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Aspronema dorsivittatum (COPE, 1862)

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Aspronema dorsivittatum »

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Higher TaxaScincidae, Mabuyinae (Mabuyini), Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Paraguay Mabuya
Portuguese: Calango-Liso, Lagartixa-Brilhante, Lagartixa-das-Paredes, Lagartixa-Dourada, Lagarto-Liso, Scinco-Comum, Scinco-Dourado 
SynonymMabuia dorsovittata COPE 1862: 350
Euprepes (Mabuia) virgatus PETERS 1874: 621
Mabuya jobertii THOMINOT 1884: 148
Mabuia dorsivittata — BOULENGER 1886: 428
Mabuia tetrataenia BOETTGER 1885: 227
Mabuya agilis dorsivittata — AMARAL 1935
Mabuya mabouya dorsivittata — AMARAL 1937
Mabuya dorsovittata — GALLARDO 1966: 27 (in error)
Mabuya dorsovittata — GALLARDO 1968: 180 (in error)
Mabuya dorsivittata — PETERS et al. 1970: 198
Mabuya dorsivittata — CEI 1993
Mabuya dorsovittata — DIRKSEN & DE LA RIVA 1999
Mabuya dorsivittata — GREER & NUSSBAUM 2000
Mabuya dorsivittata — MAUSFELD et al. 2002
Aspronema dorsivittatum — HEDGES & CONN 2012: 23, 57
Mabuya aff. dorsivittata — MADEIROS-MAGALHÃES et al. 2015
Mabuya dorsivittata — RIVERA et al. 2019 
DistributionUruguay, Paraguay, N Argentina (Buenos Aires, San Juan), S Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Goias, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro), Bolivia (Santa Cruz)

Type locality: Paraguay.  
TypesHolotype: USNM 5405 (number cited by COPE)
Holotype: ZISP 6652, “Paraguay” [Mabuia tetrataenia] 
DiagnosisDiagnosis (genus). Species in this genus are characterized by (1) frontoparietals, 1–2, (2) supraciliaries, 3–4, (3) supraoculars, three (rarely four), (4) prefrontal contact, absent (or contact sometimes in Aspronema dorsivittatum) (5) parietal contact, present, (6) rows of nuchals, 0–2, (7) dorsals + ventrals, 111–132, (8) total digital lamellae, 185–193, (9) a dark middorsal stripe, present, (10) dark dorsolateral stripes, present, (11) dark lateral stripe, present, and (12) dark ventral striping, absent. Maximum body sizes in this genus are 76–84 mm SVL (Vrcibradic & Rocha 2011) (Table 2). The combination of three supraoculars and a narrow, dark middorsal stripe distinguishes this genus from all others. Also, while pale dorsolateral and ventrolateral stripes are not rare in Mabuyinae, those stripes in species of the Genus Aspronema are especially distinctive [HEDGES & CONN 2012]. 
CommentRelationships: Mabuya, Marisora, and Aspronema are paraphyletic in the phylogenetic analysis of Pereira & Schrago 2017.

Synonymy following that of Brygoo 1985 and CEI 1993.

Type species: Mabuia dorsovittata COPE 1862 is the type species of the genus Aspronema HEDGES & CONN 2012. The gender is neuter.

Reference images: see Uetz et al. 2024 for high-resolution reference images for this species. 
EtymologyNamed after the dorsal stripes, from Latin “vitta” = stripe, band. 
  • Aguiar, Cassiana Alves de; Arthur Venancio de Santana, Junior Guilherme Scheidt Pereira, Tiago Gomes dos Santos 2019. Attempted predation on the lizard Aspronema dorsivittatum (Cope, 1862) by the American Kestrel Falco sparverius Linnaeus, 1758. Herpetology Notes 12: 309-310 - get paper here
  • Araujo, Cybele O.; Fábio Maffei, Décio T. Corrêa, Guilherme M. Moya, Bruno T. M. Nascimento, Selma Maria A. Santos 2014. Lizards from Estação Ecológica de Santa Bárbara, a remnant of Cerrado in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Check List 10 (5): 1038-10 - get paper here
  • AVILA, LUCIANO JAVIER; LORENA ELIZABETH MARTINEZ & MARIANA MORANDO 2013. Checklist of lizards and amphisbaenians of Argentina: an update. Zootaxa 3616 (3): 201–238 - get paper here
  • BARROS, Ana Bárbara 2011. HERPETOFAUNA DO PARQUE NACIONAL DA SERRA DA CANASTRA MINAS GERAIS BRASIL M. Sc. Thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa - get paper here
  • Bérnils, R.S.; Batista, M.A. & Bertelli, P.W. 2001. Cobras e lagartos do Vale: levantamento das espécies de Squamata (Reptilia, Lepidosauria) da Bacia do Rio Itajai, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Rev. Est. Ambientais (Blumenau) 3 (1): 69-79
  • Boettger, O. 1885. Liste von Reptilien und Batrachiern aus Paraguay. Zeitschr. Naturw. 58 (3): 213-248 - get paper here
  • Boulenger, G.A. 1886. A synopsis of the reptiles and batrachians of the province Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (5) 18: 423-445 - get paper here
  • Brygoo, E.R. 1985. Les types des scincidés (Reptiles, Sauriens) du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, catalogue critique. Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. (4e sér.) 7 (sect. A 3), suppl.: 1-126
  • CABRERA, MARIO R. & FERNANDO J. CAREZZANO. 2021. ASPRONEMA DORSIVITTATUM. PREDATION. Herpetological Review 52 (1): 140–141. - get paper here
  • Cacciali, Pier; Norman J. Scott, Aida Luz Aquino Ortíz, Lee A. Fitzgerald, and Paul Smith 2016. The Reptiles of Paraguay: Literature, Distribution, and an Annotated Taxonomic Checklist. SPECIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MUSEUM OF SOUTHWESTERN BIOLOGY, NUMBER 11: 1–373 - get paper here
  • Caldeira Costa, H.; Dias Fernandes, V.; Castro Rodrigues, A. & Neves Feio, R. 2009. Lizards and Amphisbaenians, municipality of Viçosa, state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Check List 5 (3): 732–745 - get paper here
  • Carreira, S.; Brazeiro, A.; Camargo, A.; da Rosa, I.; Canavero, A. & Maneyro, M. 2012. DIVERSITY OF REPTILES OF URUGUAY: KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION GAPS. Bol. Soc. Zool. Uruguay (2a época) 21 (1-2): 9-29 - get paper here
  • Cei, J. M. 1993. Reptiles del noroeste, nordeste y este de la Argentina. Museo Regionale Sci. Naturale Torino, Monografie 14: 1-949
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  • Cossovich, Sacha; Aun, Liliana; Martori, Ricardo 2011. Análisis trófico de la herpetofauna de la localidad de Alto Alegre (Depto. Unión, Córdoba, Argentina). Cuadernos de Herpetología 25 (1): 11-19 - get paper here
  • Dirksen, L. & De la Riva, I. 1999. The lizards and amphisbaenians of Bolivia (Reptilia, Squamata): checklist, localities, and bibliography. Graellsia 55: 199-215 - get paper here
  • FORLANI, M.C., BERNARDO, P.H., HADDAD, C.B.F. & ZAHER, H. 2010. Herpetofauna of the Carlos Botelho State Park, São Paulo State, Brazil. Biota Neotropica 10 (3): 265-309 - get paper here
  • Gallardo, J.M. 1968. Las especies Argentinas del genero Mabuya Fitzinger (Scincidae, Sauria). Mus. Argentino de Cienc. Natur. 'Bernadino Rivadavia', Buenos Aires, Rev. (Cienc. Zool.) 9(8): 177-196.
  • Gallardo, Jose M. 1966. Liolaemus lentus nov. Sp. (Iguanidae) de la Pampa y Algunas observaciones sobre los saurios de picha provincia Argentina y del oeste de Buenos Aires. Neotropica 12 (37): 15-29
  • Gallardo, José M. 1969. Las especies de saurios (Reptilia) de la Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina, y consideraciones sobre su ecologia y zoogeografia. Neotropica 15 (47): 73-81
  • GAVA-JUST, J. P., AND D. BORTOLOZZO 2020. Aspronema dorsivittatum (Paraguay Mabuya). Melanism. Herpetological Review 51: 594.
  • Gómez Alés, Rodrigo; Acosta, Juan Carlos; Basso, Mariano 2020. Confirmación de la presencia de Aspronema dorsivittatum Cope, 1862 (Squamata: Scincidae) en la provincia de San Juan. Cuad. herp. 34 (2): - get paper here
  • Gonzalez R. C. et al. 2020. Lista dos Nomes Populares dos Répteis no Brasil – Primeira Versão. Herpetologia Brasileira 9 (2): 121 – 214 - get paper here
  • Greer,A.E. & NUSSBAUM,R.A. 2000. New character useful in the systematics of the scincid lizard genus Mabuya. Copeia 2000 (2): 615-618 - get paper here
  • Gudynas, E. 1980. Notas adicionales sobre la distribucion, ecologia y comportamiento de Mabuya dorsivittata (Lacertilia: Scincidae). Centro Educativo Don Orione Contribuciones en Biología 2: 1-13
  • Gudynas, E.; Pebe, R. 1977. Nota sobre el habitat y comportamiento anfibio de Mabuya dorsivittata (Cope), (Scincidae, Sauria). Revista de Biologia del Uruguay 5 (1): 31-33
  • Harvey, M.B.; Agyayo, R. & Mirelles, A. 2008. Redescription and biogeography of Mabuya cochabambae Dunn with comments on Bolivian congeners (Lacertilia: Scincidae). Zootaxa 1828: 43–56 - get paper here
  • Hedges, S.B. & Conn, C.E. 2012. A new skink fauna from Caribbean islands (Squamata, Mabuyidae, Mabuyinae). Zootaxa 3288: 1–244 - get paper here
  • Hellmich, Walter 1960. Die Sauria des Gran Chaco und seiner Randgebiete. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse (101): 1-131
  • Martínez, Nicolás; Frederick Bauer, Viviana Espinola, Thomas Goossen 2020. First record of Aspronema dorsivittatum (Cope, 1862) in Pozo Colorado, Paraguay (Squamata: Scincidae). Herpetology Notes 13: 905-906 - get paper here
  • Mausfeld, Patrick; Andreas SCHMITZ; Wolfgang BÖHME; Bernhard MISOF; Davor VRCIBRADIC; Carlos Frederico Duarte ROCHA 2002. Phylogenetic Affinities of Mabuya atlantica Schmidt, 1945, Endemic to the Atlantic Ocean Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (Brazil): Necessity of Partitioning the Genus Mabuya Fitzinger, 1826 (Scincidae: Lygosominae). Zool. Anz. 241: 281–293 - get paper here
  • Medeiros-Magalhães, Felipe de; Daniel Orsi Laranjeiras, Taís Borges Costa, Flora Acuña Juncá, Daniel Oliveira Mesquita, David Lucas Röhr, Willianilson Pessoa da Silva, Gustavo Henrique Calazans Vieira, Adrian Antonio Garda 2015. Herpetofauna of protected areas in the Caatinga IV: Chapada Diamantina National Park, Bahia, Brazil. Herpetology Notes 8: 243-261 - get paper here
  • MIRALLES, AURÉLIEN; GILSON RIVAS FUENMAYOR, CÉLINE BONILLO, WALTER E. SCHARGEL, TITO BARROS, JUAN E. GARCÍA-PEREZ, CÉSAR L. BARRIO-AMORÓS 2009. Molecular systematics of Caribbean skinks of the genus Mabuya (Reptilia, Scincidae), with descriptions of two new species from Venezuela. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 156 (3): 598-616 - get paper here
  • Morato, Sérgio Augusto Abrahão; Renato Silveira Bérnils, Julio Cesar de Moura-Leite 2017. RÉPTEIS DE CURITIBA: COLETÂNEA DE REGISTROS Hori Consultoria, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil, 99 pp.
  • Oliveira, Jane C.F.; Rodrigo Castellari Gonzalez; Paulo Passos; Davor Vrcibradic & Carlos Frederico Duarte Rocha 2020. Non-Avian Reptiles of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: status of knowledge and commented list. Pap. Avulsos Zool. 60: e20206024 - get paper here
  • Pereira AG, Schrago CG. 2017. Arrival and diversification of mabuyine skinks (Squamata: Scincidae) in the Neotropics based on a fossil-calibrated timetree. PeerJ 5:e3194 - get paper here
  • Peters, Wilhem Carl Hartwig 1874. Über neue Amphibien (Gymnopis, Siphonops, Polypedates, Rhacophorus, Hyla, Cyclodus, Euprepes, Clemmys). Monatsber. königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. 1874 (October): 616-624 - get paper here
  • Rivera, D., Prates, I., Trefaut Rodrigues, M. & Carolina Carnaval, A. 2019. Effects of climate and geography on spatial patterns of genetic structure in tropical skinks. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 143: 106661 - get paper here
  • Rosário-Cruz, António Jorge do, Leandro de Oliveira Drummond, Virginia Duarte Lucena, Adriele Prisca de Magalhães, Caryne Aparecida de Carvalho Braga, Jaqueline Malta Rolin, Maria Rita Silvério Pires 2014. Lizard fauna (Squamata, Sauria) from Serra do Ouro Branco, southern Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Check List 10 (6): 1290-1299 - get paper here
  • Silva-Lucas, Priscila; Iara Alves Novelli, Bernadete Maria de Sousa 2016. Assemblage of squamate reptiles in a natural remnant of Cerrado in southern Minas Gerais, Brazil. Check List 12 (2): 1-9 - get paper here
  • SOUSA, B.M., GOMIDES, S.C., HUDSON, A.A., RIBEIRO, L.B. & NOVELLI, I.A. 2012. Reptiles of the municipality of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Biota Neotropica 12 (3): 35-49 - get paper here
  • Souza Filho, G.A.; L.Verrastro 2012. Reptiles of the Parque Estadual de Itapuã, state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Check List 8(5):847-851 - get paper here
  • Souza Filho, Gilberto Alves de; Fernanda Stender de Oliveira 2015. Squamate reptiles from Mauá Hydroelectric Power Plant, state of Paraná, southern Brazil. Check List 11 (6): 1800 - get paper here
  • Thominot, A. 1884. Sur un Mabuya d'espèce nouvelle. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris (7) 8: 148-149 - get paper here
  • Uchôa LR, Delfim FR, Mesquita DO, Colli GR, Garda AA, Guedes TB 2022. Lizards (Reptilia: Squamata) from the Caatinga, northeastern Brazil: Detailed and updated overview. Vertebrate Zoology 72: 599-659 - get paper here
  • Uetz, P.H.; Patel, M.; Gbadamosi, Z.; Nguyen, A.; Shoope, S. 2024. A Reference Database of Reptile Images. Taxonomy 4: 723–732 - get paper here
  • VARELA RIOS, C.H.V., NOVELLI, I.A., HUDSON, A.A., COZENDEY, P., LIMA, L.C., SOUSA, B.M. 2017. Communities and occurrences of Squamata reptiles in different vegetation types of the Serra de São José, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Biota Neotropica 17(1): e20150103 - get paper here
  • Vaz-Silva, W. et al. 2007. Herpetofauna, Espora Hydroelectric Power Plant, state of Goiás, Brazil. Check List 3 (4): 338-345 - get paper here
  • Whiting, Alison S.; Jack W. Sites, Jr., Katia C.M. Pellegrino and Miguel T. Rodrigues 2006. Comparing alignment methods for inferring the history of the new world lizard genus Mabuya (Squamata: Scincidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 38 (3): 719-730 - get paper here
  • Williams, J.; F. Kacoliris 2011. Squamata, Scincidae, Mabuya dorsivittata (Cope, 1862): Distribution extension in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Check List 7 (3): 388-388 - get paper here
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