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Uromastyx ornata HEYDEN, 1827

IUCN Red List - Uromastyx ornata - Least Concern, LC

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Higher TaxaAgamidae (Uromastycinae), Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards)
SubspeciesUromastyx ornata ornata HEYDEN 1827
Uromastyx ornata philbyi PARKER 1938 
Common NamesE: Ornate Mastigure
G: Bunte Dornschwanzagame 
SynonymUromastyx ornatus HEYDEN in RÜPPELL 1827: 1
Uromastix ornatus — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1837: 538
Uromastix ornatus — BOULENGER 1885: 406
Uromastyx ornatus — WERMUTH 1967: 104
Uromastyx ocellatus ornatus ARNOLD 1986
Uromasyx ocellata ornata — WILMS 1995
Uromastyx ornata ornata — WILMS 2001: 96
Uromastyx ocellata ornata — WILMS 2002: 13,18
Uromastyx ornata — WILMS 2002: 21
Uromastyx ornata ornata — TAMAR et al. 2017

Uromastyx ornata philbyi PARKER 1938
Uromastyx philbyi PARKER 1938: 484
Uromastyx philbyi — WERMUTH 1967: 104
Uromastyx ocellata philbyi — JOGER 1987
Uromastyx philbyi — ZARI 1999
Uromastyx ornata philbyi — WILMS 2001: 97
Uromastyx ornata philbyi — WILMS 2007
Uromastyx ornata philbyi — WILMS et al. 2009
Uromastyx ornata philbyi — TAMAR et al. 2017 
DistributionEgypt (incl. Sinai), Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen

ornatus: E Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia.

philbyi: W Saudi Arabia, NW Yemen; Type locality: between Makkah and Shabwa, southern Hejaz, between Mountains and Rub al Khali, Saudi Arabia.

Type locality: Mohila “an der östlichen Küste des Rothen Meeres” (= Al Muwaylih, Saudi Arabia fide ARNOLD 1986 = Moila, Arabia, fide SCHMIDT & MARX 1956).  
TypesHolotype: SMF 10403, leg. E. Rüppell, 1828.
Holotype: BMNH 1946.8.14.65 (former number: BMNH 1938.2.1.1), male, coll. H. ST. J. B. PHILBY, without date [philbyi] 
DiagnosisAdditional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (1221 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentUromastyx ocellata macfadyeni PARKER 1932 is now treated as a full species (again). Illustrations of newborn U. ornata are in WILMS (2002: 24).

Distribution: listed as questionable/possible for Jordan by DISI et al. 2001. See Bar et al. 2021 for a map. 
EtymologyThe Latin ornata, -us, = decorated" or "ornamented," refers to the ornate coloration. 
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  • Spawls, Stephen; Tomáš Mazuch & Abubakr Mohammad 2023. Handbook of Amphibians and Reptiles of North-east Africa. Bloomsbury, 640 pp. - get paper here
  • Tamar, Karin; Margarita Metallinou , Thomas Wilms , Andreas Schmitz , Pierre‐André Crochet , Philippe Geniez , Salvador Carranza 2017. Evolutionary history of spiny-tailed lizards (Agamidae: Uromastyx) from the Saharo-Arabian region. Zoologica Scripta 47: 159– 173 - get paper here
  • Wilms, T. 2001. Dornschwanzagamen, 2. Aufl. Herpeton, Offenbach, 142 pp. - get paper here
  • Wilms, T. 2002. Habits, care and breeding of spiny-tailed agamas (the Uromastyx-ocellata complex as an example). Reptilia (GB) (21): 19-29 - get paper here
  • Wilms, T. 2002. Uromastyx - spiny-tailed agamas. Reptilia (GB) (21): 12-18 - get paper here
  • Wilms, T. 2007. Philbys Dornschwanzagame (Uromastyx ornata philbyi) - über eine fast unbekannte Schönheit. Draco 8 (31): 61-66 - get paper here
  • Wilms, T. 2007. Dornschwanzagamen der Gattung Uromastyx - Einführung in Taxonomie und Ökologie einer auf Wüsten spezialisierten Echsengruppe. Draco 8 (31): 4-19 - get paper here
  • Wilms, Thomas M. and Wolfgang Böhme 2007. Review of the taxonomy of the spiny-tailed lizards of Arabia (Reptilia: Agamidae: Leiolepidinae: Uromastyx). FAUNA OF ARABIA 23: 435–468 - get paper here
  • Wilms, Thomas; Böhme, Wolfgang; Wagner, Philipp; Lutzmann, Nicolà; Andreas Schmitz 2009. On the Phylogeny and Taxonomy of the Genus Uromastyx Merrem, 1820 (Reptilia: Squamata: Agamidae: Uromastycinae) – Resurrection of the Genus Saara Gray, 1845. Bonner zoologische Beiträge 56: 55-99 - get paper here
  • Wilms,T. 1995. Dornschwanzagamen. MÜNSTER: 130 (ISBN 3-9802892-5-7) - get paper here
  • Zari, T. A. 1999. On the reproductive biology of the herbivorous spiny-tailed agamid Uromastyx philbyi in western Saudi Arabia. Zoology in the Middle East 19: 123 - get paper here
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