Higher Taxa | Anolidae, Iguania, Sauria, Squamata (lizards) |
Subspecies | |
Common Names | E: Stuart's Anole |
Synonym | Anolis cobanensis STUART 1942: 6 Norops cobanensis — MCCRANIE et al 1993 Norops cobanensis — KÖHLER 2000: 62 Norops cobanensis — NICHOLSON 2002 Norops cobanensis — NICHOLSON et al. 2012 Norops cobanensis — NICHOLSON et al. 2018 |
Distribution | Guatemala (Alta Verapaz), elevation 1000–1830 m
Type locality: Three km south of Finca Samac, Alta Verapaz, 6 km [straight line] due west of Cobán), Guatemala, 1350 m.
Reproduction | oviparous |
Types | Holotype: UMMZ 90232 |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: An anole very close to A. schiedii Wiegmann. It has small, keeled dorsal scutes, feebly keeled ventrals, carinate head scutes, and the males lack enlarged postanals. From schiedii it is readily distinguished by its small ventrals and its carinate, rather than rugose, head scales, and, possibly, by its keeled ventral scales. (Stuart 1942) |
Comment | Not listed for Mexico by KÖHLER (2000). Color image on the cover of Iguana-Rundschreiben 16 (2) [2003].
Species group: Norops auratus Species Group (fide Nicholson et al. 2012) |
Etymology | Named after the type locality. |
References |
- Köhler, G. 2000. Reptilien und Amphibien Mittelamerikas, Bd 1: Krokodile, Schildkröten, Echsen. Herpeton Verlag, Offenbach, 158 pp.
- Köhler, G. 2008. Reptiles of Central America. 2nd Ed. Herpeton-Verlag, 400 pp.
- Köhler, Gunther and Eric N. Smith 2008. A New Species of Anole of the Norops schiedei group from Western Guatemala (Squamata: Polychrotidae). Herpetologica 64 (2): 216-223 - get paper here
- McCranie J R. Cruz G A. Holm P A. 1993. A new species of cloud forest lizard of the Norops schiedei group (Sauria: Polychrotidae) from northern Honduras. Journal of Herpetology 27 (4): 386-392 - get paper here
- Nicholson, K.E. 2002. Phylogenetic analysis and a test of the current infrageneric classification of Norops (beta Anolis). Herpetological Monographs 16: 93-120 - get paper here
- NICHOLSON, KIRSTEN E.; BRIAN I. CROTHER, CRAIG GUYER & JAY M. SAVAGE 2012. It is time for a new classification of anoles (Squamata: Dactyloidae). Zootaxa 3477: 1–108 - get paper here
- NICHOLSON, KIRSTEN E.; BRIAN I. CROTHER, CRAIG GUYER & JAY M. SAVAGE 2018. Translating a clade based classification into one that is valid under the international code of zoological nomenclature: the case of the lizards of the family Dactyloidae (Order Squamata). Zootaxa 4461 (4): 573–586 - get paper here
- Poe, S. 2004. Phylogeny of anoles. Herpetological Monographs 18: 37-89 - get paper here
- Poe, S. 2013. 1986 Redux: New genera of anoles (Squamata: Dactyloidae) are unwarranted. Zootaxa 3626 (2): 295–299 - get paper here
- Stuart, L. C. 1948. The amphibians and reptiles of Alta Verapaz Guatamala. Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 69: 1-109 - get paper here
- Stuart, L.C. 1963. A checklist of the herpetofauna of Guatemala. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan (No. 122): 1-150 - get paper here
- Stuart,L.C. 1942. Comments on several species of Anolis from Guatemala with descriptions of three new forms. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan 464: 1-10. - get paper here
- Wilson L D; McCranie J R 1982. A new cloud forest Anolis (Sauria: Iguanidae) of the schiedei group from Honduras. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 85(3) 1982: 133-141 - get paper here
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