria, Squamata (lizards: geckos)
Common Names 
SynonymTarentola panousei PASTEUR 1959
Tarentola panousei — BONS 1959
Tarentola ephippiata – BONS 1959
Tarentola hoggarensis panousei — PASTEUR 1960
Tarentola hoggarensis panousei – PASTEUR & BONS 1960
Tarentola ephippiata – GRANDISON 1961 (see above)
Tarentola ephippiata – SALVADOR & PERIS 1976
Tarentola ephippiata hoggarensis – JOGER 1984
Tarentola ephippiata – JOGER & BISCHOFF 1989
Tarentola ephippiata hoggarensis – BONS & GENIEZ 1996
Tarentola cf. ephippiata (‘T. ephippiata-Gruppe’) – BÖHME et al. 2001
Tarentola hoggarensis – HERRMANN & HERRMANN 2003
Tarentola ephippiata hoggarensis – COLACICCO 2015 (in part)
Tarentola ephippiata hoggarensis – SOW et al. 2015
Tarentola hoggarensis – MARTÍNEZ DEL MÁRMOL et al. 2019 (in part)
Tarentola panousei — KOPPETSCH 2022 
DistributionS Morocco, Mauritania, Western Sahara

Type locality: Hamada du Dra, Bassin du Draa moyen [S Morocco]; Neotpye locality: 20 km south of Aouinet-Torkoz, Oued Torkoz, at its mouth into the Oued Dra (28°29.00’ N, 09°51.17’ W), SW Morocco.  
TypesNeotype: ZFMK 73503, subadult female, collected by Hans-Werner Herrmann, on 4 October 2000; designated by Koppetsch 2022. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: A relatively large (up to 85.4 mm SVL) member of the Tarentola ephippiata complex with a lumpy habitus, which is distinguished from its former conspecific T. hoggarensis (Figure 5A) by its greater snout-vent length (max. 85 mm vs. 73 mm), a lower number of gular scales (27–31 vs. 29–37), and often a higher tail width/snout-vent length ratio (0.13–0.16 vs. 0.09–0.16). Ear openings small, sometimes concealed, with a serrated (vs. smooth) anterior margin. Dorsal tubercles irregularly arranged (vs. in longitudinal rows) and only indistinctly differentiated from the surrounding scalation. Colour pattern more or less uniformly greyish beige with, in adults, only four indistinct pale dorsal blotches and a postocular dark stripe reaching the axillary region.
T. panousei can be distinguished from T. ephippiata by the presence of indistinct and flat dorsal tubercles (vs. slightly keeled), and from T. senegambiae by a lower number of interorbital scales (11–15 vs. 14–18) and a shorter snout-vent length (maximum 85 mm vs. 129 mm).
Less marked is a different arrangement of the rostral/nasal contact (less broad and more pointy in some T. panousei), the shape of the basal lamellae at the fourth toe (in some T. panousei replaced by scale row and not uniform), and the degree of ossification of the supraocular lamina (no clear differences). For additional differences in scalation see Table 2. (Koppetsch 2022: 9). 
CommentSimilar species: Species has been confused with T. annularis and T. parvicarinata (at least in Mali).

Synonymy: after Koppetsch 2022. GRANDISON 1961 synonymized T. panousei with Tarentola ephippiata but Koppetsch 2022 revalidated the species again. 
  • Böhme W, Wilms T, Nickel H, Merz M. 2001. Bericht über eine herpetologische Forschungsreise in die westliche Sahara und ihre Randgebiete. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoos. 44(3):117–131
  • Bons, J. 1959. Les lacertiliens du sud-ouest Marocain; systematique, repartition geographique, ethologie, ecologie. Instit. Sci. Cherifien, Rabat, Trav. (Ser. Zool.) no. 18 130 pp.
  • Bons, J. & Geniez.,P 1996. Amphibiens et Reptiles du Maroc (Sahara Occidental compris), Atlas biogéographique [trilingual in French, Spanish and English]. Asoc. Herpetol. Espanola, Barcelona [ISBN 84-921999-0-3], 320 pp.
  • COLACICCO, F. 2015. Anmerkungen zur Haltung und Nachzucht von Tarentola ephippiata ephippiata O’Shaughnessy, 1875. Sauria 37 (3): 23-28 - get paper here
  • Grandison, A. G. C. 1961. Preliminary notes on the taxonomy of Tarentola annularis and T. ephippiata (Sauria: Gekkonidae). Zoologische Mededelingen 38, 1-14. - get paper here
  • Herrmann PA, Hermann HW. 2003. New records and natural history notes for amphibians and reptiles from southern Morocco. Herpetol Rev. 34(1):76–77
  • Joger U. 1984. Taxonomische Revision der Gattung Tarentola (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 35 (1-3): 129-174 - get paper here
  • Joger,U. & Bischoff, W. 1989. Erste Ergebnisse einer herpetologischen Forschungsreise nach Nordwest-Afrika. Tier und Museum 4 (1): 99-106
  • Koppetsch, Thore & Wolfgang Böhme 2022. On the identity of west Saharan geckos of the Tarentola ephippiata complex (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae), with comments on an extreme case of syntopy with their close relative T. annularis, African Journal of Herpetology 71(2): 139–159 - get paper here
  • Martínez del Mármol, Gabriel; D. James Harris, Philippe Geniez, Philip de Pous, and Daniele Salvi 2019. Amphibians and Reptiles of Morocco. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 478 pp - get paper here
  • Pasteur, G. 1959. Note préliminaire sur les tarentes de l’Ouest Africain (Sauriens, gekkonidés). Societe des Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc, (2):41-42
  • Pasteur, G. and Girot, B. 1960. Les tarentes de l’Ouest Africain. Il. Tarentola mauritanica. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. phys. Maroc 40: 309-322.
  • Pasteur,G. & BONS,J. 1960. Catalogue des reptiles actuels du Maroc. Revisions des formes d’Afrique, d’Europe et d’Asie. Trav. Inst. sci. chérif., Rabat, (Zool.) 21: 1-134
  • Salvador, A., & Peris, S. 1976. Contribucion al estudio de la fauna herpetologica de Rio de Oro. Estacion Central de Ecol., Madrid, Bol. 4(8): 49-60.
  • Sow, Andack Saad; Fernando Martínez-Freiría, Pierre-André Crochet, Philippe Geniez, Ivan Ineich, Hamidou Dieng, Soumia Fahd, José Carlos Brito 2015. Atlas of the distribution of reptiles in the Parc National du Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania. Basic and Applied Herpetology - get paper here
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