Abronia deppii (WIEGMANN, 1828)
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Higher Taxa | Anguidae (Gerrhonotinae), Diploglossa, Anguimorpha, Sauria, Squamata (lizards) |
Subspecies | |
Common Names | S: Escorpión Arboricola de Deppe E: Deppe’s Arboreal Alligator Lizard |
Synonym | Gerrhonotus deppii WIEGMANN 1828: 379 Abronia deppii — GRAY 1838: 389 Gerrhonotus Deppii — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1839: 398 Gerrhonotus Deppii — O’SHAUGHNESSY 1873: 45 Gerrhonotus deppii — GÜNTHER 1885: 35 Gerrhonotus deppii — BOULENGER 1885: 269 Abronia deppii — SMITH & TAYLOR 1950: 196 Gerrhonotus deppii — WERMUTH 1969: 17 Abronia deppei — LINER 1994 Abronia deppii — LINER 2007 |
Distribution | Mexico (N Guerrero, Mexico, N Morelos) Type locality: Mexico. Restricted to Omilteme, Guerrero, by SMITH & TAYLOR 1950, later restricted to Temascaltepec-Real de Arriba, in the State of Mexico, by SÁNCHEZ-HERRERA & LÓPEZ-FORMENT 1980. |
Reproduction | ovovivparous |
Types | Lectotype: ZMB 1149 (see also GOOD et al. 1993) |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis (genus): Abronia can be distinguished from all other gerrhonotines(Coloptychon, Gerrhonotus, Barisia, Elgaria, and Mesaspis) in the combination of having: (1) the fifth row of temporal scales absent (except, probably anomalously,on one side of one specimen of A. salvadorensis) (present in all other genera); (2)large, well-clawed limbs (smaller limbs in all other genera); and (3) a reduced lateral fold (much better developed in all other genera),particularly between the anterior limb and ear (Campbell & Frost 1993: 98). |
Comment | Distribution: Map in Bogert and Porter 1967: 16. Has been confused with what is now called Abronia martindelcampoi FLORES-VILLELA & SÁNCHEZ-HERRERA 2003 who also redescribed A. deppii. Hence not in the Sierra Madre del Sur, as reported by FLORES-VILLELA & SÁNCHEZ-HERRERA 2003. Type species: Abronia deppii is the type species of the genus Abronia GRAY 1838. There is also a plant genus of the same name. Species groups: Campbell and Frost 1993 erected several subgenera to accommodate species groups within Abronia. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez et al. 2020 defined and briefly diagnosed the species groups in the revised genus Abronia (after synonymization of Mesaspis with Abronia). Good & Schwenk present a table of diagnostic scale characters across the species of the deppii species group. Reference images: see Uetz et al. 2024 for high-resolution reference images for this species. |
Etymology | Named after one of the collectors, Ferdinand Deppe. |
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