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Anolis koopmani RAND, 1961

IUCN Red List - Anolis koopmani - Endangered, EN

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Higher TaxaAnolidae, Iguania, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Haitian Brown Red-bellied Anole, Koopmans Anole 
SynonymAnolis koopmani RAND 1961:1
Anolis koopmani — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1991: 284
Anolis koopmani — POWELL et al. 1999
Chamaelinorops koopmani — NICHOLSON et al. 2012
Deiroptyx koopmani — NICHOLSON et al. 2018 
DistributionHispaniola (Haiti: southern slopes of Massif de la Hotte)

Type locality: Carrefour Canon, 350 m, near Ducis, north of Les Cayes, Département du Sud, Haiti.  
TypesHolotype: MCZ 62541. 
DiagnosisAdditional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (1260 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
EtymologyNamed after Dr. Karl Koopman, Assistant Curator of Mammals, Chicago Natural History Museum, who “provided financial assistance and encouragement that helped to make the collection of these specimens possible.” 
  • NICHOLSON, KIRSTEN E.; BRIAN I. CROTHER, CRAIG GUYER & JAY M. SAVAGE 2012. It is time for a new classification of anoles (Squamata: Dactyloidae). Zootaxa 3477: 1–108 - get paper here
  • NICHOLSON, KIRSTEN E.; BRIAN I. CROTHER, CRAIG GUYER & JAY M. SAVAGE 2018. Translating a clade based classification into one that is valid under the international code of zoological nomenclature: the case of the lizards of the family Dactyloidae (Order Squamata). Zootaxa 4461 (4): 573–586 - get paper here
  • Poe, S. 2013. 1986 Redux: New genera of anoles (Squamata: Dactyloidae) are unwarranted. Zootaxa 3626 (2): 295–299 - get paper here
  • Powell, Robert; José A. Ottenwalder and Sixto J. Incháustegui 1999. The Hispaniolan Herpetofauna: Diversity, Endemism, and Historical Perpectives, with Comments on Navassa Island. In Crother, Caribbean Amphibians and Reptiles, Academic Press, pp. 93-168 - get paper here
  • Rand, A. S. 1961. Notes on Hispaniolan herpetology 4. Anolis koopmani, new species, from the southwestern peninsula of Haiti. Breviora (137): 1-4. - get paper here
  • Schwartz, A. & Henderson, R.W. 1991. Amphibians and Reptiles of the West Indies. University of Florida Press, Gainesville, 720 pp.
  • Williams, E. E. and T. P. Webster. 1974. Anolis rupinae new species, a syntopic sibling of A. monticola Shreve. Breviora (429): 1-22 - get paper here
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