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Acanthosaura rubrilabris LIU, RAO, HOU, ORLOV, ANANJEVA & ZHANG, 2022

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Acanthosaura rubrilabris »

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Higher TaxaAgamidae (Draconinae), Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Red Lipped Horned Tree Lizard, Red Lipped Horned Agamid”
Chinese: Hóng Chún Jí Xî 
SynonymAcanthosaura rubrilabris LIU, RAO, HOU, ORLOV, ANANJEVA & ZHANG 2022 
DistributionChina (Yunnan)

Type locality: Manjing Village, Menghan Town, Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China (21°55’11’’ N 101°10’12’’ E; 780 m a.s.l.)  
TypesHolotype. KIZ L0214, adult male, collected on 16 July 2021, from by Shuo Liu. Paratype. KIZ L0215, adult female, the same collection information as the holotype. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Habitus stout, body size medium (SVL specimens are presented in Table 4. 61.7 – 102.1 mm), tail relatively short (TLGSVL 1.31 – 1.88); postorbital and occipital spines present; gular pouch relatively undeveloped; nuchal crest composed of 3 – 6 spines; diastema between nuchal and dorsal crests present; dorsal crest underdeveloped; number of subdigital lamellae on the fourth finger 15 – 21 and the fourth toe 18 – 25; black nuchal collar present; black eye patch distinct in males but indistinct in females; black oblique folds anterior to forelimb insertions present and not extending upward to meet black nuchal collar; the dorsum color green, yellowish green, yellow, or yellow white with more or less black stripes and more or less white spots, the color of dorsal limbs brownish or yellowish with no or only a little green coloration, the color of dorsal head grayish black, gray, or grayish white but never reddish or greenish in males; the lips obvious red in most males; the gular region, chest, and belly red in some males; the color of dorsal tail with no green coloration in males; the dorsum color brownish yellow, brownish red, or brownish black but never greenish in females. (Liu et al. 2022) 
EtymologyThe specific epithet “rubrilabris” means “Red lips” in Latin, and is given in reference to the gorgeous coloration of the lips of this species. 
  • Liu, S., Zhang, D., Hou, M., Orlov, N. L., Rao, D., Ananjeva, N. B., & Li, S. 2023. Taxonomic Assessment of Acanthosaura lepidogaster sensu lato (Reptilia: Agamidae) in China Through Extensive Sampling. Russian Journal of Herpetology, 30(3), 127-143
  • Liu, Shuo; Dingqi Rao, Mian Hou, Nikolai L. Orlov, Natalia Borisovna Ananjeva, Dongru Zhang 2022. Two New Species of Acanthosaura Gray, 1831 (Reptilia: Agamidae) from Yunnan Province, China Russian Journal of Herpetology 28 (2): 93-109
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