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Batagur baska (GRAY, 1831)

IUCN Red List - Batagur baska - Critically Endangered, CR

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Higher TaxaGeoemydidae (Geoemydinae), Testudinoidea, Testudines (turtles)
Common NamesE: Batagur; (Northern) River Terrapin
G: Batagur-Flussschildkröte 
SynonymEmys baska GRAY 1831
Emys batagur GRAY 1831
Trionyx cuvieri GRAY 1831
Tetronyx longicollis LESSON 1832
Emys tetraonyx TEMMINCK & SCHLEGEL 1833
Tetraonyx Lessonii DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1835: 338
Tetronyx [sic] Baska — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1835: 341
Batagur baska — GRAY 1855
Batagur baska — GRAY 1857: 343
Tetraonyx lessonii — THEOBALD 1868: 17
Batagur baska — MURRAY 1886: 9
Batagur baska — DE ROOIJ 1915: 294
Batagur baska ranongensis NUTAPHAND 1979: 121 (nom. dubium)
Batagur baska — ERNST & BARBOUR 1989: 141
Batagur baska — MANTHEY & GROSSMANN 1997: 441
Batagur baska — COX et al. 1998: 125
Batagur baska ranongensis — OBST 2003: 17
Batagur baska — RHODIN et al. 2010
Batagur baska — TTWG 2021 
DistributionMyanmar (= Burma) (Irrawaddy River), S Thailand, Cambodia, West Malaysia, India (Gujarat etc.), Bangladesh

baska: Bangladesh, India (Orissa = Odisha, West Bengal), Myanmar, probably extirpated in Thailand; Type locality: “India”

ranongensis: Thailand; Type locality: estuaries of Ranong Province, Malay Peninsula, Thailand.  
TypesHolotype: unknown (fide NGUYEN et al. 2009)
Holotype: not given in original description [ranongensis] 
DiagnosisAdditional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (2930 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentSynonymy: partly after RHODIN et al. 2010. The subspecies ranongensis Nutaphand 1979 is not well differentiated and has been synonymized under baska by Fritz and Havas (2006, 2007), but no specific morphologic or genetic analysis has yet been performed to formally evaluate the status of this taxon.

Conservation: This is one of the most endangered turtle species according to a 2003 assessment by the IUCN. Not in Thailand fide CHAN-ARD et al. 1999.

Distribution: see map in TTWG 2017: 84.

Habitat: B. affinis, B. baska, and B. borneoensis are the only species living in tidal, brackish areas of the estuaries of medium and large rivers (Ernst et al. 2000)

Type species: Emys batagur GRAY 1831 is the type species of the genus Batagur GRAY 1856: 35 [1855]. Batagur is the type genus of the subfamily Batagurinae. 
  • Bour, R. 2008. Global diversity of turtles (Chelonii; Reptilia) in freshwater. Hydrobiologia 595:593–598 - get paper here
  • Bristy, Nasrin Akter; Mohammad Firoj Jaman, A.G.J. Morshed, Md. Mahabub Alam, Md. Mokhlesur Rahman, Ebtisamul Zannat Mim, and S.M. Nazmul Alam 2021. Feeding Ecology and Growth Performance of the Critically Endangered Batagur baska in Captivity. Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 16 (2): - get paper here
  • Chan-ard, T., Parr, J.W.K. & Nabhitabhata, J. 2015. A field guide to the reptiles of Thailand. Oxford University Press, NY, 352 pp. [see book reviews by Pauwels & Grismer 2015 and Hikida 2015 for corrections] - get paper here
  • Cox, Merel J.; Van Dijk, Peter Paul; Jarujin Nabhitabhata & Thirakhupt,Kumthorn 1998. A Photographic Guide to Snakes and Other Reptiles of Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Ralph Curtis Publishing, 144 pp.
  • Das, I. et al. 2008. Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles of India. WWF/WII poster
  • Das, Indraneil 1989. Batagur baska in Orissa. Hamadryad 14 (1): 2-3 - get paper here
  • Das, Indraneil & Abhijit Das 2017. A Naturalist’s Guide to the Reptiles of India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. John Beaufoy Publishing Ltd., Oxford, 176 pp.
  • de Rooij, N. de 1915. The Reptiles of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. I. Lacertilia, Chelonia, Emydosauria. Leiden (E. J. Brill), xiv + 384 pp. - get paper here
  • Duméril, A.M.C., and G. Bibron. 1835. Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles, Vol. 2. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris, iv + 680 p. - get paper here
  • Ernst, C. H.; Altenburg, R. G. M.; Barbour, R. W. 2000. Turtles of the World. Windows Version 1.2. World Biodiversity Database CD-ROM Series. Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Ernst,C.H. and Barbour,R.W. 1989. Turtles of the World. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. - London
  • Gray, J. E. 1831. A synopsis of the species of Class Reptilia. In: Griffith, E & E. Pidgeon: The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organisation by the Baron Cuvier with additional descriptions of all the species hither named, and of many before noticed [V Whittaker, Treacher and Co., London: 481 + 110 pp. [1830] - get paper here
  • Gray,J.E. 1856. Catalogue of Shield Reptiles in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Testudinata (Tortoises). British Museum, London, 79 pp. [1855] - get paper here
  • Gray,J.E. 1857. Notice of some Indian tortoises (including the description of a new species presented to the British Museum by Professor Oldham). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2) 19: 342-344 - get paper here
  • Gray. J. E. 1834. Illustrations of Indian Zoology, chiefly selected from the collection of Major - General Hardwicke. Vol. 2. London (1833-1834): 263 pp., 95 plates - get paper here
  • Grismer, L.L., Neang, T., Chav, T. & Grismer, J.L. 2008. Checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of the Cardamom region of Southwestern Cambodia. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2008(1): 12–28 - get paper here
  • Kalyar; JOHN THORBJARNARSON AND KUMTHORN THIRAKHUPT 2007. An Overview of the Current Population and Conservation Status of the Critically Endangered River Terrapin, Batagur baska (Gray, 1831) in Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia. The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University 7(1): 51-65 - get paper here
  • Kwet, A. 2010. Welterstnachzucht der Batagur-Schildkröte. Reptilia (Münster) 15 (84): 10-11 - get paper here
  • Ludwig, Maxim; Auer, Markus; Fritz, Uwe 2007. Phalangeal formulae of geoemydid terrapins (Batagur, Callagur, Hardella, Heosemys, Kachuga, Orlitia, Pangshura, Rhinoclemmys) reflect distinct modes of life. Amphibia-Reptilia 28 (4): 574-576 - get paper here
  • Mallick, Nilanjan; Shailendra Singh, Dibyadeep Chatterjee & Souritra Sharma 2021. Conservation breeding of Northern River Terrapin Batagur baska (Gray, 1830) in Sundarban Tiger Reserve, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 13, 6: 18544–18550 - get paper here
  • Manthey, U. & Grossmann, W. 1997. Amphibien & Reptilien Südostasiens. Natur und Tier Verlag (Münster), 512 pp. - get paper here
  • McCord, W.P. & Joseph-Ouni, M. 2003. Chelonian Illustrations #10. Monotypic genera of the family Geoemydidae. Reptilia (GB) (30): 34-38 - get paper here
  • Murray, James A. 1886. The reptiles of Sind : a systematic account, with descriptions of all the species inhabiting the province, and a table of their geographical distribution in Persia, Beloochistan, Afghanistan, Punjab, North-west Provinces and the peninsula of India ge London : Richardson & Co - get paper here
  • Nguyen, S.V., Ho, C.T. and Nguyen, T.Q. 2009. Herpetofauna of Vietnam. Chimaira, Frankfurt, 768 pp.
  • Nutaphand, W, 1979. The Turtles of Thailand. Bangkok (Siamfarm Zool. Garden), 222 pp.
  • Patel, Harshil; and Raju Vyas 2019. Reptiles of Gujarat, India: Updated Checklist, Distribution, and Conservation Status. Herpetology Notes 12: 765-777 - get paper here
  • Platt, Kalyar; Steven G. Platt, Kumthorn Thirakhupt, and Thomas R. Rainwater 2008. Recent Records and Conservation Status of the Critically Endangered Mangrove Terrapin, Batagur baska, in Myanmar. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 7(2): 261-265 - get paper here
  • Platt, S G; Platt, K; Ko Ko, W; Myo Myo, K; Soe, M M & Rainwater, T R; 2019. Batagur baska (Northern River Terrapin) Body size, growth, and conservation status. Herpetological Review 50 (2): 309-310 - get paper here
  • PLATT, S.G.; BRYAN L. STUART; HENG SOVANNARA; LONG KHENG, KALYAR AND HENG KIMCHHAY 2003. Rediscovery of the critically endangered river terrapin, Batagur baska, in Cambodia, with notes on occurrence, reproduction, and conservation status. Chelonian Conserv. Biol. 4 (3): 691
  • Platt, Steven G.; Heng Sovannara, Long Kheng, Rohan Holloway, Bryan L. Stuart, and Thomas R. Rainwater 2008. Biodiversity, Exploitation, and Conservation of Turtles in the Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve, Cambodia, with Notes on Reproductive Ecology of Malayemys subtrijuga. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 7(2): 195 - get paper here
  • PRASCHAG, PETER; ROHAN HOLLOWAY, ARTHUR GEORGES, MARTIN PÄCKERT, ANNA K. HUNDSDÖRFER & UWE FRITZ 2009. A new subspecies of Batagur affinis (Cantor, 1847), one of the world’s most critically endangered chelonians (Testudines: Geoemydidae). Zootaxa 2233: 57-68 - get paper here
  • Preininger, Doris, Rupali Ghosh, Peter Praschag and Anton Weissenbacher. 2014. Brining the Northern River Terrapin back from the brink. Turtle Survival 2014: 38-39 - get paper here
  • Purkayastha, J., DAS, I., Sengupta, S. 2015. Freshwater Turtles & Tortoises of South Asia. Bhabani Books, 138 pp. - get paper here
  • Schilde, M. 2004. Asiatische Sumpfschildkröten - Die Familie Geoemydidae in Südostasien, China und Japan. Natur und Tier Verlag (Münster), 192 pp. - get paper here
  • Spitzweg, C., P. Praschag, S. DiRuzzo & U. Fritz 2018. Conservation genetics of the northern river terrapin (Batagur baska) breeding project using a microsatellite marker system. Salamandra 54 (1): 63-70 - get paper here
  • TEYNIÉ, ALEXANDRE; PATRICK DAVID, & ANNEMARIE OHLER 2010. Note on a collection of Amphibians and Reptiles from Western Sumatra (Indonesia), with the description of a new species of the genus Bufo. Zootaxa 2416: 1–43 - get paper here
  • Theobald, William 1868. Catalogue of the reptiles of British Birma, embracing the provinces of Pegu, Martaban, and Tenasserim; with descriptions of new or little-known species. Zool. J. Linnean Soc. 10: 4-67. - get paper here
  • TTWG; Rhodin, A.G.J., Iverson, J.B., Bour, R., Fritz, U., Georges, A., Shaffer, H.B., and van Dijk, P.P. 2021. Turtles of the World: Annotated Checklist and Atlas of Taxonomy, Synonymy, Distribution, and Conservation Status (9th Ed.). In: Rhodin, A.G.J., Iverson, J.B., van Dijk, P.P., Stanford, C.B., Goode, E.V., Buhlmann, K.A., and Mittermeier, R.A. (Eds.). Chelonian Research Monographs 8:1–472. doi:10.3854/crm.8.checklist.atlas.v9.2021. - get paper here
  • TTWG; Rhodin, A.G.J.; van Dijk, P.P.; Iverson, J.B. & Shaffer, H.B. [turtle taxonomy working group] 2010. Turtles of the World, 2010 Update: Annotated Checklist of Taxonomy, Synonymy, Distribution, and Conservation Status. Chelonian Research Monographs (ISSN 1088-7105) No. 5, doi:10.3854/crm.5.000.checklist.v3.2010 - get paper here
  • Vyas, Raju 2017. A Northern River Terrapin (Batagur baska) from Kutch, with comments on the species’ distribution in western India and Pakistan. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 24 (2): 128–131 - get paper here
  • Woolrich-Piña, G. A., E. García-Padilla, D. L. DeSantis, J. D. Johnson, V. Mata-Silva, and L. D. Wilson 2017. The herpetofauna of Puebla, Mexico: composition, distribution, and conservation status. Mesoamerican Herpetology 4(4): 791–884 - get paper here
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