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Chironius foveatus BAILEY, 1955

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Chironius foveatus »

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Higher TaxaColubridae, Colubrinae, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: South American Sipo
Portuguese: cipó, cobra-cipó, cobra-cipó verde
Portuguese: Caninana, Caninana-Verde-de-Cabeça-Preta, Cobra-Cipó, Cobra-Cipó-Verde, Cipó, Cobra-Espada, Cobra-Verde, Serra-Velha 
SynonymChironius foveatus BAILEY 1955: 10
Chironius foveatus — PETERS & OREJAS-MIRANDA 1970: 60
Chironius multiventris foveatus — DIXON et al. 1993: 164
Chironius foveatus — BÉRNILS et al. 2001
Chironius foveatus — HOLLIS 2006
Chironius foveatus — CRUZ CENTENO et al. 2008
Chironius foveatus — KLACZKO et al. 2010
Chironius foveatus — WALLACH et al. 2014: 160
Chironius foveatus — NOGUEIRA et al. 2019
Chironius foveatus — BERNAL & DUBOIS 2023 
DistributionCoast of Brazil (Santa Catarina, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro)

Type locality: Rio Fortuna, Ilhéus, Bahia.  
TypesHolotype: MNRJ 1840 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: This is the only race of Ch. multiventris with a combination of 163-174 ventrals, yellow-olive ventrals and subcaudals wilh a distinct dark edging, and a high incidence of only one apical pit per dorsal scale on neck region and on paravertebrals for length of snake [DIXON et al. 1993] 
CommentHabitat: partly arboreal (Harrington et al. 2018).

Phylogenetics: C. foveatus appears to be paraphyletic with C. multiventris in the phylogeny in Jadin et al. 2024. 
EtymologyThe name foveatus stems from “fovea” meaning pit or fossa, which refers to the presence of a large apical pit on the paravertebral scales tbroughout the length of the snake. 
  • Bailey, Joseph R. 1955. The snakes of the genus Chironius in southeastern South America. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan (571): 1-21 - get paper here
  • Bernal, Rodrigo & Alain Dubois 2023. Chironius scurrula, the correct nomen for Chironius scurrulus (Squamata, Serpentes, Colubridae), with a list of the correct spellings of specific epithets currently in use in this genus. Bionomina 34: 035–044 - get paper here
  • Bérnils, R.S.; Batista, M.A. & Bertelli, P.W. 2001. Cobras e lagartos do Vale: levantamento das espécies de Squamata (Reptilia, Lepidosauria) da Bacia do Rio Itajai, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Rev. Est. Ambientais (Blumenau) 3 (1): 69-79
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  • Claessen, H. 2003. De slangen can de Guyana’s. Deel iv. Lacerta 61 (1): 19-27 - get paper here
  • Cruz Centeno, Fernanda da; Ricardo Jannini Sawaya & Otavio Augusto Vuolo Marques 2008. Snake assemblage of Ilha de São Sebastião, southeastern Brazil: comparison to mainland. Biota Neotropica 8 (3): 63-68 - get paper here
  • DA SILVA BANCI, KARINA RODRIGUES; MURILO GUIMARÃES, LUCAS HENRIQUE CARVALHO SIQUEIRA, EDELCIO MUSCAT, IVAN SAZIMA & OTAVIO AUGUSTO VUOLO MARQUES. 2022. Body shape and diet reflect arboreality degree of five congeneric snakes sympatric in the Atlantic forest. Biotropica 54(4): 839–851. - get paper here
  • Dixon J R; Wiest J A Jr; Cei J M 1993. Revision of the Neotropical snake genus Chironius Fitzinger (Serpentes, Colubridae). MUSEO REGIONALE DI SCIENZE NATURALI MONOGRAFIE (TURIN) 13 :1-280
  • Dorigo, Thiago Arnt; Carla Costa Siqueira; Jane C. F. Oliveira; Luciana Ardenghi Fusinatto; Manuela Santos-Pereira; Marlon Almeida-Santos; Thiago Maia-Carneiro; Caroline N. C. Reis; Carlos Frederico Duarte Rocha 2021. Amphibians and reptiles from the Parque Nacional da Tijuca, Brazil, one of the world’s largest urban forests Anfíbios e répteis do Parque Nacional da Tijuca, Brasil, uma das maiores florestas urbanas do mundo. Biota Neotropica 21 (2) - get paper here
  • dos Santos, M. M., Klaczko, J., & Prudente, A. L. D. C. 2024. Sexual dimorphism in the Neotropical snakes genus Chironius (Serpentes: Colubridae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, blae020 - get paper here
  • Duellman, W. E. 1978. The biology of an equatorial herpetofauna in Amazonian Ecuador. Misc. Publ. Univ. Kans. Mus. Nat. Hist. 65: 1-352 - get paper here
  • Embert, Dirk 2002. Geographic distribution. Chironius multiventris multiventris (Cobra Cipo Sacaiboia). Herpetological Review 33 (3): 226. - get paper here
  • Freitas, Marco Antonio de 2014. Squamate reptiles of the Atlantic Forest of northern Bahia, Brazil. Check List 10 (5): 1020-1030 - get paper here
  • Freitas, Marco Antonio de; Arthur Diesel Abegg, Thais Figueiredo Santos Silva, Patrícia Mendes Fonseca, Breno Hamdan, Thiago Filadelfo 2019. Herpetofauna of Serra do Timbó, an Atlantic Forest remnant in the State of Bahia, Northeastern Brazil. Herpetology Notes 12: 245-260 - get paper here
  • Frota, J.G. da; Pedroso dos Santos-Jr, Alfredo; Menezes-Chalkidis, H. de & Guimarães Guedes, A. 2005. AS SERPENTES DA REGIÃO DO BAIXO RIO AMAZONAS, OESTE DO ESTADO DO PARÁ, BRASIL (SQUAMATA). Biociências 13 (2): 211-220 - get paper here
  • Gasc & Rodrigues 1980. Liste preliminaire des Serpents de la Guyane francaise. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris 2 (4): 559-598
  • Gonzalez R. C. et al. 2020. Lista dos Nomes Populares dos Répteis no Brasil – Primeira Versão. Herpetologia Brasileira 9 (2): 121 – 214 - get paper here
  • Hamdan, B. & R. M. Lira-da-Silva 2012. The snakes of Bahia State, northeastern Brazil: species richness, composition and biogeographical notes. Salamandra 48 (1): 31-50 - get paper here
  • Hamdan, B.; D.P. Coelho; A.B. D’Angiolella; E.J.R. Dias; R.M. Lira-da-Silva. 2013. The Reptile Collection of the Museu de Zoologia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil. Check List 9 (2):257-262 - get paper here
  • Harrington, Sean M; Jordyn M de Haan, Lindsey Shapiro, Sara Ruane 2018. Habits and characteristics of arboreal snakes worldwide: arboreality constrains body size but does not affect lineage diversification. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 125 (1): 61–71 - get paper here
  • Hoogmoed M.S.; de Avila-Pires T C S 1991. Annotoated checklist of the herpetofauna of Petit Saut, Sinnamary River, French Guiana. Zoologische Mededelingen 65: 53-88 - get paper here
  • Jadin, R. C., Jowers, M. J., Blair, C., Ludwig, R. K., Salgado-Irazabal, X., & Murphy, J. C. 2024. Rectifying a century of misidentifications: a taxonomic re-evaluation of sipo snakes (Colubridae: Chironius) on Trinidad. Systematics and Biodiversity 22(1): 2338064 - get paper here
  • Klaczko, Julia; Fabio de Andrade Machado, Gustavo Scrocchi, and Hussam Zaher 2010. Taxonomic Status of Chironius multiventris and Chironius cochranae (Serpentes). Herpetologica 66 (4): 476-484 - get paper here
  • KOK, PHILIPPE J. R. 2010. A new species of Chironius Fitzinger, 1826 (Squamata: Colubridae) from the Pantepui region, northeastern South America. Zootaxa 2611: 31–44 - get paper here
  • Kornacker,P.M. 1999. Checklist and key to the snakes of Venezuela. PaKo-Verlag, Rheinbach, Germany, 270 pp.
  • Mallet-Rodrigues, Francisco and Maria Luís Marinho de Noronha. 2014. Chironius foveatus (South American sipo) diet. Herpetological Review 45 (1): 141-142 - get paper here
  • Muscat, E. and O. M. Entiauspe-Neto 2016. Chironius foveatus (Atlantic Forest Sipo Snake) defensive behavior. Herpetological Review 47(3): 475. - get paper here
  • Nogueira, Cristiano C.; Antonio J.S. Argôlo, Vanesa Arzamendia, Josué A. Azevedo, Fausto E. Barbo, Renato S. Bérnils, Bruna E. Bolochio, Marcio Borges-Martins, Marcela Brasil-Godinho, Henrique Braz, Marcus A. Buononato, Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia, 2019. Atlas of Brazilian snakes: verified point-locality maps to mitigate the Wallacean shortfall in a megadiverse snake fauna. South American J. Herp. 14 (Special Issue 1):1-274 - get paper here
  • Oliveira, Jane C.F.; Rodrigo Castellari Gonzalez; Paulo Passos; Davor Vrcibradic & Carlos Frederico Duarte Rocha 2020. Non-Avian Reptiles of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: status of knowledge and commented list. Pap. Avulsos Zool. 60: e20206024 - get paper here
  • Pontes, J.A.L.; Figueiredo, J.P., Pontes, RC. and Rocha, C.F.D. 2008. Snakes from the Atlantic Rainforest area of Serra do Mendanha, in Rio de Janeiro state, southeastern Brazil: a first approximation to the taxocenosis composition. Braz. J. Biol. 68(3): 601-609 - get paper here
  • Roberto, I. J. and Souza, A. R. 2020. Review of prey items recorded for snakes of the genus Chironius (Squamata, Colubridae), including the first record of Osteocephalus as prey. Herpetology Notes 13: 1-5. - get paper here
  • Rojas-Padilla O, Menezes VQ, Dias IR, Argôlo AJS, Solé M, Orrico VGD 2020. Amphibians and reptiles of Parque Nacional da Serra das Lontras: an important center of endemism within the Atlantic Forest in southern Bahia, Brazil. ZooKeys 1002: 159-185 - get paper here
  • Schmidt, Karl P. & Walker, Warren F. 1943. Peruvian snakes from the University of Arequipa. Zoological Series of Field Museum of Zoology 24 (26): 279-296 - get paper here
  • Silva-Soares, T.; R.B. Ferreira; R.O.L. Salles; C.F.D. Rocha. 2011. Continental, insular and coastal marine reptiles from the municipality of Vitória, state of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. Check List 7 (3): 290-298 - get paper here
  • Starace, Fausto 1998. Guide des Serpents et Amphisbènes de Guyane. IBIS Rouge Editions, Guadeloupe, Guyane, 450 pp.
  • Starace, Fausto 2013. Guide des Serpents et Amphisbènes de Guyane. Ibis Rouge Editions, Matoury, Guyane, ISBN 978-2-84450-407-4 - get paper here
  • Torres-Carvajal, O., Echevarría, L.Y., Lobos, S.E., Venegas, P.J., Kok, P.J.R. 2018. Phylogeny, diversity and biogeography of Neotropical sipo snakes (Serpentes: Colubrinae: Chironius). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 130: 315-329 - get paper here
  • Vrcibradic, D.; C.F.D. Rocha; M.C. Kiefer; F.H. Hatano; A.F. Fontes; M. Almeida-Gomes; C.C. Siqueira; J.A.L. Pontes; V.N.T. Borges-Junior; L.O. Gil; T. Klaion; E.C.N. Rubião; M. Sluys. 2011. Herpetofauna, Estação Ecológica Estadual do Paraíso, state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. Check List 7 (6): 745-749 - get paper here
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
  • Zaher, Hussam; Fausto Erritto BarboI; Paola Sanchez Martínez; Cristiano Nogueira; Miguel Trefaut Rodrigues; Ricardo Jannini Sawaya 2011. Répteis do Estado de São Paulo: conhecimento atual e perspectivas. Biota Neotropica, 11 (1): 1–15. - get paper here
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