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Anolis punctatus DAUDIN, 1802

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Higher TaxaAnolidae, Iguania, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
SubspeciesAnolis punctatus punctatus DAUDIN 1802
Anolis punctatus boulengeri O’SHAUGHNESSY 1881 
Common NamesE: Spotted Anole, Amazon Green Anole
Portuguese: Anoles, Calango-Verde, Camaleão, Lagartixa-Verde-da-Amazônia, Lagarto-Verde, Papa-Vento 
SynonymAnolis punctatus DAUDIN 1802: 84
Anolis gracilis WIED-NEUWIED 1821
Anolis punctatus — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1837: 112
Rhinosaurus gracilis GRAY 1845: 199 (fide BOULENGER 1885)
Ptychonotus (Eunotus) gracilis — FITZINGER 1843: 65
Anolis punctatus — GRAY 1845: 205
Anolis punctatus — BOULENGER 1885: 57
Anolis punctatus — WILLIAMS 1965: 6
Anolis philopunctatus RODRIGUES 1988: 333
Dactyloa punctata — SAVAGE & GUYER 1989: 108
Anolis punctatus — DIRKSEN & DE LA RIVA 1999
Anolis punctatus — PIANKA & VITT 2003: 131
Dactyloa punctata — NICHOLSON et al. 2012
Dactyloa philopunctata — NICHOLSON et al. 2012
Anolis punctatus — LIVIGNI 2013: 378
Dactyloa punctata — PRATES et al. 2014
Dactyloa punctata — MORATO et al. 2014
Anolis philopunctatus — RIBEIRO-JUNIOR & AMARAL 2016
Dactyloa punctata — NICHOLSON et al. 2018
Dactyloa philopunctata — NICHOLSON et al. 2018
Dactyloa philopunctata — SILVA-NETO et al. 2019
Dactyloa punctata — DUBEUX et al. 2022

Anolis punctatus punctatus DAUDIN 1802
Anolis viridis WIED 1821: 132
Anolis viridissimus RADDI 1823: 60
Anolis bullaris RADDI 1823: 61
Anolis violaceus SPIX 1825: 15
Anolis nasicus DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1837: 115
Anolis catenifer AHL 1925: 85
Anolis transfasciatus AMARAL 1933: 60
Anolis punctatus punctatus — PETERS 1967: 18
Anolis punctatus punctatus — PETERS & DONOSO-BARROS 1970: 64

Anolis punctatus boulengeri O’SHAUGHNESSY 1881
Anolis boulengeri O’SHAUGHNESSY 1881: 242
Anolis boulengeri — BOULENGER 1885: 58
Anolis punctatus boulengeri — PETERS & DONOSO-BARROS 1970: 64
Anolis punctatus boulengeri — DIXON & SOINI 1975
Anolis punctatus boulengeri — DUELLMAN 1978: 201
Anolis punctatus boulengeri — WHITHWORTH & BEIRNE 2011 
DistributionBrazil (Amazonas, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima, Bahia, Paraíba), E Venezuela (Bolivar [HR34: 261]), French Guiana (?), Suriname (?), Guyana,
Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia (Beni, La Paz, Pando, Santz Cruz)

boulengeri: Amazonian Peru, Ecuador, Colombia; Brazil (W Amazonas); Type locality: Canelos, Ecuador.

philopunctatus: Brazil (Amazonas); Type locality: Brasil: Amazonas: INPA/WWF Reserves (2206·Dimona), 90 km NW Manaus.

Type locality: South America  
TypesHolotype: MNHN-RA 2340 type figurated on a plate tome IV table 66bis in Daudin
Type: BMNH: 1946.8.12.92 [boulengeri]
Holotype: MZUSP 65859, male, 18.viL84, M.T. Rodrigues, field number 84.6086; Paratypes: MlUSP 65860, male, same data as holotype; MZUSP 65856, male, INPA/WWF Reserves (l40I·Gaviiio), 20.i.&6, M.T. Rooripe5; MWSP 65857, male, and MlUSP 65858, female. INPA!WWF Reserves (JS01·Antartida). 23.i .86: M.T. Rodrigues [philopunctatus] 
DiagnosisDiagnosis (genus Dactyloa). Support for this genus is based on 77 apomorphies including four morphological features and 73 molecular ones. Three morphological apomorphies are unequivocal: head decreased in length (4: q to m), size of interparietal scale increased (7: u to h), and modal number of caudal vertebrae anterior to first autotomic vertebra increased (53: 4 to 3). Thirty-three of the molecular features are unequivocal (see Appendix III) [from NICHOLSON et al. 2012]. 
CommentSynonymy: Because of the paraphyly of Dactyloa punctata relative to D. philopunctata, and given the low genetic distances among some of their individuals, Prates et al. 2014 tentatively synonymized D. philopunctata with D. punctata.

Subspecies: Nicholson et al. 2018 listed this species without subspecies, without mentioning Dactyloa p. boulengeri.

Type species: Anolis gracilis Wied Neu-Wied, 1821 is the type species of the genus Dactyloa Wagler 1830. Note: Fitzinger (1843) designated Anolis punctatus Daudin, 1802 as the type species of Dactyloa. Savage and Guyer (1991) incorrectly accepted this type designation. Fitzinger’s action cannot stand because Anolis punctatus was not among the species included originally in Dactyloa by Wagler (1830) (Art. 74 of the Code, 1999). Fortunately, a junior synonym of A. punctatus, Anolis gracilis Wied Neu-Wied, 1821 was included by Wagler (1830) as a species of Dactyloa. Savage & Guyer acted as first revisers (Art. 24.2 of the Code) and selected Anolis gracilis as the type species of Dactyloa. Continuing as first reviewers Savage & Guyer (2004) also selected Norops to have precedence over Dactyloa, and Dactyloa to precedence over Draconura if these names are thought to by synonyms.

Species groups: Dactyloa punctata species group (fide NICHOLSON et al. 2012). Prates et al. 2019 redefined the punctatus series as follows: The largest crown clade that includes A. punctatus and excludes A. aequatorialis, A. heterodermus, A. latifrons, A. nasofrontalis, and A. roquet.

NCBI taxonID: 1562748 [philopunctatus]

Diet: a large percentage of the diet of this species (10-80%) consists of ants (Lucas et al. 2023). 
EtymologyNamed after the punctate pattern that many specimens show in this species. 
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  • NICHOLSON, KIRSTEN E.; BRIAN I. CROTHER, CRAIG GUYER & JAY M. SAVAGE 2018. Translating a clade based classification into one that is valid under the international code of zoological nomenclature: the case of the lizards of the family Dactyloidae (Order Squamata). Zootaxa 4461 (4): 573–586 - get paper here
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  • Prates, Ivan; Miguel Trefaut Rodrigues, Paulo Roberto Melo-Sampaio, Ana Carolina Carnaval 2014. Phylogenetic relationships of Amazonian anole lizards (Dactyloa): Taxonomic implications, new insights about phenotypic evolution and the timing of diversification. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82: 258-268 [print 2015] - get paper here
  • Prates, Ivan; Paulo Roberto Melo-Sampaio, Kevin de Queiroz, Ana Carolina Carnaval, Miguel Trefaut Rodrigues, Leandro de Oliveira Drummond 2019. Discovery of a new species of Anolis lizards from Brazil and its implications for the historical biogeography of montane Atlantic Forest endemics. Amphibia-Reptilia 41 (1): 87-103 [2020] - get paper here
  • Prudente, A.L.C.; F. Magalhães; A. Menks; J.F.M. Sarmento. 2013. Checklist of Lizards of the Juruti, state of Pará, Brazil. Check List 9 (1):42-50 - get paper here
  • Quinteros, O., Real, R. C., Maldonado, E. P., & Pacheco, F. O. 2022. The Amazon Green Anole, Anolis punctatus Daudin 1802 (Squamata: Dactyloidae): A new geographic and elevational record in Bolivia. Reptiles & Amphibians, 29(1), 235-236 - get paper here
  • Rabosky, Daniel L.; Rudolf von May, Michael C. Grundler and Alison R. Davis Rabosky 2019. The Western Amazonian Richness Gradient for Squamate Reptiles: Are There Really Fewer Snakes and Lizards in Southwestern Amazonian Lowlands? Diversity 11: 199; doi:10.3390/d11100199 - get paper here
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  • RIBEIRO-JÚNIOR, MARCO A. 2015. Catalogue of distribution of lizards (Reptilia: Squamata) from the Brazilian Amazonia. I. Dactyloidae, Hoplocercidae, Iguanidae, Leiosauridae, Polychrotidae, Tropiduridae. Zootaxa 3983 (1): 001–110 - get paper here
  • Ribeiro-Júnior, Marco A. & Silvana Amaral 2016. Diversity, distribution, and conservation of lizards (Reptilia: Squamata) in the Brazilian Amazonia. Neotropical Biodiversity, 2:1, 195-421 - get paper here
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  • Vrcibradic, D.; C.F.D. Rocha; M.C. Kiefer; F.H. Hatano; A.F. Fontes; M. Almeida-Gomes; C.C. Siqueira; J.A.L. Pontes; V.N.T. Borges-Junior; L.O. Gil; T. Klaion; E.C.N. Rubião; M. Sluys. 2011. Herpetofauna, Estação Ecológica Estadual do Paraíso, state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. Check List 7 (6): 745-749 - get paper here
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  • Zaher, Hussam; Fausto Erritto BarboI; Paola Sanchez Martínez; Cristiano Nogueira; Miguel Trefaut Rodrigues; Ricardo Jannini Sawaya 2011. Répteis do Estado de São Paulo: conhecimento atual e perspectivas. Biota Neotropica, 11 (1): 1–15. - get paper here
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