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Chalcides sepsoides (AUDOUIN, 1829)

IUCN Red List - Chalcides sepsoides - Least Concern, LC

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Chalcides sepsoides »

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Higher TaxaScincidae, Scincinae, Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Wedge-snouted Skink 
SynonymScincus sepsoides AUDOUIN 1829: 132, 180
Sphenops capistratus WAGLER 1830: 161
Sphaenops sepsoïdes — REUSS 1834: 54
Sphenops capistratus — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1839: 578
Sphenops capistratus — BOETTGER 1879: 72
Sphenops capistratus — BOETTGER 1880
Chalcides sepoides [sic] — BOULENGER 1887: 407
Sphenops capitstratae — TORNIER 1899 (fide BAUER 2004)
Chalcides sepoides [sic] — LOVERIDGE 1936: 74
Sphenops sepsoides — PASTEUR & BONS 1960
Chalcides sepsoides — JOHANN 1981
Sphenops sepsoides — SCHLEICH, KÄSTLE & KABISCH 1996: 369
Sphenops sepoides — BAUER 2004
Chalcides sepsoides — CARRANZA et al. 2008
Sphenops sepsoides — IBRAHIM 2013
Sphenops sepsoides — BAHA EL DIN 2013
Chalcides sepsoides — MEIRI et al. 2019 
DistributionTunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sinai, S Israel, W Jordan

Type locality: Egypt  
TypesHolotype: MNHN-RA (fide I. Ineich, pers. comm., 3 Apr 2019) 
CommentSubspecies: Sphenops sepsoides boulengeri (ANDERSON 1896) has been treated as a valid species by SCHLEICH et al. 1996 and subsequent authors.

Distribution: see Bar et al. 2021 for a map. 
  • Al-Quran, S. 2009. The Herpetofauna of the Southern Jordan. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 6 (4): 385-391 [this journal has a dubious record, see]
  • Audouin, J. V. 1827. Explication sommaire des planches de reptiles (supplément) ... offrant un exposé des caractères naturels des genres, avec la distinction des espèces. . In: Savigny, M. J. C. L. de., Description d’Égypte, Vol. l. Historie Naturelle. Paris: Imprimerie impériale/Imprimerie royale - get paper here
  • Baha el Din, S. 2006. A guide to the reptiles and amphibians of Egypt. The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo. xvi + 359 pp.
  • Baha El Din, Sherif M. and Omar Attum 2000. The herpetofauna of Zaranik Protected Area, Egypt, with notes on their ecology and conservation. Herpetological Bulletin (73): 17-21 - get paper here
  • Bar, A., Haimovitch, G. and Meiri, S. 2021. Field guide to the amphibians and reptiles of Israel. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt Am Main. ISBN 9783-89973-120-0 - get paper here
  • Bar, Aviad and Guy Haimovitch 2012. A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Israel. Pazbar LTD, 246 pp. - get paper here
  • Bauer, A.M. 2003. Die “Symbolae physicae” und die Herpetologie der Expedition von HEMPRICH und EHRENBERG nach Ägpypten und dem nahen Osten. Sekretär 3 (2): 4-17 - get paper here
  • Bauer, Aaron M.; Jonathan C. DeBoer , Dylan J. Taylor 2017. Atlas of the Reptiles of Libya. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 64 (8): 155-318 - get paper here
  • Boettger, O. [as O. Böttger] 1880. Die Reptilien und Amphibien von Syrien, Palaestina und Cypern. Ber. Senckenb. Naturforsch. Ges., Frankfurt/M., 1879-1880: 132-219 - get paper here
  • Boulenger, G. A. 1887. Catalogue of the lizards in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) III. Lacertidae, Gerrhosauridae, Scincidae, Anelytropsidae, Dibamidae, Chamaeleontidae. London: 575 pp. - get paper here
  • Boulenger, George A. 1891. Catalogue of the reptiles and batrachians of Barbary (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia), based chiefly upon the notes and collections made in 1880-1884 by M. Fernand Lataste. Tr. Zool. Soc. 13: 93-164
  • Carranza, S.; E.N. Arnold, Ph. Geniez, J. Roca and J.A. Mateo 2008. Radiation, multiple dispersal and parallelism in the skinks, Chalcides and Sphenops (Squamata: Scincidae), with comments on Scincus and Scincopus and the age of the Sahara Desert. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 46 (3): 1071-1094 - get paper here
  • Disi, A.M.; Modry, D.; Nečas, P. & Rifai, L. 2001. Amphibians and reptiles of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt, 408 pp.
  • Disi, Ahmad; Zuhair S. Amr, Nashat Hamidan 2014. Diversity, Threats, and Conservation of the Terrestrial and Freshwater Herpetofauna of Jordan. Russ. J. Herpetol. 21 (3): 221-233 - get paper here
  • Duméril, A. M. C. and G. Bibron. 1839. Erpétologie Générale on Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 5. Roret/Fain et Thunot, Paris, 871 pp. - get paper here
  • Gervais, Paul 1848. Sur les animaux vertébrés de l’Algerie. Ann. Sci. Nat. (3) X: 204, 205 - get paper here
  • Goldberg, S. R. & Bursey, C. R. 2012. Chalcides sepsoides (wedge-snouted skink) endoparasites. Herpetological Review 43: 332 - get paper here
  • Gravenhorst, J. L. C. 1851. Über die im Zoologischen Museum der Universität Breslau Befindlichen Wirtelschleichen (Pseudosaura), Krüppelfüssler (Brachypoda), und einige andere, Denselben verwandte Reptilien aus den Zünften der Schleichen und Dickzüngler [Euprepes striolatus]. Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. 23 (1): 291-394 [1847] - get paper here
  • Ibrahim, Adel A. 2013. The Herpetology of the Suez Canal Zone, Egypt. Vertebrate Zoology 63 (1): 87–110 - get paper here
  • Jestrzemski, D. 2019. Reptilien in Israel - unterwegs in der Negev-Wüste. Elaphe 2019 (3): 40-49
  • Johann, H. 1981. Herpetologische Eindrücke auf einer Reise durch die Sahara. Herpetofauna 3 (13): 17-21 - get paper here
  • Loveridge, A. 1936. African reptiles and amphibians in the Field Museum of Natural History. Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, 22 (1): 1-122 - get paper here
  • Marx,Hymen 1968. Checklist of the reptiles and amphibians of Egypt. Spec. Publ. U.S. Nav. Med. Res. Unit 3: 1-91
  • Meiri, Shai; Amos Belmaker, Daniel Berkowic, Kesem Kazes, Erez Maza, Guy Bar-Oz and Roi Dor 2019. A checklist of Israeli land vertebrates. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution - get paper here
  • Ollonen, J., Khannoon, E. R., Macrì, S., Vergilov, V., Kuurne, J., Saarikivi, J., ... & Di-Poï, N. 2024. Dynamic evolutionary interplay between ontogenetic skull patterning and whole-head integration. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1-16 - get paper here
  • Pasteur,G. & BONS,J. 1960. Catalogue des reptiles actuels du Maroc. Revisions des formes d’Afrique, d’Europe et d’Asie. Trav. Inst. sci. chérif., Rabat, (Zool.) 21: 1-134
  • Reuss,A. 1834. Zoologische Miscellen, Reptilien. Saurier. Batrachier. Museum Senckenbergianum, Frankfurt am Main 1 (6): 27-62 - get paper here
  • Schleich, H.H., Kästle,W., Kabisch, K. 1996. Amphibians and Reptiles of North Africa. Koeltz, Koenigstein, 627 pp.
  • Schmidt, K. P. & Marx, H. 1956. The herpetology of Sinai. Fieldiana 39 (4): 21-40 - get paper here
  • Shahin, A. B.; Schneider, H.; Zahran, W.; Gabri, M. and Soliman, M. 1995. Protein variation and taxonomy in some genera of the family Scincidae (Reptilia) in Egypt: Enzyme variability and relatedness to number of fingers in natural populations of Audouin’s sand skink; Chalcides sepsoides. El -Minia Sci. Bull. (El Minia) 8(1):171-194
  • Sindaco, R. & Jeremcenko, V.K. 2008. The reptiles of the Western Palearctic. Edizioni Belvedere, Latina (Italy), 579 pp. - get paper here
  • Spawls, Stephen; Tomáš Mazuch & Abubakr Mohammad 2023. Handbook of Amphibians and Reptiles of North-east Africa. Bloomsbury, 640 pp. - get paper here
  • Stokely, Paul Scott 1947. Limblessness and correlated changes in the girdles of a comparative morphological series of lizards. American Midland Naturalist 38 (3): 725-754 - get paper here
  • Tornier,G. 1899. Reptilia. In: Carlgren,O., Hilgendorf,F., Martens, E. von, Matschie, P., Tornier, G., & Weltner, W. (eds.). Symbolae physicae seu icones adhuc ineditae corporum naturalium novorum aut minus cognitorum quae ex itineribus per Libyam, Aegyptum, Nubiam,k G. Reimer, Berlin. - get paper here
  • Trape, J.F.; Trape, S. & Chirio, L. 2012. Lézards, crocodiles et tortues d'Afrique occidentale et du Sahara. IRD Orstom, 503 pp. - get paper here
  • Wagler, Jean G. 1830. Natürliches System der Amphibien, mit vorangehender Classification der Säugetiere und Vögel. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Zoologie. 1.0. Cotta, München, Stuttgart, and Tübingen, 354 pp. [1830-1832] - get paper here
  • Werner, Y. L. 1968. Distribution of the Saharan Sphenops sepsoides (Reptilia: Scincidae) in Israel and Jordan. Herpetologica 24: 238-242. - get paper here
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