Amphisbaena heathi SCHMIDT, 1936
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Higher Taxa | Amphisbaenidae, Amphisbaenia, Lacertoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards) |
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Common Names | E: Heath's Worm Lizard Portuguese: Cobra-de-Duas-Cabeças, Cobra-Cega |
Synonym | Amphisbaena heathi SCHMIDT 1936: 29 Amphisbaena heathi — GANS 1965: 615 Amphisbaena heathi — GANS 2005: 14 |
Distribution | Brazil (Rio Grande do Norte) Type locality: Brazil; Rio Grande do Norte: Baixa Verde, now João Camara (05°32’S, 35°48’W). |
Reproduction | oviparous |
Types | Holotype: CAS 49374 |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: A small form of Amphishaena with a pointed, elongate, markedly flattened, very wide head, and somewhat prognathous snout, all circumscribed by smooth curves, and covered dorsally by very regular shields up to the nuchal region, with trapezoidal first parietals in point contact with each other; and with three supra- and three infralabials. The form has 183 to 187 body annuli; 7 to 8 caudal annuli up to the autotomy constriction (at which the tail is broken in both specimens); 12 dorsal and 18 to 20 ventral segments to a midbody annulus; and four well expressed, large, round precloacal pores in the male, none in the female. Only the lateral sulci, and these but faintly, are apparent. Neither dorsal nor ventral segments are wider than long. The color of preserved specimens is an even brown dorsally, the pigment covering the entire segmental surface and fading out laterally. (Gans 1965: 615) |
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Etymology | Named after Dr. Harold Heath (1868-1951) who received his doctorate (1898) from the University of Pennsylvania and later became a marine invertebrate zoologist at Stanford (Palo Alto, California). |
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