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Chalcides bedriagai (BOSCA, 1880)

IUCN Red List - Chalcides bedriagai - Near Threatened, NT

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Higher TaxaScincidae, Scincinae, Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
SubspeciesChalcides bedriagai bedriagai (BOSCA 1880)
Chalcides bedriagai cobosi VALVERDE 1997
Chalcides bedriagai pistaciae VALVERDE 1966 
Common NamesE: Spanish Cylindrical Skink
G: Iberischer Walzenskink
D: Spaanse Skink 
SynonymGongylus ocellatus bedriagai BOSCA 1880: 50
Chalcides bedriagai montanus VALVERDE 1966
Chalcides bedriagai albaredae VALVERDE 1969 (nom. nov.)
Chalcides bedriagai montanus — ALMAÇA 1971: 95
Chalcides bedriagai — MALKMUS 1982
Chalcides bedriagai — MALKMUS 1990
Chalcides bedriagai — ENGELMANN et al 1993
Chalcides bedriagai bedriagai — SALVADOR 1998: 151
Chalcides bedriagai bedriagai — SINDACO & JEREMČENKO 2008
Chalcides bedriagai — SPEYBROECK et al. 2020

Chalcides bedriagai pistaciae VALVERDE 1966
Chalcides pistaciae VALVERDE 1966
Chalcides bedriagai pistaciae — SALVADOR 1998: 151
Chalcides bedriagai pistaciae — GALÁN 2003
Chalcides bedriagai pistaciae — SINDACO & JEREMČENKO 2008

Chalcides bedriagai cobosi VALVERDE in SALVADOR 1998
Chalcides bedriagai bedriagai VALVERDE 1966 (non bedriagai BOSCA 1880)
Chalcides bedriagai cobosi VALVERDE in SALVADOR 1998 (nom. nov.)
Chalcides cobosii — FAHD et al. in PLEGUEZUELOS et al. 2002
Chalcides bedriagai cobosi — SINDACO & JEREMČENKO 2008
Chalcides bedriagai cobosi — CARRANZA et al. 2008 
DistributionSpain, Portugal, Gibraltar

Type locality: restricted to “Dosaguas, Valencia” fide MERTENS & MÜLLER 1940. Lectotype locality: “Dosaguas, Valencia”, [Spain]

pistaciae: Iberia (NW Spain, Portugal)

cobosi: S Portugal, Spain (Andalucia, Murcia)  
TypesLectotype: MNCN 5116, designated by Salvador (1998:152). 
DiagnosisDiagnosis. “Eine relativ kleinwüchsige Art, die sich von C. chalcides durch pentadaktyle Extremitäten, von C. ocellatus durch das nur mit dem 2. Supralabiale in Kontakt stehende Loreale unterscheidet (vgl. hierzu Seva und Escarre 1976). Nasenloch liegt auf der Naht zwischen Rostrale und erstem Supralabiale.” (Salvador 1981: 309). 
CommentChalcides bedriagai cobosi has been proposed as a replacement name for Chalcides bedriagai bedriagai Valverde, 1966 (non BOSC 1880). Valverde confused the different subspecies and created a "new subspecies" bedriagai, which is a homonym and had to be replaced by Valverde himself (in Salvador, 1998; M.A. Alonso-Zarazaga, pers. comm.). 
EtymologyNamed after Jacques von Bedriaga (1854-1906), Russian-born herpetologist. 
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  • CASTRO-EXPÓSITO, ARANCHA DE; ENRIQUE GARCÍA-MUÑOZ & FRANCISCO GUERRERO. 2021. Reptile diversity in a Mediterranean wetlands landscape (Alto Guadalquivir region, southeastern Spain): are they affected by human impacts? Acta Herpetologica 16(1): 27–36. - get paper here
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  • Fernández-Ortín, Daniel; Gregorio Sánchez-Montes, Íñigo Martínez-Solano 2019. A catalogue of reptiles of Monfragüe National Park (Spain), with molecular characterization of populations of Blanus WAGLER, 1830 in this protected area. Basic and Applied Herpetology - get paper here
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  • Galán, Pedro 2003. Female reproductive characteristics of the viviparous skink Chalcides bedriagai pistaciae (Reptilia, Squamata, Scincidae) from an Atlantic beach in north-west Spain. Amphibia-Reptilia 24 (1): 79-85 - get paper here
  • GARCÍA-DÍEZ, TERESA; JOSÉ E. GONZÁLEZ-FERNÁNDEZ 2013. The reptile type specimens preserved in the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC) of Madrid, Spain. Zootaxa 3619 (1): 046–058 - get paper here
  • Glandt, Dieter;Schlüpmann, Martin;Thiesmeier, Burkhard 1998. Herpetologische Beobachtungen in der Algarve, Südportugal. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 5: 181-208 - get paper here
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  • Maluquer-Margalef, Joan & David Bigas 2011. Sobre la presència de Chalcides bedriagai (Boscá, 1880) a l’illa de Buda (Delta de l’Ebre). Bull. Soc. Catalana d’Herp. 19 - get paper here
  • Margalef, Joan Maluquer; Daniel Escoriza & Albert Lozano 2009. Aportacions sobre la distribució altitudinal de Chalcides bedriagai (Boscá, 1880) al massís de Penyagolosa (Castelló) i el poblament herpetològic del vessant nord del massís. Bull. Soc. Cat. Herp. 18: 42-48
  • Pasteur,G. 1981. A survey of the species groups of the the old world scincid genus Chalcides. Journal of Herpetology 15 (1): 1-16 - get paper here
  • Pleguezuelos J.M., Márquez R. & Lizana M. 2002. Atlas y Libro Rojo de los Anfibios y Reptiles de España. Dirección General de la Conservación de la naturaleza-Asociación Herpetológica Española (2ª impresión). Madrid. pp 587. - get paper here
  • Pollo, C. 2009. Eslizón ibérico – Chalcides bedriagai. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Salvador, A., Marco, A. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. - get paper here
  • Salvador, A. 1981. Chalcides bedriagai - Iberischer Walzenskink. In: Böhme,W. (ed.), Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas, Band I., Echsen I. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden, pp. 309-317
  • Salvador, A. 1998. Reptiles, In: Fauna Ibérica, vol. 10. Dep. de Publ. del CSIC, Museo Nac. de Cienc. Naturales, Madrid, 705 pp. - get paper here
  • SANTOS, B. S., MARQUES, M. P., & CERÍACO, L. M. 2024. Lack of country-wide systematic herpetology collections in Portugal jeopardizes future research and conservation. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 96, e20230622 - get paper here
  • Schlüter, U. 2012. The Rock. Die Herpetofauna Gibraltars. Reptilia (Münster) 17 (94): 93-101 - get paper here
  • Sindaco, R. & Jeremcenko, V.K. 2008. The reptiles of the Western Palearctic. Edizioni Belvedere, Latina (Italy), 579 pp. - get paper here
  • Speybroeck, Jeroen; Wouter Beukema, Christophe Dufresnes, Uwe Fritz, Daniel Jablonski, Petros Lymberakis, Iñigo Martínez-Solano, Edoardo Razzetti, Melita Vamberger, Miguel Vences, Judit Vörös0, Pierre-André Crochet 2020. Species list of the European herpetofauna – 2020 update by the Taxonomic Committee of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica.. Amphibia-Reptilia 41: 139-189 - get paper here
  • Valverde, J.A. 1966. Notas sobre vertebrados II. Sobre las subespecies de Chalcides bedriagai (BOSCA 1880). Bol. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. (Biol.) 64: 169-170
  • Valverde, J.A. 1969. Nuevo nombre para un Chalcides iberico. Bol. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. (Biol.) 66: 135
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