Trioceros serratus (MERTENS, 1922)
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Higher Taxa | Chamaeleonidae, Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards) |
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Synonym | Chamaeleo serratus MERTENS 1922 Trioceros serratus — BAREJ et al. 2010 |
Distribution | Cameroon Type locality: “Südkamerun” (= South Cameroon); neotype locality: a palm tree near road border of the road from Anyajua to Belo, close to Belo, Mt. Oku, Cameroon. Coordinates: N 06°10’32’’ E 10°21’09’’ (Lat.: 6.17547°, Lon.: 10.35244), 1339 m (4394 feet) elevation. |
Reproduction | oviparous |
Types | Neotype: MNHN-RA 2007.1494, adult male; the type specimen was probably destroyed during the Second World War (H. Wermuth 16.4.1979 in litt., in Klaver & Böhme 1992) |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: Trioceros serratus differs from all other Trioceros except T. wiedersheimi and T. perreti by a crest formed by the canthi rostrales merging above the snout, forming a depression between the tip of the snout and the merged crest. Moreover, it can be distinguished from T. q. eisentrauti by the absence of gular flaps (Fig. 2D), from T. montium, T. oweni, T. q. quadricornis, T. q. gracilior and T. pfefferi by the absence of rostral appendages in male specimens (Figs 2A, 2C, 2E–F, 2H) and from T. camerunensis and T. cristatus by the presence of a gular crest (Figs 2B, 2D). (Barej et al. 2010) |
Comment | Synonymy: C. serratus has been synonymized with T. wiedersheimi by Mertens 1940 and subsequent authors but revalidated by BAREJ et al. 2010. |
Etymology | Named after Latin serra, saw; -atus/a/um, adjectival suffix, denoting the serrate outline of the dorsal crest (Charles Klaver, pers. comm., 11 Jan 2023). |
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