Types | Lectotype: MNHN-RA 6901 (designated by Amarasinghe et al. 2014), paratype: MNHN-RA 6902. Holotype. NMSL (= WHT) 1434A, Male, SVL 45.0 mm, collected by D. Gabadage, 27 May 1995. Paratypes. Males, NMSL (= WHT) 7377, NMSL (= WHT) 0206C–D, respective SVL 40.5 mm, 50.0 mm, and 48.8 mm, collected at Bundala National Park, Sri Lanka (6o11′N, 81o16′E), alt. 5 m, by A. Silva & K. Maduwage, 19 August 2006; Male, NMSL (= WHT) 0619, SVL 44.7 mm, collected at Weligatta-Bundala, Sri Lanka, by D. Gabadage, 27 May 1995; Male, ZMH R06344, SVL 43.3 mm, collected in S.E. Sri Lanka, gift from Nat. Mus. Basel, collector Sarasin, 13 December 1904; Females, NMSL (= WHT)195A–B, respective SVL 46.8 mm and 46.9 mm, collected at Mahapelessa, Kirinda, Sri Lanka (6°23′N, 81°31′E), alt. 5 m, by D. Gabadage, 9 January 1993; Females, NMSL (= WHT) 0206A–B, respective SVL 44.1 mm and 43.6 mm, collected at Bundala National Park, Sri Lanka, by D. Gabadage, 27 May 1995; Subadult male, NMSL (= WHT) 1434B, SVL 32.9 mm, collected at Block 1, Yala National Park, Sri Lanka (6°22′N, 81°31′E), alt. 5 m, by D. Gabadage, 27 May 1995; Subadult female, NMSL (= WHT) 1434C, SVL 34.0 mm, collected at Block 1, Yala National Park, Sri Lanka (6°22′N, 81°31′E), alt. 5 m, by D. Gabadage, 27 May 1995 [bahiri] |
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