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Vipera berus (LINNAEUS, 1758)

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Higher TaxaViperidae, Viperinae, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
SubspeciesVipera berus barani BÖHME & JOGER 1983
Vipera berus berus (LINNAEUS 1758)
Vipera berus bosniensis (BOETTGER 1889)
Vipera berus marasso (POLLINI 1818)
Vipera berus sachalinensis TZAREVSKY 1917 
Common NamesE: Adder, Northern Viper
G: Kreuzotter
E: Nikolsky's Viper [nikolskii]
G: Waldsteppen-Otter [nikolskii]
Croatian: riđovka
Russian: Обыкновенная гадюка
Chinese: 极北蝰
Italian: marasso 
SynonymColuber Berus LINNAEUS 1758: 217
Coluber Chersea LINNAEUS 1758: 218
Coluber prester LINNAEUS 1761
Coluber Berus — LAURENTI 1768: 97
Coluber vipera Anglorum LAURENTI 1768: 98
Coluber Melanis PALLAS 1771
Vipera berus — DAUDIN 1803: 89
Vipera chersea — DAUDIN 1803
Vipera chersaea — LINK 1807: 65
Vipera prester — LINK 1807: 65
Chersea vulgaris FLEMING 1822: 295
Vipera trilamina MILLET 1828 (nom. nov. pro Coluber chersea L.)
Vipera torva LENZ 1832: 133
Berus vulgaris — SWAINSON 1839: 362
Pelias dorsalis GRAY 1842
Vipera Prester var. gagatina FREYER 1842
Echidnoides trilamina — MAUDUYT 1844: 29
Vipera Pelias SOUBEIRAN 1855: 30
Pelias berus var. Prester — GÜNTHER 1858: 269
Pelias berus var. Chersea — GÜNTHER 1858: 269
Pelias berus — GÜNTHER 1859: 226
Pelias berus Var. dorsalis — COPE 1860: 341 [1859]
Pelias berus Var. niger — COPE 1860: 341 [1859] (nom. nud.)
Vipera (Pelias) berus var. lymnaea — JAN 1863: 121
Pelias Chersea — ERBER 1863: 129
Pelias berus — SCHUBERT 1886
Vipera berus — BOULENGER 1896: 476
Pelias berus lugubris KASHCHENKO 1902 (1899)
Coluber berus — STEJNEGER 1907: 445
Vipera berus var. pseudaspis SCHREIBER 1912: 620
Vipera (Pelias) berus forma brunneomarcata REUSS 1923: 295
Vipera (Pelias) berus forma luteoalba REUSS 1923: 295
Vipera (Pelias) berus forma ochracea asymmetrica REUSS 1923: 295
Vipera (Pelias) berus rudolphi-marchica REUSS 1924: 546
Vipera (Pelias) berus forma bilineata REUSS 1924: 666
Vipera (Pelias) berus forma chersea-splendens REUSS 1925: 213
Vipera (Pelias) berus forma ochracea-splendens REUSS 1925: 213
Vipera (Pelias) berus forma rutila REUSS 1925: 213
Vipera (Pelias) berus forma punctata REUSS 1925: 213
Vipera coronis coronis REUSS 1927: 640
Vipera coronis leopardina REUSS 1927: 640 [Nomen nudum]
Vipera coronis nigroides REUSS 1927: 640 [Nomen nudum]
Vipera coronis zamenoides REUSS 1927: 640 [Nomen nudum]
Pelias sudetica REUSS 1927: 127 [Nomen nudum]
Vipera coronis aspoides REUSS 1925
Vipera aspoides annulata REUSS 1927: 221
Vipera aspoides REUSS 1927: 640 [Nomen nudum]
V[ipera (Mesocoronis) coronis REUSS 1927: 216
Mesocoronis coronis — REUSS 1927: 216
V[ipera (Mesocoronis) coronis coronis — REUSS 1927: 221
V[ipera (Mesocoronis) coronis leopardina REUSS 1927: 217
V[ipera (Mesocoronis) coronis nigroides REUSS 1927: 222
Vipera (Mesocoronis)] coronis zamenoides REUSS 1927: 220
Vipera berus — ENGELMANN et al 1993
Vipera berus — MCDIARMID, CAMPBELL & TOURÉ 1999: 397
Vipera (Pelias) berus — VENCHI & SINDACO 2006
Pelias berus — WALLACH et al. 2014: 541
Pelias berus— DUNAEV & ORLOVA 2017

Vipera berus barani BÖHME & JOGER 1983
Vipera barani BÖHME & JOGER 1983
Vipera barani — WELCH 1994: 121
Vipera barani — MCDIARMID, CAMPBELL & TOURÉ 1999: 397
Vipera (Pelias) barani — VENCHI & SINDACO 2006
Pelias barani — WALLACH et al. 2014: 541
Pelias barani — GÜL et al. 2016
Pelias barani — TUNIYEV et al. 2019
Vipera berus barani — FREITAS et al. 2020
Pelias barani — GÜL 2020

Vipera berus berus (LINNAEUS 1758)
Coluber berus LINNAEUS 1758
Pelias berus — MERREM 1820: 148
Vipera berus var. montana MEHELY 1893
Vipera (Pelias) berus forma punctata REUSS 1925

Vipera berus bosniensis BOETTGER 1889
Vipera berus v[ar]. bosniensis BOETTGER in MOJSISOVICS 1889 [1888]
Vipera berus pseudaspis SCHREIBER 1912
Vipera berus bosniensis — HARDING & WELCH 1980
Vipera berus bosniensis — IOANNIDIS & BOUSBOURAS 1989
Vipera berus bosniensis — SCHWEIGER 2009
Vipera berus bosniensis — KWET & TRAPP 2014
Vipera berus bosniensis — GHIELMI et al. 2016
Vipera berus bosniensis — GEBHART 2020

Vipera berus marasso (POLLINI 1818)
Colubris cherseae var. marasso POLLINI 1818
Coluber chersea var. marasso POLLINI 1818: 238
[Vipera] marasso — SETTE 1821
Vipera limnaea BENDISCIOLI 1826: 431
Pelias tyrolensis REUSS 1930
Pelias schreiberi REUSS 1930
Vipera berus marasso — SCHMIDTLER 2019: 50
Vipera berus marasso — SCHMIDTLER & HANSBAUER 2020

Vipera berus sachalinensis TZAREVSKY 1917
Vipera berus sachalinensis TZAREVSKY 1916
Coluber sachalinensis sachalinensis
Vipera berus sachalinensis — SHANNON 1956
Coluber sachalinensis continentalis NIKOLSKY 1926
Coluber sachalinensis continentalis NIKOLSKY 1927: 249
Vipera berus sachalinensis — HARDING & WELCH 1980
Vipera berus sachalinensis — KABISCH et al. 1990
Vipera berus — MCDIARMID, CAMPBELL & TOURÉ 1999: 399
Vipera berus sachalinensis — KUCHARZEWSKI 2011
Vipera sachalinensis — PYRON & BURBRINK 2013
Pelias sachalinensis — WALLACH et al. 2014: 545
Pelias sachalinensis — ADNAGULOV 2016
Pelias sachalinensis — DUNAEV & ORLOVA 2017 
DistributionNorway, Sweden, Finland,
France, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein,
N Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, England (UK),
Poland, Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia), Hungary, Romania, Belarus,
Bulgaria, Albania, Slovakia,
Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Bosnia-Hercegovina,
Monte Negro, Macedonia, Serbia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Russia, Ukraine, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, North Korea, NW China (N Xinjiang, Jilin)

barani: NW Turkey; Type locality: ca. 60 km N Adapazari, Turkey.

berus: (not in Turkey)

bosniensis: Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, N Albania, N Greece, Hungary

marasso: S Germany, Austria, N Italy. Type locality: Legnago, Prov. Verona, Po region (Contorni di Legnago).

sachalinensis: NE China, North Korea, Russia (Amur Oblast, Primorskye Kray and Khabarovsk Kray, Sakhalin = Sachalin Island)

Type locality: Uppsala, Sweden  
Reproductionovoviviparous (listed as viviparous by Blackburn 1994). 
TypesNeotype: UUZM (= ZMUU) 7454, a 455 mm male (2 June 1934), designated by Krecsák & Wahlgren 2008: 2357.
Holotype: ZFMK 35444 [barani]
Holotype: ZSM (SLM) 1519 (lost), adult female, “Arnsdorf i. Sachsen” (card index), collected by T. Reuss 26.09.1924 (see Krecsák 2007) [punctata]
Holotype: ZMBH (?), given as Museum Sarajevo, according to Schwarz 1936: 208; MBHS, according to Bruno 1985: 60 [bosniensis]
Syntypes: ZISP (also as ZIL) 11992-93 [sachalinensis] 
DiagnosisDiagnosis (Pelias): Small and medium snakes, the largest species do not exceed 900 mm in length, including a tail. The head is covered on top by small scales and large regular shaped scutes. The frontal, paired temporal and paired supraorbital scutes are the largest. The nasal scute is separated from the intermaxillar by nasomaxillar scutes. The body scales are strongly costate. The ventral scutes are 128–157, subcaudal 21–46 pairs in two rows and the anal scute is whole. All species are ovoviviparous (Tuniyev et al. 2019: 126)

Additional details (181 characters) are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 

Distribution including data for V. sachalinensis which has been elevated to species status. ENGELMANN et al. (1993) list Vipera berus pseudaspis SCHREIBER 1912 as separate subspecies. V. b. bosniensis most likely not in Romania (Sos 2008). For a map see Sindaco et al. 2013.

Synonymy partly after STEJNEGER 1907. Vipera berus bosniensis may represent a valid species (U. Joger in MCDIARMID et al. 1999). Vipera berus sachalinensis ZAREVSKY 1917 has been considered as valid species by some authors. JOGER et al. (2007) found that bosniensis, nikolskii, barani, sachalinensis nested within various populations of V. berus. However, most recent authors consider nikolskii as valid.

Phylogeography: see Dufresnes et al. 2024.

Type species: Vipera berus is the type species of the genus Pelias MERREM 1820. Pelias is the type genus of the subfamily Peliasinae REUSS 1933.

Hybridization: Vipera berus hybridizes with V. aspis in France (Guiller et al. 2017) and with V. nikolskii in Romania and Moldova (Zinenko et al. 2010).

NCBI taxID: 247077 [barani] 
EtymologyNamed after medieval German, “ber-slange” (= [live-] bearing snake), which was latinized to “berus” by Albertus Magnus (~1200-1280) (Böhme & Denzer 2019).

V. b. barani was named after Dr. Ibrahim Baran, Turkish herpetologist. 
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  • Andersson, Stefan 2003. Hibernation, habitat and seasonal activity in the adder, Vipera berus, north of the Arctic Circle in Sweden. Amphibia-Reptilia 24 (4): 449-457 - get paper here
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  • Arbuckle, K. 2012. Vipera berus (common adder) defensive behavior. Herpetological Review 43: 499 - get paper here
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  • Böhme, W. & U. Joger 1983. Eine neue Art des Vipera berus-Komplexes aus der Türkei Amphibia-Reptilia, 4(2-4): 265-271. - get paper here
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  • Bringsøe, Henrik 2019. Observation of Adder, Vipera berus (Reptilia: Serpentes) preying on Least Weasel, Mustela nivalis (Mammalia: Mustelidae): a neglected feeding habit. Herpetology Notes 12: 401-403 - get paper here
  • BRINGSØE, HENRIK; KJELD HENRIK OPHUS & PÅL SØRENSEN. 2021. Very long northern vipers Vipera berus from Norway. Herpetological Bulletin 156: 45–46. - get paper here
  • BRINGØE, HENRIK; KJELD HENRIK OPHUS & PAL SØRENSEN 2021. Very long northern vipers Vipera berus from Norway. The Herpetological Bulletin (156) - get paper here
  • Brodmann, P. 1972. Eine Kreuzotter (Vipera berus) mit runder Pupille. Salamandra 8 (3-4): 186 - get paper here
  • Broennimann, Olivier; Sylvain Ursenbacher, Andreas Meyer, Philippe Golay, Jean-Claude Monney, Hans Schmocker, Antoine Guisan and Sylvain Dubey 2014. Influence of climate on the presence of colour polymorphism in two montane reptile species. Biol. Lett. 10 (11): 20140638; doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2014.0638 - get paper here
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  • Cogălniceanu, Dan; Laurentiu Rozylowicz, Paul Székely, Ciprian Samoilă, Florina Stănescu, Marian Tudor, Diana Székely, Ruben Iosif 2013. Diversity and distribution of reptiles in Romania. ZooKeys 341 (2013): 49-76 - get paper here
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  • Franzen, M. & U. Heckes 2000. Vipera barani Böhme & Joger, 1983 aus dem östlichen Pontus-Gebirge, Türkei: Differentialmerkmale, Verbreitung, Habitate (Reptilia, Serpentes, Viperidae). Spixiana 23 (1): 61-70 - get paper here
  • Freitas, Inês; Sylvain Ursenbacher, Konrad Mebert, Oleksandr Zinenko, Silke Schweiger, Wolfgang Wüster, José C. Brito, Jelka Crnobrnja-Isailovic ́, Bálint Halpern, Soumia Fahd, Xavier Santos, Juan M. Pleguezuelos, Ulrich Joger, Nikolay Orlov, Edv 2020. Evaluating taxonomic inflation: towards evidence-based species delimitation in Eurasian vipers (Serpentes: Viperinae). Amphibia-Reptilia 41 (3): 285–311 - get paper here
  • Garrigues, Thomas; Catherine Dauga; Elisabeth Ferquel; Valérie Choumet and Anna-Bella Failloux 2005. Molecular phylogeny of Vipera Laurenti, 1768 and the related genera Macrovipera (Reuss, 1927) and Daboia (Gray, 1842), with comments about neurotoxic Vipera aspis aspis populations. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution <br>Volume 35 (1): 35-47 - get paper here
  • GEBHART, J. 2020. Speed-Dating mit den drei Vipernarten Montenegros – Ein Erlebnisbericht. Sauria 42 (2): 28-36
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  • Gezova, Simona; Peter Drugac, Adrian Purkart, Daniel Jablonski 2018. Albinism in Two Snake Species Recorded from Slovakia. Russ. J. Herpetol. 25 (1): 79-82 - get paper here
  • Ghielmi, S., Menegon, M., Marsden, S. J., Laddaga, L. and Ursenbacher, S. 2016. A new vertebrate for Europe: the discovery of a range-restricted relict viper in the western Italian Alps. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 54: 161–173.doi: 10.1111/jzs.12138 - get paper here
  • GILBERT, CHRISTOPHER M. J. AND STEVE G. A. COMPTON 2013. Differences in basking site selection between the sympatric snakes Vipera berus and Natrix natrix. Herpetological Bulletin (126) - get paper here
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  • Zuffi, M. 1992. Notes on cloacal temperatures of the adder, Vipera berus, in a glacial valley in north-eastern Italy Amphibia-Reptilia, 13(4): 407-409. - get paper here
  • ZWAHLEN, VALERIE; OLIVIER LOURDAIS, SYLVAIN URSENBACHER & GAËTAN GUILLER. 2022. Rare genetic admixture and unidirectional gene flow between Vipera aspis and Vipera berus at their contact zone in western France. Amphibia-Reptilia 43 (2): 181–194. - get paper here
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