Abronia matudai (HARTWEG & TIHEN, 1946)
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Higher Taxa | Anguidae (Gerrhonotinae), Diploglossa, Anguimorpha, Sauria, Squamata (lizards) |
Subspecies | |
Common Names | S: Escorpión Arboricola de Matuda E: Matuda's Arboreal Alligator Lizard |
Synonym | Gerrhonotus matudae HARTWEG & TIHEN 1946 Abronia matudai — TIHEN 1949: 591 Abronia matudai — SMITH & TAYLOR 1950: 196 Gerrhonotus matudai — WERMUTH 1969: 21 Abronia (Auriculabronia) matudai — CAMPBELL & FROST 1993 Abronia matudai — LINER 1994 Abronia matudai — KÖHLER 2000: 38 Abronia matudai — CLAUSE et al. 2020 |
Distribution | Mexico (SE Chiapas), SW Guatemala (elevation 1950-2630 m) Type locality: Volcán de Tacaná, Chiapas, 2000 m. |
Reproduction | ovovivparous |
Types | Holotype: UMMZ 88331 (collected by Eizi Matuda) |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: “A species of Abronia having: (1) supra-auricular scales of adults and subadults protuberant, but not spinelike; (2) supranasals large and often expanded, extending partially across the top of the snout, but not contacting each other at the dorsal midline; (3) a relatively large frontonasal scale, not contacting frontal; (4) posterior internasals relatively small, nearly the same size as the anterior internasals (except on one side of the holotype); (5) discrete canthals; (6) usually two anterior temporals per side, occasionally three or four; (7) parietal contacting median supraoculars; (8) a single occipital scale; (9) posterolateral head scales not knoblike; (10) anterior superciliary contacting cantholoreal, longer than other scales in series; (11) the posterior subocular separated from the lower primary temporal by the antepenultimate or occasionally the penultimate supralabial, the posteriormost scale in this series to reach the orbit; (12) two rows of subimbricate to granular preauricular scales; (13) postmental single or divided; (14) posteriormost infralabial not elongate; (15) six longitudinal nuchal scale rows; (16) 33-37 dorsal transverse scale rows; (17) 14-16 dorsal longitudinal scale rows, arranged parallel to ventrolateral fold; (18) 12-14 ventral longitudinal scale rows; (19) adult males green, females brown; (20) juvenile pattern unknown. This species differs from all species of Abronia east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, except A. ornelasi, A. bogerti, A. montecristoi, and A. salvadorensis, in lacking distinctive spinelike supra-auriculars, although adults have relatively short but protuberant supraauricular scales. Abronia matudai differs from all Nuclear Central American species, except A. fimbriata, A. bogerti, and some individuals of A. aurita, in having the parietal contact the median supraoculars. Abronia matudai differs from A. ornelasi in having supranasals that do not contact each other at the dorsal midline and in having a frontonasal that does not contact the frontal; from A. montecristoi and A. salvadorensis in having more (33-37 versus 28 and 31-32 respectively) dorsal transverse scale rows; from A. fimbriata in having supranasals that do not meet at the dorsal midline and in having a frontonasal; from A. bogerti in usually having a minimum of six (versus eight) nuchals across the nape and 33-37 (versus 40) dorsal transverse scale rows; and from A. aurita in having more dorsal transverse scale rows (33-37 versus 27-31) and in lacking distinctive spinelike supraauricular scales.” (Campbell & Frost 1993: 38) Additional details (37 characters) are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. |
Comment | Distribution: Not listed for Guatemala by KÖHLER (2000). |
Etymology | Named after Dr. Eizi Matuda (1894-1978), a Japanese botanist who moved to Mexico (1922) and became a Mexican citizen (1928). |
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