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Vipera kaznakovi NIKOLSKY, 1909

IUCN Red List - Vipera kaznakovi - Endangered, EN

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Higher TaxaViperidae, Viperinae, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: Caucasus Viper
E: Magnificent (or Relic) viper [magnifica]
G: Kaukasusotter
Russian: Кавказская гадюка, или Гадюка Казнакова
Russian: Великолепная гадюка [magnifica] 
SynonymVipera kaznakovi NIKOLSKY 1909: 174
Vipera kaznakowi var. prester — WERNER 1924: 46
Vipera berus var. ornata BASOGLU 1947
Vipera kaznakovi — KRAMER 1961:703 (part.)
Vipera pontica BILLING, NILSON & SATTLER 1990
Vipera pontica — ENGELMANN et al 1993
Vipera pontica — WELCH 1994: 123
Vipera kaznakovi — WELCH 1994: 121
Vipera (Pelias) kaznakovi — NILSON et al. 1999: 103
Vipera kaznakovi — MCDIARMID, CAMPBELL & TOURÉ 1999: 405
Vipera pontica — MCDIARMID, CAMPBELL & TOURÉ 1999: 407
Vipera magnified [sic] TUNIYEV & OSTROVSKIKH 2001: 123 (in error)
Vipera magnifica TUNIYEV & OSTROVSKIKH 2001
Vipera kasnakovi [sic] — GARRIGUES et al. 2005
Vipera (Pelias) kaznakovi — VENCHI & SINDACO 2006
Pelias pontica — TUNIYEV et al. 2012
Pelias magnifica — TUNIYEV et al. 2012
Pelias magnifica — WALLACH et al. 2014: 544
Pelias pontica — WALLACH et al. 2014: 544
Pelias kaznakovi — WALLACH et al. 2014: 544
Pelias kaznakovi — TUNIYEV 2016
Pelias magnifica — TUNIYEV 2016
Pelias magnifica— DUNAEV & ORLOVA 2017
Pelias kaznakovi— DUNAEV & ORLOVA 2017
Pelias magnifica — TUNIYEV et al. 2019: 149
Pelias pontica — TUNIYEV et al. 2019: 156 
DistributionS Russia, W Republic of Georgia, NE Turkey. Elevation up to 3000 m.

Type locality: Tsebel’da, Sukhumi district, Republic of Georgia

magnifica: Russia (W Caucasus), elevation 700-1200 m; Type locality: Shakh-ghireevskoye Gorge, the Malaya Laba River, Krasno-darskii region, Russia.

pontica: Turkey, Republic of Georgia; Type locality: Coruh Valley, Artvin Province, NE Turkey  
TypesLectotype: ZMT 4408, designated by Orlov and Tuniyev, 1990: 6. Syntypes (5), according to Nikolsky (1916:246) as seen in the English translation.
Holotype: SNP (given as SDCSNBR 541), adult male, (Scientific Department, Caucasian State Nature Biosphere Reserve, Sochi), June 24, 1998, coll. B. S. Tuniyev [magnifica]
Holotype: GNM (Göteborg Natural History Museum) [pontica] 
DiagnosisDiagnosis (magnifica). A small viper of the Eurosiberian group. Coloration is not bright. Number of ventral shields and number of crown shields are the biggest for all representatives of "kaznakovi" complex.

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Synonymy: partly after KHALIKOV & ANANJEVA (pers. comm.); V. pontica is of doubtful validity (U. Joger in MCDIARMID et al. 1999, Freitas et al. 2020). May be placed in the synonymy of V. barani (fide BARAN 2001). Only known from two specimens, pontica represents a hybrid between sympatric V. kaznakovi and V. transcaucasiana (Baran et al., 2001; Mebert et al., 2015, Freitas et al. 2020, Dufresnes et al. 2024). The status of kaznakovi itself is unclear and “pending” fide Freitas et al. 2020. TUNIYEV & OSTROVSKIKH 2001 actually say “Vipera magnified” and later “Vipera magnifica”. Zinenko et al. 2016 synonymized magnifica with kaznakovi.

History: Nikolsky published a preliminary description that is dated 1908 (p. 174) but it’s in volume IV of 1909. He then published a “final” description in 1910 which is more detailed (in volume V, pp. 81 ff; M. Schweiger, pers. comm., 8 June 2017).

Distribution: For a map see Sindaco et al. 2013.

NCBI taxonID: 3135135 [pontica] 
EtymologyNamed after Aleksandr N. Kaznakov, a Russian naturalist and Director of the Caucasus Museum.

V. pontica was named after the type locality in the Pontic mountain chain. 
  • Afsar, Murat and Birgül Afsar 2009. A New Locality for Vipera (Pelias) kaznakovi Nikolsky, 1909 (Reptilia, Viperidae) in the North-Eastern Anatolia. Russ. J. Herpetol. 16 (2): 155-158 - get paper here
  • Arıkan, H., Göçmen, B., Kumlutaş, Y., Alpagut-Keskin, N., Ilgaz, Ç & Yıldız, M.Z. 2008. Electrophoretic characterisation of the venom samples obtained from various Anatolian snakes (Serpentes: Colubridae, Viperidae, Elapidae). North-Western Journal of Zoology 4 (1): 16-28 - get paper here
  • Baran, I., U. Joger, B. Kutrup & O. Türkozan 2001. On new specimens of Vipera barani Böhme & Joger, 1983, from northeastern Anatolia, and implications for the validity of Vipera pontica Billing, Nilson & Sattler, 1990 (Reptilia, Viperidae). Zoology in the Middle East 23:47 - get paper here
  • Baran, I.; Tok, C.V.; Olgun, K.; Iret, F. & Avci, Z. 2005. On Viperid (Serpentes: Sauria) Specimens Collected from Northeastern Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Zoology 29: 225-228 - get paper here
  • Basoglu, M. 1947. On some varieties of Vipera berus from the extreme North-eastern Anatolia. Rev. Facult. Sci. Univ. Istanbul (B) 12: 182-190
  • Beolens, Bo; Michael Watkins, and Michael Grayson 2011. The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA - get paper here
  • Billing H; Nilson G; Sattler U 1990. Vipera pontica sp. n., a new viper species in the kaznakovi group (Reptilia, Viperidae) from northeastern Turkey and adjacent Transcaucasia. Zoologica Scripta 19 (2): 227-231 - get paper here
  • Billing, H. 1983. Polymorphismus bei Vipera berus seoanei. Herpetofauna 5 (24): 31-33 - get paper here
  • Böhme W; Joger U 1984. Eine neue Art des Vipera berus-Komplexes aus der Turkei. Amphibia-Reptilia 4 (2-4) 1983: 265-271 - get paper here
  • Chiszar, D., J. Brown, A. Chiszar & H.M. Smith 1999. Strike-induced Chemosensory Searching in the Caucasian Viper (Vipera kaznakovi) and the Ocellata Mountain Viper (Vipera wagneri) Bull. Maryland Herpetol. Soc., 35(3): 85-91. - get paper here
  • Dufresnes, C.; Ghielmi, S., Halpern, B., Martínez-Freiría, F., Mebert, K., Jelié, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Gippner, S., Jablonski, D., Joger, U., Laddaga, L., Petrovan, S., Tomović, L., Vörös, J., İ ğci, N., Kariş, M., Zinenko, O., Ursenba 2024. Phylogenomic insights into the diversity and evolution of Palearctic vipers. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution - get paper here
  • Dunaev E.A., Orlova V.F. 2017. Amphibians and reptiles of Russia. Atlas and determination. 2nd. ed. Moscow: Phyton XXI, 328 p
  • Engelmann, W.E. et al. 1993. Lurche und Kriechtiere Europas. Neumann Verlag (Radebeul, Germany), 440 pp.
  • Freitas, Inês; Sylvain Ursenbacher, Konrad Mebert, Oleksandr Zinenko, Silke Schweiger, Wolfgang Wüster, José C. Brito, Jelka Crnobrnja-Isailovic ́, Bálint Halpern, Soumia Fahd, Xavier Santos, Juan M. Pleguezuelos, Ulrich Joger, Nikolay Orlov, Edv 2020. Evaluating taxonomic inflation: towards evidence-based species delimitation in Eurasian vipers (Serpentes: Viperinae). Amphibia-Reptilia 41 (3): 285–311 - get paper here
  • Garrigues, Thomas; Catherine Dauga; Elisabeth Ferquel; Valérie Choumet and Anna-Bella Failloux 2005. Molecular phylogeny of Vipera Laurenti, 1768 and the related genera Macrovipera (Reuss, 1927) and Daboia (Gray, 1842), with comments about neurotoxic Vipera aspis aspis populations. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution <br>Volume 35 (1): 35-47 - get paper here
  • Geniez, Philippe 2018. Snakes of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Princeton University Press, 384 pp. - get paper here
  • Ghielmi, S., Menegon, M., Marsden, S. J., Laddaga, L. and Ursenbacher, S. 2016. A new vertebrate for Europe: the discovery of a range-restricted relict viper in the western Italian Alps. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 54: 161–173.doi: 10.1111/jzs.12138 - get paper here
  • Gruber, U. 2009. Die Schlangen Europas, 2. Aufl. Kosmos Naturführer, 266 pp.
  • Gül, Serkan; Yusuf Kumlutaş, Çetin Ilgaz 2016. Predicted Distribution Patterns of Pelias kaznakovi (Nikolsky, 1909) in the Caucasus Hotspot with a New Locality Record from Turkey. Russ. J. Herpetol. 23 (3): 224-230 - get paper here
  • Joger, U.; Fritz, U.; Guicking, D.; Kalyabina-Hauf, S.; Nagy, Z.T. & Wink, M. 2007. Phylogeography of western Palaearctic reptiles – Spatial and temporal speciation patterns. Zoologischer Anzeiger 246: 293–313 - get paper here
  • Kramer, E. 1961. Variation, Sexualdimorphismus, Wachstum und Taxonomie von Vipera ursinii (Bonaparte, 1835) und Vipera kaznakovi Nikolskij, 1909. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 68 (4): 627-725 - get paper here
  • Mallow, D. Ludwig, D. & Nilson, G. 2003. True Vipers: Natural History and Toxinology of Old World Vipers. Krieger, Malabar, Florida, 410 pp. [review in HR 35: 200, Reptilia 35: 74]
  • Martínez-Freiría, F., Toyama, K. S., Freitas, I., & Kaliontzopoulou, A. 2020. Thermal melanism explains macroevolutionary variation of dorsal pigmentation in Eurasian vipers. Scientific Reports, 10(1) - get paper here
  • McDiarmid, R.W.; Campbell, J.A. & Touré,T.A. 1999. Snake species of the world. Vol. 1. [type catalogue] Herpetologists’ League, 511 pp.
  • Mebert, Konrad; Bayram Göçmen, Naşİt İğcİ, Mehmet Anil Oğuz, Mert Kariş & Sylvain Ursenbacher 2015. New records and search for contact zones among parapatric vipers in the genus Vipera (barani, kaznakovi, darevskii, eriwanensis), Montivipera (wagneri, raddei), and Macrovipera (lebetina) in northeastern Anatolia. Herpetological Bulletin (133) - get paper here
  • Mebert, Konrad; Nasit Igci, Bayram Göçmen & Sylvain Ursenbacher 2014. Vipern der Nordost-Türkei: Genfluss und Umweltfaktoren zwischen den Taxa des Vipera-barani-kaznakovi-darevskii-Komplexes. Terraria-Elaphe 2014 (5): 58-67 - get paper here
  • Mertens, R. 1952. Türkiye amfibi ve reptilleri hakkinda. Amphibien und Reptilien aus der Türkei. Rev. Istanbul Üniversitesi fen Fakültesi Mecmuasi, 17:41-75. - get paper here
  • Nikolsky, A. M. 1909. Eine neue Vipern-Art aus dem Kaukasus: Vipera kaznakovi sp. nov. Tiflis Mitt. Kaukas. Mus. 4: 174 - get paper here
  • Nilson, G., Andren, C., & Flärdh, B. 1988. Die Vipern der Türkei. Salamandra 24 (4): 215-247 - get paper here
  • Nilson,G.; TUNIYEV,B.; ANDRÉN,C. & ORLOV,N. 1999. Vipers of Caucasus: Taxonomic considerations. Kaupia (Darmstadt) (8): 103-106
  • Olivier, R. 2008. Kleine gifslangengalerij. Lacerta 66 (1-3): 47-57 - get paper here
  • Orlov,N.L. & B.S. Tuniyev. 1990. Three Species in the Vipera kaznakowi Complex (Eurosiberian Group) in the Caucasus: Their Present Distribution, Possile Genesis, and Phylogeny. Asiatic Herpetological Research 3: 1-36. - get paper here
  • O’Shea, M. 2018. The Book of Snakes. Ivy Press / Quarto Publishing, London, - get paper here
  • Phelps, T. 2010. Old World Vipers. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt, 558 pp. [critical review in Sauria 33 (3): 19 and HR 43: 503]
  • Schulze Niehoff, Peter 2008. Terrarienhaltung, Vermehrung und Aufzucht der Kaukasusotter, Vipera kaznakovi Nikolskij, 1909. Ophidia 2 (2): 11-18 - get paper here
  • Shine, Richard;Madsen, Thomas 1994. Sexual dichromatism in snakes of the genus Vipera: A review and a new evolutionary hypothesis. Journal of Herpetology 28 (1): 114-117 - get paper here
  • Sindaco, R.; Alberto Venchi & Cristina Grieco 2013. The Reptiles of the Western Palearctic, Volume 2: Annotated Checklist and Distributional Atlas of the Snakes of Europe, North Africa, Middle East and Central Asia, with an Update to Volume 1. Edizioni Belvedere, Latina (Italy), 543 pp. - get paper here
  • Sindaco, Roberto; Alberto Venchi, Giuseppe M. Carpaneto, Marco A. Bologna 2000. The Reptiles of Anatolia: a Checklist and Zoogeographical analysis. Biogeographia, 21-2000: 441-554. - get paper here
  • Smedt, Johan De 2002. Care and breeding Vipera kaznakovi. Litteratura Serpentium 22 (2): 74-78 - get paper here
  • Tok, C.V., Afsar, M., Çiçek, K. 2020. Conservation strategies for the Caucasus Viper, Vipera kaznakovi Nikolsky 1909, in the East Black Sea Region, Turkey. Forestist 70(1): 60-68. DOI: 10.5152/forestist.2020.19032 - get paper here
  • Tuniyev B.S. 2016. Rare species of shield-head vipers in the Caucasus. Nature Conservation Research 1 (3): 11–25 - get paper here
  • Tuniyev B.S., Tuniyev S.B., Avcı A., Ilgaz Ç. 2014. Herpetological studies in Eastern and North-Eastern Turkey. Current Studies in Herpetology 14 (1/2): 44–53. Резюме - get paper here
  • Tuniyev S.B., Kidov A.A., Tuniyev B.S. 2016. Additions to the description and rapid assessment of the current status of a population of the relic viper (Pelias magnifica (Tuniyev et Ostrovskikh, 2001)), (Ophidia, Viperinae) at a type locality. Current Studies in Herpetology, 16(1/2): 43–50 - get paper here
  • TUNIYEV, B. S. & S. V. OSTROVSKIKH 2001. Two new species of vipers of "kaznakovi" complex (Ophidia, Viperidae) from western Caucasus. Russ. J. Herpetol. 8 (2): 117-126 - get paper here
  • Tuniyev, B.S. 1990. On the Independence of the Colchis Center of Amphibian and Reptile Speciation. Asiatic Herpetological Research 3: 67-84 - get paper here
  • Tuniyev, B.S.; A. Avcı, Ç. Ilgaz, K. Olgun, T.V. Petrova, S.Yu. Bodrov, P. Geniez and A. Teynié 2018. ON TAXONOMIC STATUS OF SHIELD-HEAD VIPERS FROM TURKISH LESSER CAUCASUS AND EAST ANATOLIA. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS 322 (1): 3–44 - get paper here
  • Tuniyev, B.S.; N.L. Orlov, N.B. Ananjeva and A.L. Aghasyan 2019. Snakes of the Caucasus: taxonomic diversity, distribution, conservation. St. Petersburg, Moscow. KMK Scientific Press. 2019. 276 pp. - get paper here
  • Tuniyev, S. B.; A. Avcı, B. S. Tuniyev, A. L. Agasian, L. A. Agasian 2013. Description of a New Species of Shield-Head Vipers - Pelias olguni sp. nov. from Basin of Upper Flow of the Kura River in Turkey. Russ. J. Herpetol. 19 (4): 314-332 - get paper here
  • Vedmederja V J; Orlov N L; Tuniyev B S 1986. On taxonomy of three viper species of the Vipera kaznakowi complex [in Russian]. TRUDY ZOOLOGICHESKOGO INSTITUTA AKADEMII NAUK SSSR 157: 55-61 - get paper here
  • Vedmederya, Valeriy; Oleksandr Zinenko, and Andrei Barabanov 2009. An Annotated Type Catalogue of Amphibians and Reptiles in the Museum of Nature at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Kharkiv, Ukraine). Russ. J. Herpetol. 16 (3): 203-212 - get paper here
  • Venchi, Alberto and Roberto Sindaco 2006. Annotated checklist of the reptiles of the Mediterranean countries, with keys to species identification. Part 2 -Snakes (Reptilia, Serpentes). Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "G. Doria", Genova, XCVIII: 259-364
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
  • Weima, André 2009. Pictures: Vipera kaznakovi and Vipera lebetina schweizeri. Litteratura Serpentium 29 (3): 129 - get paper here
  • Werner, F. 1924. Neue oder wenig bekannte Schlangen aus dem Naturhistorischen Staatsmuseum in Wien. l. Teil. Sitzungsb. Ber. Akad. Wiss., Wien, Abt. l, 133: 29 - 56 - get paper here
  • Zinenko, Oleksandr; Michael Sovic, Ulrich Joger and H. Lisle Gibbs 2016. Hybrid origin of European Vipers (Vipera magnifica and Vipera orlovi) from the Caucasus determined using genomic scale DNA markers. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16:76 - get paper here
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