Distribution | Brazil (E Sao Paulo, SW Minas Gerais, S Goias, Paraná [HR 27: 216]), Paraguay (fide Paul Smith, pers. comm., 27 Apr 2014)
Type locality: ‘‘Ypiranga, São Paulo, S.P., Brazil’’.
Diagnosis | Diagnosis : A small to medium-sized form of Amphisbaena without major fusions of head shields; with enormous prefrontals; and generally with very !arge first, occasionally with slightly enlarged second parierals. The snout is swollen. The dorsal surface of the head shows variable arch.ing, but lirtle or no lateral compression. The head is significantly smaller in diameter than the anterior trunk and set off from this by a nuchal constriction. The rostral tip projects strongly over the lower jaw. The form has 240 to 265 body annuli; 17 to 20 caudal annuli on the club-shaped tail, the last of which surrounds the base of the vertically keeled segmented caudal tip covered by conical segments and the mid-group of which lies in a posteriorly directed chevron pattern on the dorsal surface; a faint (autotomy) constriction may be noted at the seventh or eighth caudal annulus; 13 to 16, generally 14 to 16 dorsal, and 12 to 16, generally 14 ventral segments to a midbody annulus; and two round to faintly oval precloacal pores close to the midline. Dorsal and lateral sulci are strongly indicated. Specimens are brown dorsally, the color expressed most strongly in the center of the segment. Ventral countershading occurs by pigment lightening and segmental drop-out. Some specimens have a small, round, densely pigmented dot or ring in the center of each dorsal and lateral segment. (Gans 1964: 402) |
References |
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