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Typhlacontias rudebecki HAACKE, 1997

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Typhlacontias rudebecki »

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Higher TaxaScincidae, Scincinae, Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Rudebeck’s Western Burrowing Skink 
SynonymTyphlacontias rudebecki HAACKE 1997
Typhlacontias rudebecki — MARQUES et al. 2018 
DistributionAngola (Mocamedes district, Sao Nicolau)

Type locality: Sao Nicolau, Moçamedes (= Namibe) district, Angola (1412 Ad).  
TypesHolotype: DNMNH (= TM) 25465, sex undetermined, collected during September 1956 by G. Rudebeck 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Lower labials not fused, number of ventrals higher than of related T. gracilis. Rostral not notched laterally, five upper labials with first (= fused 1 and 2?) very large, extending to below anterior edge of eye, loreal separated from second upper labial which is in touch with the eye.
CommentAbundance: only known from the type locality (Meiri et al. 2017). 
EtymologyNamed after the collector Dr. G. Rudebeck, who was a member of the Swedish Lund University Expedition to South Africa at that time. 
  • Beolens, Bo; Michael Watkins, and Michael Grayson 2011. The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA - get paper here
  • Haacke W D. 1997. Systematics and biogeography of the southern African scincine genus Typhlacontias (Reptilia: Scincidae). Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 47 (1-2): 139- 163. - get paper here
  • Marques, Mariana P.; Luis M. P. Ceríaco , David C. Blackburn , and Aaron M. Bauer 2018. Diversity and Distribution of the Amphibians and Terrestrial Reptiles of Angola -- Atlas of Historical and Bibliographic Records (1840–2017). Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (Ser. 4) 65: 1-501 (Supplement II)
  • Meiri, Shai; Aaron M. Bauer, Allen Allison, Fernando Castro-Herrera, Laurent Chirio, Guarino Colli, Indraneil Das, Tiffany M. Doan, Frank Glaw, Lee L. Grismer, Marinus Hoogmoed, Fred Kraus, Matthew LeBreton, Danny Meirte, Zoltán T. Nagy, Cristiano d 2017. Extinct, obscure or imaginary: the lizard species with the smallest ranges. Diversity and Distributions - get paper here
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