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Amphisbaena anomala (BARBOUR, 1914)

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Higher TaxaAmphisbaenidae, Amphisbaenia, Lacertoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Barbour's Worm Lizard
Portuguese: Cobra-de-Duas-Cabeças, Cobra-Cega 
SynonymAulura anomala BARBOUR 1914
Aulura anomala — GANS 1971
Aulura anomala — GANS 2005: 23
Amphisbaena anomala — MOTT & VIEITES 2009
Amphisbaena anomala — OLIVEIRA et al. 2023 
DistributionBrazil (Para, Maranhao, Ceará)

Type locality: “Brazil”  
TypesHolotype: MCZ 4660 
DiagnosisDIAGNOSIS: Praemaxillary teeth, 1; maxillaries 4-4 ; mandibulars 6-6. Snout rather prominent, smooth; rostral small; a large nasal on each side of rostral meeting behind that shield on the midcephalic line; a pair of large praefrontals separating the pair of frontals from the nasals; the contour scales extend to these shields, except for several slightly enlarged scales which might be considered occipitals. It is not impossible that some would consider the scutes here called frontals, as really parietals. Eye invisible in a medium-sized ocular; this is bounded anteriorly by the first labial (which extends upward to the praefrontal), inferiorly by the third labial, and posteriorly by the upper of the two first temporals. These two temporals are followed by three smaller ones. There are but three supralabials. The infralabials are also three, the second largest. A large median chin shield is in contact with the first and second lower labials; also a pair of large chin shields are in contact with the second and third lower labials and are separated from each other by five other shields posterior to the large median chin shield mentioned above. One hundred and ninety-one annuli on body; three complete caudal annuli anterior to the ring-groove, and ten posterior to it. An annulus about the middle of the body contains sixteen dorsal and twenty ventral segments, the ventral segments being much larger than the dorsal. The pectoral shields consist of about sixteen scutes, four rows of four scales each, the two median rows largest. All the scales somewhat irregular in shape and position and a few partially fused together. Preanal scales, two large in median position, flanked on each side by three smaller scales. (Barbour 1914).

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CommentType species: Aulura anomala is the type species of the genus Aulura BARBOUR 1914.

Distribution: Gans 1971 erroneously cited Vanzolini (1948) as having restricted the type locality to Aurá, Município de Belém, Pará, Brazil (which he didn’t). 
EtymologyNamed after Latin anomala, irregular, anomalous, deviating from the general rule. (BARBOUR 1914, Esteban Lavilla, pers. comm., April 2024) 
  • Avila-Pires, Teresa C.S.; Kleiton R. Alves-Silva, Laís Barbosa, Fabrício S. Correa, Jorge F. A. Cosenza, Ana Paula V. Costa-Rodrigues, Aurea A. Cronemberger, Marinus S. Hoogmoed, Geraldo R. Lima-Filho, Adriano O. Maciel, Alexandre F. R. Missassi, Lyw 2018. Changes in Amphibian and Reptile Diversity Over Time in Parque Estadual do Utinga, a Protected Area Surrounded by Urbanization. Herpetology Notes 11: 499-512 - get paper here
  • Barbour, T. 1914. Some new reptiles. Proc. New England zool. Club 4: 95-98. - get paper here
  • Borges-Nojosa, D. M. & Caramaschi, U. 2003. Composição e análise comparativa da diversidade e das afinidades biogeográficas dos lagartos e anfisbenídeos (Squamata) dos brejos nordestinos. In: I.R. Leal, M. Tabarelli & J.M.C. Silva (eds.). Ecologia e conservação da Caatinga, pp. 181-236. Editora Universitária, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil.
  • Gans, C. 2005. CHECKLIST AND BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE AMPHISBAENIA OF THE WORLD. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 289: 1-130 - get paper here
  • Gans, Carl 1971. Redescription of three monotypic genera of amphisbaenians from South America: Aulura Barbour, Bronia Gray, and Mesobaena Mertens. American Museum Novitates (2475): 1-32 - get paper here
  • Gonzalez R. C. et al. 2020. Lista dos Nomes Populares dos Répteis no Brasil – Primeira Versão. Herpetologia Brasileira 9 (2): 121 – 214 - get paper here
  • Mott, Tamí; David R. Vieites 2009. Molecular phylogenetics reveals extreme morphological homoplasy in Brazilian worm lizards challenging current taxonomy. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51 (2): 190-200 - get paper here
  • Oliveira, H. J., Oliveira, G. A., & Costa, H. C. 2023. First record of Amphisbaena anomala (Squamata: Amphisbaenidae) in lowland Caatinga based on citizen science, with an updated distribution map. Austral Ecology - get paper here
  • RIBEIRO, SÍRIA; JERRIANE O. GOMES, HELDER LÚCIO RODRIGUES DA SILVA, CARLOS EDUARDO D. CINTRA, NELSON JORGE DA SILVA JR. 2016. A new two-pored species of Amphisbaena (Squamata, Amphisbaenidae) from the Brazilian Cerrado, with a key to the two-pored species of Amphisbaena. Zootaxa 4147 (2): 124–142 - get paper here
  • Vanzolini, P. E. 1948. Contribuiçoes ao conhecimento dos lagartos Brasileiros da familia Amphisbaenidae Gray, 1825 2. Sóbre o genero Aulura Brabour, 1914. Boletim do Museu Paraense E. Goeldi 10: 275-278
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