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Boa atlantica GONZALEZ, LIMA, PASSOS & SILVA, 2024

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Higher TaxaBoidae (Boinae), Henophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: Atlantic Boa 
SynonymBoa atlantica GONZALEZ, LIMA, PASSOS & SILVA 2024: 10
Constrictor constrictor constrictor – Ihering, 1911 (part.)
Constrictor constrictor constrictor – Amaral, 1930 (part.)
Constrictor constrictor constrictor – Stull, 1932 (part.)
Constrictor constrictor constrictor – Stull, 1935 (part.)
Boa constrictor constrictor – Forcart, 1951 (part.)
Boa constrictor constrictor – Stimson, 1969 (part.)
Boa constrictor constrictor – Peters & Orejas-Miranda, 1970 (part.)
Constrictor constrictor constrictor – Amaral, 1977 (part.)
Boa constrictor – Henderson et al., 1995 (part.)
Boa constrictor constrictor – McDiarmid et al., 1999 (part.);
Boa constrictor – Marques et al., 2001
Boa constrictor – Argôlo, 2004
Boa constrictor – Tipton, 2005 (part.)
Boa constrictor constrictor – Bonny, 2007 (part.)
Boa constrictor – Pontes & Rocha, 2008 (part.)
Boa constrictor – Hynkovà et al. 2009 (part.)
Boa constrictor – Reynolds et al., 2014 (part.)
Boa constrictor – Wallach et al., 2014 (part.)
Boa constrictor – Card et al., 2016 (part.)
Boa constrictor constrictor – Reynolds & Henderson, 2018 (part.)
Boa constrictor – Nogueira et al., 2019 (part.) 
DistributionBrazil (Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte State to Ilha Grande, Bahia)

Type locality: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Osório, Rio Comprido, Rua Paula Ramos, 52 (22 ̊56’03.0"S 43 ̊12’36.9"W, datum WGS84; 93 m above sea level.  
TypesHolotype. MNRJ 27242, adult male), collected by Sergeant Marco Aure ́lio da Silva on 13 September 2019. The holotype was collected on a tree, while copulating with the paratype MNRJ 27243.
Paratypes (n = 47). All from Brazil: Alagoas State: Passo do Camaragibe (9 ̊16’28.5"S, 35 ̊ 28’04.8"W), 44 m asl, MNRJ 3940, female, collected by H. Silva at Passo on 18 January 1988; Bahia State: Ilhe ́us, CEPEC-CEPLAC (14 ̊45’21.6"S, 39 ̊13’53.4"W), 58 m asl, CZGB 4862, female, collected by G.A. Costa on 10 July 1996; Salobrinho, Ilhe ́us (14 ̊47’S, 39 ̊10’W), 29 m asl, MNRJ 6362, male, collected by S. Rangel in September 1987; Ituac ̧u ́ (13 ̊48’S, 41 ̊18’W), 539.95 m asl, MNRJ 6361, female, collected by U. Caramaschi & H. Niemeyer on 07 August 1997; Esp ́ırito Santo state: Cachoeiro do Itapemerim (20 ̊51’00.4"S, 41 ̊06’42.9"W), 35 m asl, IBSP 79063, female, collector unknown, collected on 10 January 2011; Setiba, Guarapari (20 ̊ 37’S, 40 ̊26’W), 20 m asl, MNRJ 23361, female, collected by T.S. Soares, date of collection unknown and MNRJ 24903, male, collected by C.F.D. Rocha on 15 November 1999; Reserva Biolo ́gica de Comboios, Linhares (19 ̊33’S, 40 ̊03’W), 13 m asl, MNRJ 23879, male, collected by A.P. Almeida on 31 August 2007; São Mateus, Campus CEUNES/UFES (18 ̊40’S, 39 ̊51’W), 8 m asl, MNRJ 23882, male, collected by R.S. Be ́rnils on 15 March 2011; Vito ́ria, Morro da Gamela (20 ̊17’50.1"S, 40 ̊18’05.5"W), 17 m asl, MNRJ 9565, male, collected by J.L. Gasparini, & F. Campagnolli on 14 January 2002; Rio de Janeiro state: Cabo Frio (22 ̊50’S, 41 ̊59’W), 6 m asl, MNRJ 22936, female, collected by R.R. Pinto et al on 03 May 2012; Carapebus, Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba (22 ̊15’S, 41 ̊39’W), 8 m asl, MNRJ 26802, male, collected by D.S. Fernandes et al. on the 8 March 2018; Guapimirim (22 ̊34’S, 43 ̊0’W) 23 m asl, MNRJ 14238, female, collector unknown, collected in May 2001; Guapimirim (22 ̊34’S, 43 ̊0’W) 23 m asl, MNRJ 14250, female, collector unknown, collected in May 2001; Iguaba Grande (22 ̊50’S, 42 ̊10’W), 37 m asl, MNRJ 17353, female, date of collection and collector unknown; Itabora ́ı, Complexo Petroqu ́ımico do Rio de Janeiro (COMPERJ) (22 ̊39’S, 42 ̊51’W), 21 m asl, MNRJ 25057, female, collected by J. Creusen on 03 June 2013 and MNRJ 26324, male, collected on 28 July 2016; Itabora ́ı (22 ̊39’S, 42 ̊51’W), 134 m asl, MNRJ 25413, female, date of collection and collector unknown; Marica ́ (22 ̊55’S, 42 ̊51’W), 12 m asl, MNRJ 13111, female, collected by C. L. Prata on 12 May 2005; Itaipu, Nitero ́i (22 ̊57’S, 43 ̊02’W), 7 m asl, MNRJ 11205, female, col- lected by F. Vieira, J.V. Camargo, & M.A. Gonc ̧alves in May 2004; Pendotiba, Nitero ́i (22 ̊54’S, 43 ̊04’W), 111 m asl, MNRJ 23573, female, collected by M.S.C. Mesquita on 19 January 2013; Nitero ́i (22 ̊57’S, 43 ̊02’W), 2 m asl, MNRJ 16922, female, collected on 17 July 2008, by R.W. Kisling; Nova Iguac ̧u (22 ̊42’S, 43 ̊28’W), 34 m asl, MNRJ 24860, male, collected by A. Antunes on 13 June 2013; and MNRJ 26213, female, collector unknown, collected in 2014; Porciu ́ncula, Fazenda Vargem Alegre (20 ̊58’S, 42 ̊02’W), 231 m asl, MNRJ 14172, female, collected by B. Pimenta on 08 March 2006; Rio das Ostras (22 ̊30’S, 41 ̊56’W), 31 m asl, MNRJ 10117, female, collected by D.S. Fernandes et al. on 17 November 2003; Rio de Janeiro, Aeroporto Internacio- nal Tom Jobim (22 ̊48’S, 43 ̊15’W), 7 m asl, MNRJ 25952, female, collected by J.T. Baldine in November 2015 and MNRJ 26350, female, collector unknown, collected on 9 May 2016; A ́ gua Santa (22 ̊54’19.0"S, 43 ̊18’26.1"W), 221 m asl, MNRJ 25950, female, collected by D.S. Fer- nandes, B. Miranda, & P. Pinna 09 December 2015; Bairro Jardim Botaˆnico, Horto Grotão (22 ̊57’S, 43 ̊14’W), 650 m asl, MNRJ 19740, male, collected by L. Caetano on 13 July 2010; Cosme velho (22 ̊56’S, 43 ̊11’W), 18 m asl, MNRJ 19412, male, collected by J.P. Pombal on 05 April 2010 and MNRJ 19564, male, collected on 18 May 2010; Del Castilho (22 ̊52’S 43 ̊16’W), 22 m asl, MNRJ 25953, female, collected by R. Baptista on 30 January 2016; Estrada do Rio Morto (23 ̊00’S, 43 ̊29’W), 3 m asl, MNRJ 23144, female, by R.L. Santos, date of collection unknown; Estrada dos Mananciais (22 ̊55’S, 43 ̊22’W), 21 m asl, MNRJ 26589, female, col- lected by D. B. Santos on 21 April 2017; Ilha do Governador (14 ̊47’52.6"S, 39 ̊10’35.3"W), 15 m asl, MNRJ 9449, female, collector unknown, collected on 21 March 2001 and MNRJ 26585, female, collected by A. Carneiro on 6 June 2017; Parque Nacional da Tijuca (22 ̊56’S, 43 ̊17’W), 360 m asl, MNRJ 26886, female, collected by C. Bueno on 13 March 2018 and MNRJ 27262, female, same collector, collected on 29 February 2019; Recreio dos Bandeirantes (23 ̊ 01’S, 43 ̊28’W), 14 m asl, MNRJ 14200, female, collected on by J.R. Gomes 27 May 2006 and MNRJ 14201, female, same collector, collected on 13 May 2006; Serra do Mendanha (22 ̊50’S, 43 ̊29’W), 190 m asl, MNRJ 17547, female, collected by J.A.L. Pontes, date of collection unknown; Rio de Janeiro (22 ̊57’S, 43 ̊18’W), 10 m asl, MNRJ 10092, male, collected by M. Mocelin, date of collection unknown and MNRJ 26796, male, collector unknown, collected on 22 August 2017; São Francisco de Itabapoana (21 ̊14’03.0"S, 41 ̊07’19.0"W), 4 m asl, MBML 2097, male, collected by G.L. Forreque on 10 October 2006; Tereso ́polis, road BR-116 km 86.5 (22 ̊24’S, 42 ̊58’W), 972 m asl, MNRJ 20700, female, collector unknown, collected on 25 July 2011; Fundac ̧ão Oso ́rio, Rio Comprido, Rua Paula Ramos, 52 (22 ̊56’03.0"S 43 ̊12’36.9"W, WGS84), 93 m asl, MNRJ 27243, adult female, collected by Sgt. Marco Aure ́lio da Silva on 13 September 2019 [copulating with the holotype MNRJ 27242]. 
CommentChresonymy: after Gonzalez et al. 2024, see there also for references. 
EtymologyNamed after the Atlantic coast but mainly the Atlantic Forest ecoregion, the homeland of several endemic species, including this new Boa. 
  • Gonzalez RC, Bezerra de Lima LC, Passos P, Silva MJJ 2024. The good, the bad and the boa: An unexpected new species of a true boa revealed by morphological and molecular evidence. PLoS ONE 19(4): e0298159 - get paper here
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