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Boaedon lineatus DUMÉRIL, BIBRON & DUMÉRIL, 1854

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Higher TaxaLamprophiidae, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: Striped House Snake
G: Gestreifte Hausschlange 
SynonymBoaedon lineatum DUMÉRIL, BIBRON & DUMÉRIL 1854: 363
Boaedon quadrilineatum A DUMÉRIL in DUMÉRIL, BIBRON & DUMÉRIL 1854: 363 (fide HALLERMANN, pers. comm.)
Alopecion variegatum BOCAGE 1867 (fide BOULENGER 1893: 332)
Boodon lineatus — BOULENGER 1893: 332
Boodon lineatus var. angolensis BOCAGE 1895: 80 (fide HALLERMANN, p.c.)
Boodon lineatus var. plutonis WERNER 1902 (fide TRAPE et al. 2022)
Boaedon lineatus — SCHMIDT 1923: 63
Boaedon lineatus — CALABRESI 1925: 106
Boodon lineatus — DOLLFUS & BEAURIEUX 1928
Boaedon lineatus — SCORTECCI 1931: 16
Boaedon lineatus lineatus — LOVERIDGE 1941: 120
Boaedon lineatus lineatus — BOGERT 1942
Boaedon lineatus — LOVERIDGE 1955
Boaedon lineatus — FITZSIMONS & BRAIN 1958
Boaedon lineatus lineatus — PERRET 1961
Lamprophis lineatus — BROADLEY 1983
Lamprophis lineatus — HUGHES 1997
Boaedon lineatus — LEBRETON 1999
Lamprophis lineatus — BROADLEY 1998
Boaedon lineatus — KELLY et al. 2011
Lamprophis lineatus — SEGNIAGBETO et al. 2012
Lamprophis lineatus — HUGHES 2013
Boaedon lineatus — WALLACH et al. 2014: 94
Boaedon cf. angolensis — CONRADIE et al. 2016
Boaedon angolensis — MARQUES et al. 2018: 327
Boaedon variegatus — MARQUES et al. 2018: 328
Lamprophis lineatus — BÖHME & HEATH 2018
Boaedon angolensis — BRANCH et al. 2019
Boaedon angolensis — BUTLER et al. 2019
Boaedon angolensis — BAPTISTA et al. 2019
Boaedon lineatus — SENTER & CHIPPAUX 2022 
DistributionMali, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire, except in the south), Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea (Conakry), Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Republic of South Sudan (RSS), Sudan (Jumhūriyyat)

Type locality: Cote-D'or (Gold Coast).

angolensis: Angola  
TypesSyntypes: MNHN-RA 6537 and MNHN-RA 6562
Holotype: ZMB 6469, type loc.: Benguella [Angola] (juvenile specimen); syntype: BMNH 1867.7.23.23 [Alopecion variegatum BOCAGE 1867]
Syntypes: MB (Museu Bocage) specimen numbers unknown (collectors F.A.P. Bayão (Duque de Bragança), Padre A. Barroso (St. Salvador du Congo), J.A. d’Anchieta (Ambaca, Quissange, Cahata, Galanga, Caconda, Biballa, Huilla, Gambos, Humbe), destroyed by fire 18 March 1978 (some specimens may have been exchanged and survived in other collections) [angolensis]
Syntypes: MSNG 30987 [bedriagae] 
DiagnosisDiagnosis (genus): A widespread African genus extending extralimitally onto the Arabian Peninsula, diagnosed by the following combination of characters: body moderately elongated and tail moderate to short; head of moderate size, flattenedabove, elongated isosceles trapezoidal in shape, broader than neckand distinct from it; eye moderate to large with vertically ellipticalpupil; midbody scale rows 23–35, vertebral row not enlarged; dorsal scales smooth with one or two apical pits; ventrals 168–246,without lateral keel; subcaudals paired (usually) or single (olivaceus), 38–85; anal entire; maxilla with six enlarged anterior teeth,separated (usually) by a short diastema from 12 to 16 smaller, sub-equal, ungrooved teeth; hemipenis shallowly forked, shaft withapproximately 12 rows of basal spines; rows merge distally intochevrons and/or denticulate calyces which extend onto lobes; sulcus centrifugal, dividing approximately half way up shaft (Bogert,1940; Broadley, 1990; Branch, 1998; Chippaux, 2001). After KELLY et al. 2011 (See Table 4 in their paper for additional data).

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CommentSimilar species: Thorpe & McCarthy (1978) showed that Lamprophis lineatus is a distinct species in West Africa rather than a color morph of L. fuliginosus, but in Southern Africa the latter species takes on the color pattern of the former. Note, however, that the two species have been confused in the literature and therefore references to either species may be erroneous.

Type species: Boaedon lineatum DUMÉRIL, BIBRON & DUMÉRIL 1854 is the type species of the genus Boaedon DUMÉRIL et al. 1854 (LOVERIDGE 1957). Note that the characters formerly used to distinguish this genus from Lamprophis have proven invalid (Broadley, 1983), and no clear morphological synapomorphies have yet been discovered to diagnose Boaedon, hence Broadley (1983) synonymised Boaedon with Lamprophis until the former was revived by KELLY 2011.

Synonymy: Lamprophis capensis has been previously synononymized with L. lineatus but is now considered as a valid species by most authors. The populations from Southern Africa of Lamprophis formerly regarded as L. lineatus or L. fuliginosus are regarded by Broadley et al (2003) and Johan Marais (2004) as Lamprophis capensis. For more synonyms see BOULENGER 1893. Boaedon angolensis and B. variegatus are listed as valid by MARQUES et al. 2018 but they point out that more studies are needed to establish their validity. Boaedon bedriagae BOULENGER 1906: 211 has been revalidated from the synonymy of B. lineatus by Ceriaco et al. 2021. See that paper for a more detailed synonymy.

Illustrations: See Reptilia (Münster) 11 (1): 91 (2006) for pictures.

Distribution: not in East Africa (S. Spawls, pers. comm., 28 June 2018). Not in Gabon, where it is replaced by B. perisilvestris (O. Pauwels, pers. comm., 25 April 2019). For a map of the genus see Tiutenko et al. 2022: 258 (Fig. 12).

Key: Hallermann et al. 2020 provide a key to the Angolan species of Boaedon. 
EtymologyNamed after Latin “linea”, meaning stripe or line. 
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  • Bogert, Charles M. 1942. Snakes secured by the Snyder East African Expedition in Kenya Colony and Tanganyika Territory. American Museum Novitates (1178): 1-5 - get paper here
  • Böhme, Wolfgang, Mark-Oliver Rödel, Christian Brede & Philipp Wagner 2011. The reptiles (Testudines, Squamata, Crocodylia) of the forested southeast of the Republic Guinea (Guinée forestière), with a country-wide checklist. Bonn zoological Bulletin 60 (1): 35-61 - get paper here
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  • Böhme, Wolfgang & Jeffrey Heath 2018. Amphibian and reptilian records from south-central Mali and western Burkina Faso. Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 59–69 - get paper here
  • Branch, William R.; Pedro Vaz Pinto, Ninda Baptista, and Werner Conradie 2019. The Reptiles of Angola: History, Diversity, Endemism and Hotspots. Chapter 13 in: B. J. Huntley et al. (eds.), Biodiversity of Angola. Springer Verlag, pp. 283-334 - get paper here
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  • Fitzsimons, V.F.M.; Brain, C.K. 1958. A Short account of the Reptiles of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Koedoe, 1(1): 99-104 - get paper here
  • Greenbaum, Eli; Frank Portillo, Kate Jackson & Chifundera Kusamba 2015. A phylogeny of Central African Boaedon (Serpentes: Lamprophiidae), with the description of a new cryptic species from the Albertine Rift. African Journal of Herpetology 64 (1): 18–38 - get paper here
  • Hellmich, W. 1957. Herpetologische Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise in Angola. Veröff. Zool. Staatssammlung München 5: 1-91 - get paper here
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  • Knox, Andrew and Kate Jackson 2010. Ecological and phylogenetic influences on maxillary dentition in snakes. Phyllomedusa 9 (2): 121-131 - get paper here
  • Kriton Kunz 2006. Die Gestreifte Hausschlange (Lamprophis lineatus). Natur und Tier Verlag (Münster), 64 pp. - get paper here
  • Kunz, K. 2006. Pflege und Nachzucht der Gestreiften Hausschlange (Lamprophis lineatus). Terraria 1 (1): 59-64
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  • LeBreton, Matthew 1999. A working checklist of the herpetofauna of Cameroon. Netherlands Committee for IUCN, 160 pp.
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  • Loveridge, Arthur 1941. Report on the Smithsonian-Firestone Expedition's collection of reptiles and amphibians from Liberia. Proc. US Natl. Mus. 91 (3128): 113-140 - get paper here
  • Malonza, Patrick K.; Victor D. Wasonga, Vincent Muchai , Damaris Rotich, Beryl A. Bwong; A.M. Bauer 2006. DIVERSITY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY OF HERPETOFAUNA OF THE TANA RIVER PRIMATE NATIONAL RESERVE, KENYA. Journal of East African Natural History 95(2): 95–109 - get paper here
  • Marais, J. 2004. A Complete Guide to the Snakes of Southern Africa, 2nd ed. Struik Publishers, 312 pp.
  • Marques, Mariana P.; Luis M. P. Ceríaco , David C. Blackburn , and Aaron M. Bauer 2018. Diversity and Distribution of the Amphibians and Terrestrial Reptiles of Angola -- Atlas of Historical and Bibliographic Records (1840–2017). Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (Ser. 4) 65: 1-501 (Supplement II)
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  • Ruf, M. & Barts, M. 2007. Doppelpaarung bei Lamprophis cf. lineatus DUMÉRIL &BIBRON, 1854. Sauria 29 (2): 53-54 - get paper here
  • Scortecci, Giuseppe 1931. Contributo alla conoscenza dei rettili e degli anfibi della Somalia, dell'Eritrea e dell'Abissinia. Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, (ser. 3) 41 (10): 1-26 [1930]
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  • Senter, P. J., & Chippaux, J. P. 2022. Biogeography of snakes in Liberia: Review and synthesis of current knowledge. Ghana Journal of Science, 63(1), 29-62 - get paper here
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  • Taylor, Edward H.;Weyer, Dora 1958. Report on a collection of amphibians and reptiles from Harbel, Republic of Liberia. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 38 (14): 1191-1229 - get paper here
  • Thorpe, R.S. & C.J. McCARTHY 1978. A preliminary study, using multivariate analysis, of a species complex of African house snakes (Boaedon fuliginosus). Journal of Zoology 184: 489-506 - get paper here
  • Trape J-F and Mané Y. 2015. The snakes of Niger. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 9(2) [Special Section]: 39–55 (e110) - get paper here
  • Trape, J.-F. 2023. Guide des serpents d’Afrique occidentale, centrale et d’Afrique du Nord. IRD Éditions, Marseille, 896 pp.
  • Trape, J.-F. & Mané, Y. 2002. Les serpents du Sénégal: liste commentée des espèces. Bull. Soc. Pathol. Exot. 95 (3): 148-150
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  • Trape, J.-F. & Mané, Y. 2006. Guide des serpents d’Afrique occidentale. Savane et désert. [Senegal, Gambia, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger]. IRD Editions, Paris, 226 pp. - get paper here
  • TRAPE, JEAN-FRANÇOIS & CELLOU BALDÉ 2014. A checklist of the snake fauna of Guinea, with taxonomic changes in the genera Philothamnus and Dipsadoboa (Colubridae) and a comparison with the snake fauna of some other West African countries. Zootaxa 3900 (3): 301–338 - get paper here
  • Trape, Jean-François & Youssouph Mané 2017. The snakes of Mali. Bonn zoological Bulletin 66 (2): 107–133 - get paper here
  • Ullenbruch, K.; Grell, O.; Böhme, W. 2010. Reptiles from southern Benin, West Africa, with the description of a new Hemidactylus (Gekkonidae), and a country-wide checklist. Bonn Zool. Bull. 57 (1): 31-54 - get paper here
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
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