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Bradypodion baviaanense TOLLEY, TILBURY & BURGER, 2022

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Bradypodion baviaanense »

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Higher TaxaChamaeleonidae, Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards)
Common Names 
SynonymBradypodion baviaanense TOLLEY, TILBURY & BURGER 2022 
DistributionRepublic of South Africa (Cape Province)

Type locality: Bosrug trail, Baviaanskloof Mountains, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa (−33.534, 24.084, elevation 1,059 m asl).  
TypesHolotype: PEM R05865, adult male. Collected on 1 December 2003 by Krystal Tolley and Marius Burger.
Paratypes: PEM R04471, adult male. Bosrug trail, Baviaanskloof Mountains (−33.531, 24.087, 1 060 m asl). Collected on 1 December 2003 by Krystal Tolley and Marius Burger; PEM R04472, adult female. Bosrug trail, Baviaanskloof Mountains (−33.533, 24.084, 1 076 m asl). Collected on 1 December 2003 by Krystal Tolley and Marius Burger; PEM R04473, adult male. Bosrug trail, Baviaanskloof Mountains (−33.531, 24.083, 1 120 m asl). Collected on 1 December 2003 by Krystal Tolley and Marius Burger; PEM R27747, adult female. Bosrug trail, northern slopes of the Baviaanskloof Mountains (−33.521, 24.090, 1 071 m asl). Collected on 12 March 2021 by Colin Tilbury; PEM R08825, adult female. Farm Rooikrans, Scholtzberg (−33.583, 24.283, 1 003 m asl). Collected on 5 October 1988 by D. Laidler. All of the paratype localities are within the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Differs from all other species of Bradypodion, except B. barbatulum sp. nov. by the combination of the following characters: dwarfed body habitus with a maximum adult snout-vent length of <70 mm and tail length less than the snout-vent length in both sexes; a low casque (elevated less than 30° above the nape); gular grooves pale, with no widened melanotic zones; gular lobes are cone shaped and weakly developed; the flanks have a dorso-lateral clump of enlarged tubercles, as well as one or two other vague rows present, and the dorsal crest extends onto the base of the tail. Differs from B. barbatulum sp. nov. in having 3–4 tubercles between the anterior end of the canthi rostrales and the upper labials (versus 2–3 in B. barbatulum sp. nov.). Hemipenes differ from those of B. barbatulum sp. nov. by the presence of a prominent mucosal fold between the asulcal apical rotulae. 
EtymologyNamed after the Baviaansklo of Mountains, which is the range of mountains where this species occurs. To date, it has not been recorded from other mountain ranges. 
  • Barends, J. M., Petford, M. A., & Tolley, K. A. 2024. Comparing perch availability and perch use between African dwarf chameleon (Bradypodion) ectomorphs. Current Zoology, zoae076
  • Tolley, Krystal A; Colin R Tilbury & Marius Burger 2022. Convergence and vicariance: speciation of chameleons in the Cape Fold Mountains, South Africa, and the description of three new species of Bradypodion Fitzinger, 1843, African Journal of Herpetology, - get paper here
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