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Acanthosaura meridiona TRIVALAIRAT, SUMONTHA, KUNYA & CHIANGKUL, 2022

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Higher TaxaAgamidae (Draconinae), Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Southern short-horned lizard
F: Acanthosaurus à cornes courtes du sud
Thai: kingkakhaownaamsunn tai
G: Südlicher Kurzhornnackenstachler 
SynonymAcanthosaura meridiona TRIVALAIRAT, SUMONTHA, KUNYA & CHIANGKUL 2022
Acanthosaura armata — BLANFORD 1879: 130 (part)
Acanthosaura crucigera — TAYLOR 1963: 870–874 
DistributionS Thailand (Trang, Krabi, Nakhon Si Tammarat, Songkhla, Surat Thani, Satun)

Type locality: Na Yong District, Trang Province, southern
Thailand (7°57'57.9"N, 99°78'65.8"E), at 195 m asl.  
TypesHolotype: THNHM 28062, ethanol – preserved whole adult male individual, collected by Poramad Trivalairat (formerly TP.RE000013SO) on 28 April 2017 (Fig. 2). Paratype: Six ethanol – preserved whole individuals. Two adult males, QSMI1594 and THNHM28059 (formerly TP.RE000004SO and TP.RE000003SO, respectively), with the hemipenis everted and four adult females, QSMI1595, QSMI1596, THNHM28060, and THNHM28061 (formerly TP.RE000005SO, TP.RE000010SO, TP.RE000009SO, and TP.RE000011SO, respectively), from the same location,
collection date and collector as the holotype (Fig. 3 – 4). 
EtymologyNamed after the Latin word meridionalis, meaning southern. It is a reference to the distribution of the species in the southern region of Thailand. 
  • Trivalairat, Poramad; Montri Sumontha, Kirati Kunya & Krittiya Chiangkul 2022. Acanthosaura meridiona sp. nov. (Squamata: Agamidae), Published by the British a new short-horned lizard from southern Thailand. Herpetological Journal 32: 34-50 - get paper here
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