Uromacer catesbyi (SCHLEGEL, 1837)
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Higher Taxa | Colubridae (Dipsadinae), Alsophiini, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes) |
Subspecies | Uromacer catesbyi catesbyi (SCHLEGEL 1837) Uromacer catesbyi cereolineatus SCHWARTZ 1970 Uromacer catesbyi frondicolor SCHWARTZ 1970 Uromacer catesbyi hariolatus SCHWARTZ 1970 Uromacer catesbyi inchausteguii SCHWARTZ 1970 Uromacer catesbyi insulaevaccarum SCHWARTZ 1970 Uromacer catesbyi pampineus SCHWARTZ 1970 Uromacer catesbyi scandax DUNN 1920 |
Common Names | E: Blunt-headed Hispaniolan Vinesnake, Catesby's Pointed Snake |
Synonym | Dendrophis catesbyi SCHLEGEL 1837: 226 Uromacer Catesbyi — DUMÉRIL, BIBRON & DUMÉRIL 1854: 721 Uromacer catesbyi — GARMAN 1887: 284 Uromacer catesbyi — BOULENGER 1894: 115 Uromacer catesbyi — SCHMIDT 1921: 19 Uromacer catesbyi — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1991: 662 Uromacer catesbyi — HEDGES et al. 2009 Uromacer catesbyi — WALLACH et al. 2014: 778 Uromacer catesbyi cereolineatus SCHWARTZ 1970 Uromacer catesbyi cereolineatus SCHWARTZ 1970: 138 Uromacer catesbyi cereolineatus — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1988: 237 Uromacer catesbyi frondicolor SCHWARTZ 1970 Uromacer catesbyi frondicolor SCHWARTZ 1970: 142 Uromacer catesbyi frondicolor — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1988: 238 Uromacer catesbyi hariolatus SCHWARTZ 1970 Uromacer catesbyi hariolatus SCHWARTZ 1970: 138 Uromacer catesbyi hariolatus — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1988: 238 Uromacer catesbyi inchausteguii SCHWARTZ 1970 Uromacer catesbyi inchausteguii SCHWARTZ 1970: 143 Uromacer catesbyi inchausteguii — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1988: 238 Uromacer catesbyi insulaevaccarum SCHWARTZ 1970 Uromacer catesbyi insulaevaccarum SCHWARTZ 1970: 136 Uromacer catesbyi insulaevaccarum — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1988: 238 Uromacer catesbyi pampineus SCHWARTZ 1970 Uromacer catesbyi pampineus SCHWARTZ 1970: 139 Uromacer catesbyi pampineus — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1988: 238 Uromacer catesbyi scandax DUNN 1920 Uromacer scandax DUNN 1920: 43 Uromacer catesbyi scandax — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1988: 238 Uromacer catesbyi scandax — HEDGES 2009 |
Distribution | Haiti Uromacer catesbyi catesbyi: Tiburon Peninsula; intergrades with U. c. hariolatus and U. c. pampineus. Type locality: Île de St.-Domingue. cereolineatus: Île Grande Cayemite, and presumably Île Petite Cayemite. frondicolor: Île de la Gonâve. hariolatus: Haiti, north of the Plaine de Cul de Sac and west of the Dominico-Haitian border. inchausteguii: Isla Saona. insulaevaccarum: Île-à-Vache. pampineus: throughout the Repûblica Dominicana with the exception of the Valle de Neiba and the Peninsula de Barahona, east of the Dominico-Haitian border. |
Reproduction | oviparous |
Types | Syntypes: MNHN-RA 8670, MNHN-RA 8671 Holotype: MCZ 92074 [cereolineatus] Holotype: MCZ 93162 [frondicolor] Holotype: USNM 165936 [hariolatus] Holotype: CM 45876 [inchausteguii] Holotype: CM 45875 [insulaevaccarum] Holotype: MCZ 92075 [pampineus] Holotype: USNM 59438, adult female, Tortuga Island, West Indies, May, 1917, collected by W. L. Abbott [scandax] |
Diagnosis | Additional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (2892 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. |
Comment | For illustrations see Mertens, 1939; Mertens, 1940; Cochran, 1941; Horn, 1969; Henderson and Binder, 1980; Henderson and Schwartz, 1984. The subspecies have also been considered as synonyms of U. catesbyi (WALLACH, pers. comm.). Habitat: fully arboreal (Harrington et al. 2018). |
Etymology | Named after Mark Catesby (~1682-1749), British explorer who traveled to the South-Eastern US. For more details see Nelson & Elliot 2015. |
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