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Aspidoscelis inornatus (BAIRD, 1859)

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Higher TaxaTeiidae, Teiinae, Gymnophthalmoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
SubspeciesAspidoscelis inornatus arizonae (VAN DENBURGH 1896)
Aspidoscelis inornatus chihuahuae (WRIGHT & LOWE 1993)
Aspidoscelis inornatus cienegae (WRIGHT & LOWE 1993)
Aspidoscelis inornatus gypsi (WRIGHT & LOWE 1993)
Aspidoscelis inornatus heptagrammus (AXTELL 1961)
Aspidoscelis inornatus juniperus (WRIGHT & LOWE 1993)
Aspidoscelis inornatus llanuras (WRIGHT & LOWE 1993)
Aspidoscelis inornatus inornatus (BAIRD 1859)
Aspidoscelis inornatus octolineatus (BAIRD 1859)
Aspidoscelis inornatus paululus (WILLIAMS 1968) 
Common NamesE: Little Striped Whiptail
arizonae: Arizona Striped Whiptail
gypsi: Little White Whiptail
heptagrammus: Trans-Pecos Striped Whiptail
juniperus: Woodland Striped Whiptail
llanuras: Plains Striped Whiptail
neavesi: Neaves' Whiptail Lizard
S: Huico Liso 
SynonymCnemidophorus inornatus BAIRD 1859: 255
Cnemidophorus inornatus — GÜNTHER 1885: 29
Cnemidophorus inornatus — GADOW 1906: 373
Cnemidophorus perplexus VAN DENBURGH 1922: 495 (non BAIRD & GIRARD)
Cnemidophorus gularis velox SPRINGER 1928: 102
Cnemidophorus inornatus — SMITH & TAYLOR 1950: 184
Cnemidophorus inornatus — STEBBINS 1985: 154
Cnemidophorus inornatus inornatus — MASLIN & SECOY 1986
Cnemidophorus inornatus — LINER 1994
Aspidoscelis inornata — REEDER et al. 2002
Aspidoscelis inornata — COLE et al. 2010
Aspidoscelis inornatus — PYRON & BURBRINK 2013
Aspidoscelis inornata — LEMOS-ESPINAL 2015

Aspidoscelis inornatus arizonae (VAN DENBURGH 1896)
Cnemidophorus arizonae VAN DENBURGH 1896: 344
Cnemidophorus arizonae — VAN DENBURGH 1913
Cnemidophorus inornatus — SMITH & TAYLOR 1950: 184
Cnemidophorus inornatus arizonae — WRIGHT & LOWE 1965
Cnemidophorus inornatus arizonae — MASLIN & SECOY 1986
Cnemidophorus inornatus arizonae — WRIGHT & LOWE 1993: 137
Cnemidophorus arizonae — CROTHER 2000
Aspidoscelis inornata arizonae — REEDER et al. 2002
Aspidoscelis arizonae — COLLINS & TAGGART 2009
Aspidoscelis inornata arizonae — COLE et al. 2010
Aspidoscelis arizonae — JONES & LOVICH 2009
Aspidoscelis arizonae — LEMOS-ESPINAL 2015
Aspidoscelis inornata arizonae — CROTHER et al. 2017
Aspidoscelis arizonae — BARLEY et al. 2021
Aspidoscelis arizonae — BEZY 2021

Aspidoscelis inornatus chihuahuae (WRIGHT & LOWE 1993)
Cnemidophorus inornatus chihuahuae WRIGHT & LOWE 1993: 137
Aspidoscelis inornata chihuahuae — REEDER et al. 2002
Aspidoscelis inornata chihuahuae — LINER & CASAS-ANDREU 2008
Aspidoscelis arizonae chihuahuae — BARLEY et al. 2021

Aspidoscelis inornatus cienegae (WRIGHT & LOWE 1993)
Cnemidophorus inornatus cienegae WRIGHT & LOWE 1993: 139
Aspidoscelis inornata cienegae — REEDER et al. 2002
Aspidoscelis inornata cienegae — LINER & CASAS-ANDREU 2008
Aspidoscelis inornata cienegae — GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ et al. 2019
Aspidoscelis arizonae cienegae — BARLEY et al. 2021

Aspidoscelis inornatus gypsi (WRIGHT & LOWE 1993)
Cnemidophorus inornatus gypsi WRIGHT & LOWE 1993: 140
Cnemidophorus gypsi — CROTHER 2000
Aspidoscelis inornata gypsi — REEDER et al. 2002
Aspidoscelis gypsi — COLLINS & TAGGART 2009
Aspidoscelis inornata gypsi — CROTHER et al. 2012
Aspidoscelis gypsi — JONES & LOVICH 2009
Aspidoscelis gypsi — LEMOS-ESPINAL 2015
Aspidoscelis arizonae gypsi — BARLEY et al. 2021

Aspidoscelis inornatus heptagrammus (AXTELL 1961)
Cnemidophorus inornatus heptagrammus AXTELL 1961: 151
Cnemidophorus inornatus heptagrammus — MASLIN & SECOY 1986
Cnemidophorus inornatus heptagrammus — TANNER 1987
Cnemidophorus inornatus heptagrammus — CONANT & COLLINS 1991: 123
Cnemidophorus inornatus heptagrammus — CROTHER 2000
Cnemidophorus inornatus heptogrammus — DIXON 2000
Aspidoscelis inornata heptagramma — REEDER et al. 2002
Aspidoscelis inornata heptagramma — LINER & CASAS-ANDREU 2008
Cnemidophorus inornatus heptagrammus — AKERET 2010
Aspidoscelis inornata heptagramma — CROTHER et al. 2012
Aspidoscelis arizonae heptagrammus — BARLEY et al. 2021
Aspidoscelis inornatus heptagrammus — LIEB 2023

Aspidoscelis inornatus juniperus (WRIGHT & LOWE 1993)
Cnemidophorus inornatus juniperus WRIGHT & LOWE 1993: 146
Aspidoscelis inornata juniperus — REEDER et al. 2002
Aspidoscelis inornata junipera — COLLINS & TAGGART 2012
Aspidoscelis inornata junipera — CROTHER et al. 2012
Aspidoscelis arizonae juniperus — BARLEY et al. 2021

Aspidoscelis inornatus llanuras (WRIGHT & LOWE 1993)
Cnemidophorus inornatus llanuras WRIGHT & LOWE 1993: 148
Aspidoscelis inornata llanuras — REEDER et al. 2002
Aspidoscelis inornata llanuras — LINER & CASAS-ANDREU 2008
Aspidoscelis inornata llanuras — CROTHER et al. 2012
Aspidoscelis arizonae llanuras — BARLEY et al. 2021

Aspidoscelis inornatus inornatus (BAIRD 1859)
Cnemidophorus inornatus BAIRD 1858
Cnemidophorus inornatus inornatus — WRIGHT & LOWE 1993: 143
Aspidoscelis inornata inornata — REEDER et al. 2002

Aspidoscelis inornatus octolineatus (BAIRD 1859)
Cnemidophorus octolineatus BAIRD 1859: 255
Cnemidophorus octolineatus — GADOW 1906: 373
Cnemidophorus octolineatus — SMITH 1939
Cnemidophorus gularis octolineatus — SMITH 1946
Cnemidophorus octolineatus — SCHMIDT & OWENS 1944
Cnemidophorus gularis octolineatus — JAMESON & FLURY 1949
Aspidoscelis inornata octolineata — REEDER et al. 2002

Aspidoscelis inornatus paululus (WILLIAMS 1968)
Cnemidophorus inornatus paululus WILLIAMS 1968: 21
Cnemidophorus inornatus paululus — MASLIN & SECOY 1986
Cnemidophorus inornatus paululus WRIGHT & LOWE 1993: 151
Aspidoscelis inornata paulula — REEDER et al. 2002
Aspidoscelis inornata paulula — LINER & CASAS-ANDREU 2008 
DistributionUSA (Arizona, New Mexico, SW Texas),
Mexico (Chihuahua, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, NE Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi, W Nuevo Leon)

Type locality: Pesquiría Grande (= García), Nuevo León (fide SMITH & TAYLOR 1950)

arizonae: USA (SE Arizona); Type locality: Fairbank, Cochise County, Arizona (fide SMITH & TAYLOR 1950)

chihuahuae: Mexico (Chihuahua); Type locality: 8.1 miles east of Ciudad Chihuahua,1440 meters elevevation, Chihuahua, Mexico.

cienegae: Mexico (Coahuila); Type locality: 13.9 km SW of Cuatro Cienegas de Carranza, point of San Marcos Mtn., Coahuila, Mexico.

gypsi: USA (New Mexico)

heptagrammus: USA (W Texas, New Mexico); Mexico (Coahuila); Type locality: “30° 11’ 30" N, 103° 09' W, 5 mi ESE Marathon, Brewster County, Texas. Elevation 4,150 feet."

juniperus: USA (New Mexico); Type locality: San Pedro Creek, 3 miles north and 2 miles east of San Antonio, 4550 ft, Bernalillo County, New Mexico.

llanuras: USA (New Mexico); Type locality: Carthage, 4990 ft, Socorro County, New Mexico.

octolineatus: Mexico (Nuevo León); Type locality: Mexico, Nuevo León, Villa de Garcia (= Pesquena Grande).

paululus: Mexico (Durango); Type locality: Mexico: 10.2 mi NE Chocolate, Durango.  
ReproductionOviparous. Lutes et al. (2011) report the generation of four self-sustaining clonal lineages of a tetraploid species resulting from fertilization of triploid oocytes from a parthenogenetic Aspidoscelis exsanguis with haploid sperm from Aspidoscelis inornata.<br><br>Hybridization: Aspidoscelis inornata arizonae and A. tigris marmorata hybridized in captivity (COLE et al. 2010). A cross between Aspidoscelis exsanguis (triploid parthenogen) × Aspidoscelis inornata (diploid bisexual or gonochoristic species) resulted in a “new” species, A. neavesi. Similarly, A. priscillae is a tetraploid all-female species originated in the laboratory from hybridization between Aspidoscelis uniparens (triploid parthenogen) and Aspidoscelis inornatus (diploid bisexual species).<br><br>Aspidoscelis neavesi COLE et al 2014 is the first known tetraploid amniote that reproduces through parthenogenetic cloning by individual females. Aspidoscelis neavesi originated through hybridization between Aspidoscelis exsanguis (triploid parthenogen) × Aspidoscelis inornata (diploid bisexual or gonochoristic species) in the laboratory. Cole et al. 2014 speculate that field-caught tetraploids may be found in the future. Similarly, Aspidoscelis priscillae COLE et al. 2017 is a tetraploid all-female species originated in the laboratory from hybridization between Aspidoscelis uniparens (triploid parthenogen) and Aspidoscelis inornatus (diploid bisexual species). Given that these “species” have not been found in nature, we do not list them as regular species for the time being. 
TypesHolotype: USNM 3032 (fide SMITH & TAYLOR 1950); Burger (1950) designated a lectotype, corrected by WRIGHT & LOWE 1993 to USNM 3032A.
Holotype: CAS 2631 (originally CAS-SUR 2631 = Stanford Univ. 2631, fide SMITH & TAYLOR 1950) [arizonae]
Holotype: UAZ (Univ Arizona Zoology) 5495 [chihuahuae]
Holotype: CM 43196 [cienegae]
Holotype: UAZ (University of Arizona, Departmentof Zoology) No. 16187 [gypsi]
Holotype: private collection, RWA 1758, adult male [heptagrammus]
Holotype: MSB (Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico) 5026 [juniperus]
Holotype: MSB (Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico) 10357 [llanuras]
Holotype: USNM 3009, adult male [octolineata]
Holotype: INHS (= UIMNH) 50988, K. L. Williams and P. S. Charpliwy; July 16, 1958 [paululus]
Holotype: USNM 3060 [perplexus]
Holotype. MCZ R-194296; see A. uniparens for more type information [priscillae]
Holotype. MCZ R-192219; see A. exsanguinis for more type information [neavesi] 
DiagnosisAdditional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (7691 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentSynonymy: Milstead 1957 suggested to synonymize Cnemidophorus perplexus with C. inornatus, based on the continuous variation of characters between the two forms. Maslin & secoy 1986 list octolineatus as a synonym of C. inornatus inornatus. However, Reeder et al. 2002 list it as valid subspecies.

Subspecies: Wright & Lowe (1993) described five new U. S. races of this lizard, arizonae, gypsi, and pai (all allopatric), and juniperus and llanuras (both parapatric). Walker et al. (1996) proposed synonymizing the races juniperus and llanuras. Collins (1997), presented the conclusions of Wright & Lowe (1993) and Walker et al. (1997) to lizard systematist group, composed of Robert Bezy, Charles J. Cole, Darrel Arnold Kluge, Jimmy McGuire, Richard Montanucci, Robert Powell, and John Wiens, and the majority of those individuals responding recommended juniperus and llanuras not be recognized, and that arizonae, gypsi, and pai all be considered distinct species. Collins (1997) followed those recommendations. de Queiroz et al. in Crother (2017) considered the subspecies A. i. junipera and A. i. llanura to be junior synonyms of A. i. heptagramma.

[from:]. However, Reeder et al. (2002) considered arizonae, gypsi, juniperus and llanurus as subspecies of C. inornata. Sullivan et al. (2013) found that A. arizonae as indistinguishable from A. i. llanuras and concluded that either A. arizonae is a cryptic species or a peripheral isolate unworthy of species status. Rosenblum & Burkett (in Lovich & Jones 2009) state that gypsi and inornata are not distinguishable based on available genetic data.

Key: Wright & Lowe 1993: 154 provide a key to the subspecies of inornatus (or what was considered subspecies at the time), namely inornatus, arizonae, chihuahuae, cienegae, gypsi, heptagrammus, juniperus, llanuras, paululus, and what they call the octolineate type (but listed as inornatus). 
EtymologyThe specific epithet is derived from the Latin words in- , meaning "without or not" and ornatus, meaning "ornate or adorned," in reference to the original description of an unstriped population.

A. priscillae, a noun in the genitive singular case, honors Priscilla W. Neaves, who participated equally with WBN in the capture of all whiptail lizards in the 1960s that contributed early insights into the molecular genetics, origins, and speciation of parthenogens through hybridization (Neaves and Gerald, 1968, 1969; Neaves, 1969, 1971). During the first decade of the 2000s, she also participated in capturing A. inornatus and A. uniparens in New Mexico for the laboratory hybridization project that produced most of the tetraploid lineages described in Cole et al. 2017.

A. neavesi, a noun in the genitive singular case, honors Dr. William B. Neaves, who was awarded a Ph.D. at Harvard University. Dr. Neaves’ graduate studies on unisexual whiptail lizards (Neaves and Gerald, 1968, 1969; Neaves, 1969, 1971) provided important early insights into the molecular genetics, origins, and speciation of parthenogens through hybridization, as well as the origin of a tetraploid hybrid lizard of A. exsanguis X A. inornata that he discovered in the field in Alamogordo, Otero County, New Mexico, which was the inspiration for the present laboratory hybridization project.

A.i. arizonae was named after its type locality.

A.i. chihuahuae was named after its type locality.

A.i. cienegae was named after its type locality.

A.i. gypsi:

A.i. heptagrammus:

A.i. juniperus appears to have been named after the junipers, trees and shrubs or the genus Juniperus that apparently occurs in the range of this subspecies.

A.i. llanuras was apparently named after the plains (Spanish “llanuras”) in which this taxon occurs.

A.i. octolineatus was named after the 8 (”ocoto”) lines on its body.

A.i. paululus (WILLIAMS 1968) 
  • Akeret, B. 2010. Sukkulenten und andere Pflanzen für das Trockenterrarium. Draco 11 (41): 44-53 - get paper here
  • Axtell, R.W. 1961. Cnemidophorus inornatus, the valid name for the little striped whiptail lizard, with the description of an annectant subspecies. Copeia 1961 (2): 148-158 - get paper here
  • Álvarez, F.; M. Ojeda (eds.) 2019. Animal Diversity and Biogeography of the Cuatro Ciénegas Basin, Cuatro Ciénegas Basin: An Endangered Hyperdiverse Oasis. Springer, 231 pp. - get paper here
  • Baird, S.F. 1859. Description of new genera and species of North American lizards in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 10: 253-256 [1858] - get paper here
  • Barley, Anthony J.; Tod W. Reeder, Adrián Nieto-Montes de Oca, Charles J. Cole, Robert C. Thomson 2021. A new diploid parthenogenetic whiptail lizard from Sonora, Mexico is the ‘missing link’ in the evolutionary transition to polyploidy. American Naturalist 198 (2): 295-309 - get paper here
  • Bartlett, R. D. & Bartlett, P. 1999. A Field Guide to Texas Reptiles and Amphibians. Gulf Publishing Co., Houston, Texas, 331 pp.
  • Bezy, Robert L. 2020. John William Wright— Recollections of Juan Siempre Correcto. Sonoran Herpetologist 33 (3): 83-92
  • Chaney, Allan H.; Liner, Ernest A. 1995. Cnemidophorus inornatus paululus. Herpetological Review 26 (3): 155 - get paper here
  • Christiansen, J.L. 1973. Natural and Artificially Induced Oviducal and Ovarian Growth in Two Species of Cnemidophorus (Sauria: Teiidae) Herpetologica 29 (3): 195-204. - get paper here
  • Christiansen, J.L., W.G. Degenhardt & J.E. White 1971. Habitat Preferences of Cnemidophorus inornatus and C. neomexicanus with Reference to Conditions Contributing to their Hybridization Copeia 1971 (2): 357-359. - get paper here
  • Christiansen, James L. 1971. Reproduction of Cnemidophorus inornatus and Cnemidophorus neomexicanus (Sauria, Teiidae) in northern New Mexico. American Museum novitates (2442): 1-48 - get paper here
  • Cole, ; Charles J.; Harry L. Taylor, Diana P. Baumann, and Peter Baumann 2014. Neaves' Whiptail Lizard: The First Known Tetraploid Parthenogenetic Tetrapod (Reptilia: Squamata: Teiidae). Breviora (539): 1-20 - get paper here
  • Cole, Charles J.; Harry L. Taylor, and Carol R. Townsend 2015. Morphological Variation in a Unisexual Whiptail Lizard (Aspidoscelis exsanguis) and One of Its Bisexual Parental Species (Aspidoscelis inornata) (Reptilia: Squamata: Teiidae): Is the Clonal Species Less Variable? American Museum Novitates 3849: 1-20 [Feb 2016] - get paper here
  • Cole, Charles J.; Harry L. Taylor, William B. Neaves, Diana P. Baumann, Aracely Newton, Robert Schnittker, AND Peter Baumann 2017. The Second Known Tetraploid Species of Parthenogenetic Tetrapod (Reptilia: Squamata: Teiidae): Description, Reproduction, Comparisons With Ancestral Taxa, And Origins Of Multiple Clones. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 161(8): 285-321 - get paper here
  • COLE, CHARLES J.; LAURENCE M. HARDY, HERBERT C. DESSAUER, HARRY L. TAYLOR, AND CAROL R. TOWNSEND 2010. Laboratory Hybridization among North American Whiptail Lizards, Including Aspidoscelis inornata arizonae × A. tigris marmorata (Squamata: Teiidae), Ancestors of Unisexual Clones in Nature. American Museum Novitates 3698: 1-43 - get paper here
  • Collins J T 1997. Standard Common and current scientific names for North American amphibians and reptiles, 4th edition. Herpetological Circular 25: 1-40
  • Collins, J.T. and T. W. Taggart 2009. Standard Common and Current Scientific Names for North American Amphibians, Turtles, Reptiles, and Crocodilians, Sixth Edition. Center for North American Herpetology, 48 pp.
  • Conant,R. & Collins,J.T. 1991. A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern/Central North America, 3rd ed. Houghton Mifflin (Boston/New York), xx + 450 p.
  • Cordes, James E. and James M. Walker. 2015. Aspidoscelis inornata (Mexican Plateau striped whiptail) reproduction. Herpetological Review 46 (2): 253-254 - get paper here
  • Crawford, N.G. et al. 2008. Thirteen polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci from whiptails of the genus Aspidoscelis (Teiidae: Squamata) and related cnemidophorine lizards. Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 219–223 - get paper here
  • Crother, B. I. (ed.) 2012. Standard Common and Current Scientific Names for North American Amphibians, Turtles, Reptiles, and Crocodilians, Seventh Edition. Herpetological Circular 39: 1-92
  • Crother, B. I. (ed.). 2017. Scientific and Standard English Names of Amphibians and Reptiles of North America North of Mexico, with Comments Regarding Confidence in Our Understanding. 8th edition. SSAR Herpetological Circular 43: 1-104 - get paper here
  • Degenhardt, William G.; C. W. Painter, and A. H. Price 1996. Amphibians and reptiles of New Mexico. Univ. New Mexico Press, 431 pp.
  • Dixon, James R. 2000. Amphibians and reptiles of Texas, second edition. Texas A&M University Press, 421 pp.
  • Duellman, W. E., & ZWEIFEL, R. G. 1962. A synopsis of the lizards of the sexlineatus group (genus Cnemidophorus). Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 123: 155-210. - get paper here
  • Fugler, Charles M.;Webb, Robert G. 1956. Distributional notes on some reptiles and amphibians from southern and central Coahuila. Herpetologica 12: 167-171 - get paper here
  • Gadow,H. 1906. A contribution to the study of evolution based upon the Mexican species of Cnemidophorus. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1906: 277-375 (+ maps) - get paper here
  • Garcia-Vázquez, U. O., Trujano-Ortego, M., Arellano-Covarrubias, A. & Contreras, A. 2012. Aspidoscelis inornata cienegae (cuatro cienegas whiptail) predation. Herpetological Review 43: 330 - get paper here
  • Graham, Sean P. and Crystal Kelehear. 2016. Aspidoscelis inornata (Trans Pecos Striped Whiptail) Predation. Herpetological Review 47 (1): 132 - get paper here
  • Günther, A. C. L. G. 1885. Reptilia and Batrachia. Biologia Centrali-Américana. Taylor, & Francis, London, 326 pp. [published in parts from 1885-1902; reprint by the SSAR 1987] - get paper here
  • Hardy, Laurence M. and Charles J. Cole 1998. Morphology of a Sterile, Tetraploid, Hybrid Whiptail Lizard (Squamata: Teiidae: Cnemidophorus). American Museum Novitates 3228: 16 pp. - get paper here
  • Harings, Nicole M.; Kenneth G. Boykin, and Lucas Oligschlaeger 2014. Reptile Occurrence and Habitat Associations on Holloman Air Force Base. Herp. Cons. Biol. 9 (1): 57−66 - get paper here
  • Herr, M.W., Giovanetto, L.A. & Graham, S.P. 2017. Aspidoscelis inornata (Trans-Pecos Striped Whiptail) Predation. Herpetological Review 48 (3): 637-638. - get paper here
  • Jameson, David H.;Flury, Alvin G. 1949. The reptiles and amphibians of the Sierra Vieja Range of southwestern Texas. Texas Journal of Science 1 (2): 54-77 - get paper here
  • Jones, L.L. & Lovich, R.E. 2009. Lizards of the American Southwest. A photographic field guide. Rio Nuevo Publishers, Tucson, AZ, 568 pp. [review in Reptilia 86: 84] - get paper here
  • Kay, F.R., R. Anderson & C.O. McKinney 1973. Notes on Activity Patterns of Two Species of Cnemidophorus (Sauria: Teiidae) Herpetologica 29 (2): 105-107. - get paper here
  • Kwet, Axel 2015. Aspidoscelis neavesi – eine Rennechse ist die erste im Labor erzeugte Reptilienart. Terraria-Elaphe 2015 (3): 8-9 - get paper here
  • Lazcano D, Nevárez-de los Reyes M, García-Padilla E, Johnson JD, Mata-Silva V, DeSantis DL, Wilson LD. 2019. The herpetofauna of Coahuila, Mexico: composition, distribution, and conservation status. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 13(2) [General Section]: 31–94 (e189) - get paper here
  • Lemos-Espinal JA, Smith GR, Gadsden-Esparza H, Valdez-Lares R, Woolrich-Piña GA 2018. Amphibians and reptiles of the state of Durango, Mexico, with comparisons with adjoining states. ZooKeys 748: 65-87 - get paper here
  • Lemos-Espinal JA, Smith GR, Woolrich-Piña GA 2018. Amphibians and reptiles of the state of San Luis Potosí, Mexico, with comparisons with adjoining states. ZooKeys 753: 83-106 - get paper here
  • Lemos-Espinal, Julio A. (ed.) 2015. Amphibians and Reptiles of the US - Mexico Border States / Anfibios y Reptiles de los Estados de la Frontera México - Estados Unidos. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas. x + 614 pp.; ISBN 978-1-62349-306-6. - get paper here
  • Lemos-Espinal, Julio A. and James R. Dixon 2013. Amphibians and Reptiles of San Luis Potosí. Eagle Mountain Publishing, xii + 300 pp.
  • Lieb, C. S. 2023. Catalog 3: Type Specimens, Type Localities, Synonymies, and Authors/Collectors of Amphibians and Reptiles Described from Texas. In: D.J. Schmidly et al. (eds.) TAXONOMIC CATALOGS FOR THE RECENT TERRESTRIAL VERTEBRATES (SPECIES AND SUBSPECIES) DESCRIB Museum of Texas Tech University Special Publications 77: 213-378 - get paper here
  • Liner, Ernest A.;Chaney, Allan H. 1995. Cnemidophorus inornatus paululus. Herpetological Review 26 (3): 155 - get paper here
  • Liner, Ernest A.;Chaney, Allan H. 1995. Cnemidophorus inornatus inornatus. Herpetological Review 26 (3): 154-155 - get paper here
  • Liner, Ernest A.;Montanucci, Richard R.;González-Alonso, Arturo;Mendoza Quijano, Fernando 1993. An additional contribution to the herpetology of Northern Coahuila, Mexico. Bol. Soc. Herpetol. Mex. 5 (1): 9-11 - get paper here
  • Liu, Elizabeth F.; Maria A. Eifler, Colleen A. Buchanan, Sophia Gilbert Smith, Douglas A. Eifler 2021. Escape by juvenile Little Striped Whiptails (Aspidoscelis inornatus Baird, 1859) in response to predator approach speed (Lacertilia: Teiidae). Herpetology Notes 14: 479-483
  • Lowe, Charles H., Jr;Wright, John W. 1966. Evolution of parthenogenetic species of Cnemidophorus (Whiptail lizards) in western North America. Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science 4 (2): 81-87 - get paper here
  • Lutes AA, Baumann DP, Neaves WB, Baumann P. 2011. Laboratory synthesis of an independently reproducing vertebrate species. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 108(24):9910-5 - get paper here
  • Maslin, T. & Secoy, D.M. 1986. A checklist of the lizard genus Cnemidophorus (Teiidae). Contr. Zool. Univ. Colorado Mus. 1: 1-60
  • McGovern, G.M., J.C. Mitchell & C.B. Knisley 1984. Field Experiments on Prey Selection by the Whiptail Lizard, Cnemidophorus inornatus, in Arizona Journal of Herpetology 18 (3): 347-349. - get paper here
  • Milstead, W.W. 1957. A Reconsideration of the Nomenclature of the Small Whiptail Lizards (Cnemidophorus) of Southwestern Texas. Copeia 1957 (3): 228-229 - get paper here
  • Mitchell, J. C. 1979. Ecology of southeastern Arizona whiptail lizards (Cnemidophorus: Teiidae): population densities, resource partitioning, and niche overlap. Canadian Journal of Zoology 57 (7): 1487-1499 - get paper here
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  • Neaves, William B. and Peter Baumann 2011. Unisexual reproduction among vertebrates. Trends in Genetics 27 (3): 81-88 - get paper here
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  • Sullivan, Brian K.; Marlis R. Douglas, James M. Walker, James E. Cordes, Mark A. Davis, Whitney J. B. Anthonysamy, Keith O. Sullivan, and Michael E. Douglas 2014. Conservation and Management of Polytypic Species: The Little Striped Whiptail Complex (Aspidoscelis inornata) as a Case Study. Copeia Sep 2014, Vol. 14, No. 3: 519-529 - get paper here
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  • WALKER, J. M., T. B. PERSONS, B. K. SULLIVAN, C. A. DROST, AND J. E. CORDES 2020. Body Sizes in Upper Elevation Populations of Whiptail Lizards: Aspidoscelis inornatus (Squamata: Teiidae) in Central and Northern Arizona, USA. Herpetological Review 51: 212 - 214.
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  • Walker, James M.Cordes, James E.Mendoza Quijano, Fernando Hernandez Garcia, Efrain 1996. Implications of extraordinary variation in the little striped whiptail lizard, Cnemidophorus inornatus Baird (Sauria: Teiidae) in Chihuahua, México. Journal of Herpetology 30 (2): 271-275 - get paper here
  • Wapelhorst, X. 2014. Gebleichte Taubleguane in White Sands. Iguana 27 (1): 13-16
  • Webb, Robert G.;Hensley, Max 1959. Notes on reptiles from the Mexican State of Durango. Publications of the Museum - Michigan State University, Biological Series 1 (6): 249-258
  • Williams, Kenneth L. 1968. A new subspecies of the teiid lizard Cnemidophorus inornatus from México. Journal of Herpetology 1 (1-4): 21-24 - get paper here
  • Wright, John W. & Lowe, Charles H. 1965. The rediscovery of Cnemidophorus arizonae Van Denburgh. Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science 3 (3): 164-168 - get paper here
  • Wright,J.W. & Lowe,C.H. 1993. Synopsis of the subspecies of the little striped whiptail lizard, Cnemidophorus inornatus BAIRD. J. Arizona-Nevada Acad. Sci. 27: 129-157 - get paper here
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