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Crocodylus niloticus LAURENTI, 1768

IUCN Red List - Crocodylus niloticus - Least Concern, LR

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Higher TaxaCrocodylidae (Crocodylia, crocodiles)
SubspeciesCrocodylus niloticus niloticus LAURENTI 1768
Crocodylus niloticus africanus LAURENTI 1768
Crocodylus niloticus chamses BORY DE SAINT VINCENT 1824
Crocodylus niloticus cowiei (SMITH in HEWITT 1937)
Crocodylus niloticus pauciscutatus DERANIYAGALA 1948 
Common NamesE: Nile crocodile
G: Nilkrokodil 
SynonymCrocodylus niloticus LAURENTI 1768: 53
Crocodylus niloticus — MEYER 1795:19
Lacerta crocodila — SHAW & NODDER 1800: plate 428
Crocodilus vulgaris CUVIER 1807: 40
Crocodilus multiscutatus RÜPPELL in CRETZSCHMAR 1826: 99
Crocodilus marginatus GEOFFROY 1827: 260
Crocodilus vulgaris — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1836: 104
Crocodilus vulgaris — BAIKIE 1857: 378 (?)
Crocodilus vulgaris — MURRAY 1863
Crocodilus madagascariensis GRANDIDIER 1872 (nom. nud.)
Crocodilus vulgaris var. madagascariensis BOETTGER 1877
Crocodilus vulgaris — FISCHER 1884: 18
Crocodylus niloticus — SCHMIDT 1919: 419
Champse vulgaris — MONARD 1940: 179
Crocodylus niloticus — AUERBACH 1987: 78
Crocodylus niloticus — GLAW & VENCES 1994: 230
Crocodylus niloticus — SINDACO & JEREMČENKO 2008
Crocodylus niloticus madagascariensis — HEKKALA et al. 2011
Crocodylus niloticus — SPAWLS et al. 2018: 329

Crocodylus niloticus africanus LAURENTI 1768
Crocodylus africanus LAURENTI 1768
Crocodylus niloticus africanus — FUCHS 1974: 140
Crocodylus niloticus africanus — FUCHS et al. 1974: 111

Crocodylus niloticus chamses BORY DE SAINT VINCENT 1824
Crocodilus chamses BORY DE SAINT VINCENT 1824: 105
Crocodylus niloticus chamses — FUCHS et al. 1974: 111
Crocodylus niloticus chamses — WERMUTH & MERTENS 1977: 144

Crocodylus niloticus cowiei (SMITH in HEWITT 1937)
Alligator cowiei SMITH in HEWITT 1937: 2
Crocodylus niloticus cowiei — FUCHS et al. 1974
Crocodylus niloticus cowiei — WERMUTH & MERTENS 1977: 144

Crocodylus niloticus niloticus LAURENTI 1768
Crocodylus niloticus LAURENTI 1768: 53
Crocodilus vulgaris CUVIER 1807: 40
Crocodilus multiscutatus RÜPPELL in CRETZSCHMAR 1826: 99
Crocodilus marginatus GEOFFROY 1827: 260
Crocodilus lacunosus GEOFFROY 1827: 261
Crocodilus complanatus GEOFFROY 1827: 263
Crocodilus octophractus RÜPPELL in GRAY in GRIFFITH 1831: 22
Crocodilus hexaphractos RÜPPELL in SCHMIDT 1886 (nomen nudum)
Crocodylus niloticus niloticus — FUCHS 1974: 124
Crocodylus niloticus niloticus — FUCHS et al. 1974: 110

Crocodylus niloticus pauciscutatus DERANIYAGALA 1948: 31
Crocodylus.niloticus worthingtoni DERANIYAGALA 1948: 30 (nomen nudum)
Crocodylus niloticus pauciscutatus DERANIYAGALA 1948: 31
Crocodylus niloticus pauciscutatus — FUCHS et al. 1974: 113
Crocodylus niloticus pauciscutatus — LANZA 1988 
DistributionAngola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire), Republic of Congo (Brazzaville), Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Nosy Faly, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa (Eastern Cape etc.), Sudan (Jumhūriyyat), Republic of South Sudan (RSS), Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

africanus: Tanzania, Ruanda, Burundi; Type locality: restricted to Tanzania fide Fuchs et al. 1974.

chamses: Uganda, SE Sudan (Jumhūriyyat), Republic of South Sudan (RSS), Democratic Republic of Congo (Katanga), Zaire, Gabon, Angola, N SW Africa und NE Zambia. Type locality: restricted to Congo River fide Fuchs et al. 1974.

cowiei: Mozambique, Botswana, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia (except North-East), South Africa; Type locality: South Africa (fide Fuchs et al. 1974)

madagascariensis: Madagascar; Type locality: Madagascar

pauciscutatus; Somalia (Shebelli and Juba rivers), Ethiopia, Kenya; Type locality: Lake Rudolf, East Africa

Type locality: India and Egypt; restricted by Fuchs et al. (1974) to "Ägypten" (= Egypt).  
Reproductionoviparous. Exhibits temperature‐dependent sex determination (TSD) fide Cornejo-Páramo et al. 2020 (and references therein). 
TypesHolotype: unlocated (fide King & Burke 1989), lost fide Fuchs et al. 1974: 114.
Holotype: lost fide Fuchs et al. 1974: 114 [africanus]
Holotype: SMF 28161 [octophractus]
Holotype: NMSL (Colombo) fide DERANIYAGALA 1948 [pauciscutatus]
Holotype: SMF 28161 [multiscutatus]
Holotype: MNHN-RA 6498 (type status uncertain) [madagascariensis] 
CommentDistribution: Fairly recently extirpated from Israel, and less recently (beginning of the 19th century) from the Comoro islands. These latter extinctions were also due to an increase in aridification and thus a decrease in suitable habitat. Records for Seychelles are erroneous. These were demonstrated to be C. porosus (Gerlach & Canning 1996). Not in Benin fide ULLENBRUCH et al. 2010. See (crude) map of subspecies in Fuchs et al. 1974: 108. Reports from Comoro Islands are based on a single report from a beach, hence unconfirmed (Hawlitschek et al. 2011). Reports from the Seychelles represent C. porosus (F. Glaw, pers. comm., 31 July 2022, based on Gerlach & Canning 1994). Not in Equatorial Guinea fide SÁNCHEZ-VIALAS et al. 2022.

Subspecies after WERMUTH & MERTENS 1977. The “Smith” in Alligator cowiei SMITH in HEWITT 1937 was not identified by first name or any other information. C. n. madagascariensis doesn’t seem to be recognized by recent authors. Hekkala et al. 2011 mention it without further comment.

Taxonomy: Mitochondrial DNA analyses by SCHMITZ et al. (2003) consistently revealed two groups of C. niloticus, one consisting of the monophyletic West- and Central African populations and the other of a paraphyletic group containing the East African and Madagascan populations. High genetic divergence between those groups indicates separation on the species level. This was confirmed by Pan et al. 2021. For a near complete phylogeny of extant and fossil crocodiles see Darlim 2022, 2023.

Behavior: Vergne and Mathevon (2008) present the first experimental evidence that pre-hatching calls of Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) juveniles are informative acoustic signals which indeed target both siblings and mother.

Type species: Crocodilus vulgaris CUVIER 1807 is the type species of the genus Crocodylus LAURENTI 1768, which is the type genus of the family Crocodylidae Deraniagala, 1930 (often cited as coined by Oppel, 1811:21 who used Crocodilini as the first family-group name for crocodiles (Savage 2017).

Synonymy: Kaiser et al. 2013 considered the generic name Oxycrocodylus Hoser 2012 invalid and rejected its use instead of Crocodylus.

Hybridization: Crocodylus niloticus appears to hybridize with C. siamensis and C. porosus, at least in captivity (Wei et al. 2022). 
EtymologyNamed after the type locality in Egypt, along the Nile.

The genus (and family) was named after Greek krokodeilus = kind of lizard, and/or Latin crocodilus = a crocodile. 
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  • Abdelkarim, A.A., Kanno, I.O. & Musa, F.I. 2024. Observation on identification of birds and reptile in Taya - Basonda – Al galabat National Park, Gedaref State - Sudan. Journal for Nature Conservation 79, 126614 - get paper here
  • Andersson, Lars Gabriel 1910. Reptiles and batrachians from the north-west of Madagascar collected by V. Kaudern, 1906-1907. Arkiv för Zoologi 7 (7): 1-15. - get paper here
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  • Baikie, Balfour 1857. On the species of Crocodilus inhabiting the rivers Kwóra and Bínuë (Niger and Tsadda) in Central Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2) 20: 378-380 - get paper here
  • Baptista NL, António T, Branch WR. 2019. The herpetofauna of Bicuar National Park and surroundings, southwestern Angola: a preliminary checklist. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 13(2) [Special Section]: 96–130 (e203) - get paper here
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  • BENANSIO, JOHN SEBIT; GIFT SIMON DEMAYA, DANIELE DENDI & LUCA LUISELLI. 2022. Attacks by Nile Crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus ) on Humans and Livestock in the Sudd Wetlands, South Sudan. Russian Journal of Herpetology 29 (4): 199–205. - get paper here
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  • Buruwate, T. C., & Lloyd-Jones, D. J. 2024. Amphibian and Reptile Diversity of Niassa Special Reserve, Northern Mozambique. Journal of East African Natural History, 113(1), 1-18 - get paper here
  • Calverley, Peter M. and Colleen T. Downs 2014. Habitat Use by Nile Crocodiles in Ndumo Game Reserve, South Africa: A Naturally Patchy Environment. Herpetologica Dec 2014, Vol. 70, No. 4: 426-438. - get paper here
  • Calverley, Peter M. and Colleen T. Downs 2014. Population Status of Nile Crocodiles in Ndumo Game Reserve, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa (1971–2012). Herpetologica Dec 2014, Vol. 70, No. 4: 417-425. - get paper here
  • Calverley, Peter M. and Colleen T. Downs 2017. The Past and Present Nesting Ecology of Nile Crocodiles in Ndumo Game Reserve, South Africa: Reason for Concern? Journal of Herpetology 51 (1): 19–26 - get paper here
  • Chirio, L. 2009. Inventaire des reptiles de la région de la Réserve de Biosphère Transfrontalière du W (Niger/Bénin/Burkina Faso: Afrique de l’Ouest). [Herpetological survey of the W Transfrontier Biosphere Reserve area (Niger/Benin/Burkina Faso: West Africa]. Bull. Soc. Herp. France (132): 13-41 - get paper here
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  • Conradie W and Branch WR. 2016. The herpetofauna of the Cubango, Cuito, and lower Cuando river catchments of south-eastern Angola. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 10 (2) [Special Section]: 6–36 - get paper here
  • Conradie W, Keates C, Verburgt L, Baptista NL, Harvey J, Júlio T, Neef G. 2022. Contributions to the herpetofauna of the Angolan Okavango-Cuando-Zambezi River drainages. Part 2: Lizards (Sauria), chelonians, and crocodiles. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 16(2): 181–214 (e322) - get paper here
  • CONRADIE, W., ENGELBRECHT, H., HERREL, A., MEASEY, G.J., NIELSEN, S.V., V ANHOOYDONCK, B., & TOLLEY, K.A. 2011. Reptile survey of Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve, Limpopo Province - South Africa. African Herp News (55): 6-12 - get paper here
  • Cornejo-Páramo, P., Lira-Noriega, A., Ramírez-Suástegui, C. et al. 2020. Sex determination systems in reptiles are related to ambient temperature but not to the level of climatic fluctuation. BMC Evol Biol 20: 103 - get paper here
  • Cuvier, G. 1807. Sur les différentes especes de crocodiles vivans et sur leurs caracteres distinctifs. Ann. Natl. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 10: 8-86. - get paper here
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  • Darlim de Oliveira, Gustavo 2023. Phylogeny and divergence ages in Crocodylia: implications for crown-clades and paleobiogeography. PhD thesis, U Tübingen
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  • Gandola, Robert, Roger Poland, Mamy Rabenoro, Stuart Graham and Catriona Hendry. 2013. Crocodylus niloticus (Nile crocodile) diet. Herpetological Review 44 (2): 312 - get paper here
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  • Hekkala, Evon Renee 2004. Conservation Genetics at the Species Boundary: Case Studies from African and Caribbean Crocodiles Genus: Crocodylus). Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, New York. - get paper here
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  • Hoser, R.T. 2012. A review of the taxonomy of the living crocodiles including the description of three new tribes, a new genus, and two new species. Australasian J. Herpetol. 14:9–16. - get paper here
  • Jacobsen, Niels H.G.; Errol W. Pietersen & Darren W. Pietersen 2010. A preliminary herpetological survey of the Vilanculos Coastal Wildlife Sanctuary on the San Sebastian Peninsula, Vilankulo, Mozambique. Herpetology Notes 3: 181-193
  • Ji, Xue-Feng; Wu, Xiao-Bing; Li, Yan; Yan, Peng; Amato, George 2006. The mitochondrial genome of Crocodylus niloticus with implications for phylogenetic relationships among crocodilian species. Acta Zoologica Sinica 52 (4): 810-818.
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  • Malonza, Patrick K.; David M. Mulwa, Joash O. Nyamache, Georgina Jones 2017. Biogeography of the Shimba Hills ecosystem herpetofauna in Kenya. Zoological Research 38(5): 1-11 - get paper here
  • Malonza, Patrick K.; Victor D. Wasonga, Vincent Muchai , Damaris Rotich, Beryl A. Bwong; A.M. Bauer 2006. DIVERSITY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY OF HERPETOFAUNA OF THE TANA RIVER PRIMATE NATIONAL RESERVE, KENYA. Journal of East African Natural History 95(2): 95–109 - get paper here
  • Marholdt, D. & H. Jes 1988. Angaben zur Sedierung eines Crocodylus niloticus (LAURENTI, 1768) (Crocodylia: Crocodylidae). Salamandra 24 (2-3): 179-181 - get paper here
  • Marias, J.; Smith, G.A. 1992. Ecological and Economical Status of the Nile Crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus in South Africa. J. Herp. Assoc. Africa (40): 102-103 - get paper here
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  • Meganathan, P.R.; Bhawna Dubey, Mark A. Batzer, David A. Ray, Ikramul Haque 2010. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of genus Crocodylus (Eusuchia, Crocodylia, Crocodylidae) and the taxonomic position of Crocodylus porosus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57 (1): 393-402 - get paper here
  • Meiri, Shai; Amos Belmaker, Daniel Berkowic, Kesem Kazes, Erez Maza, Guy Bar-Oz and Roi Dor 2019. A checklist of Israeli land vertebrates. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution - get paper here
  • Meyer, F.A.A. 1795. Synopsis Reptilium, novam ipsorum sistens generum methodum, nec non Gottingensium huius ordinis animalium enumerationem. Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen, 32 pp [for current names see Rösler & Böhme 2021] - get paper here
  • Michel C. Milinkovitch,1* Liana Manukyan,1 Adrien Debry,1 Nicolas Di-Poï,1 Samuel Martin,2 Daljit Singh,3 Dominique Lambert,4 Matthias Zwicker3 2013. Crocodile Head Scales Are Not Developmental Units But Emerge from Physical Cracking. Science 339: 78-81 - get paper here
  • Miguel, A. R., Kaiser, H., Vargas, N. D., & Borges-Martins, M. 2024. Diversity and natural history of reptiles from coastal environments in Gilé National Park, northern Mozambique. Herpetology Notes, 17, 173-199
  • Miles, Lee G.; Stacey L. Lance; Sally R. Isberg; Chris Moran; Travis C. Glenn 2009. Cross-species amplification of microsatellites in crocodilians: assessment and applications for the future. Conservation Genetics. 10:935–954 - get paper here
  • Monard, ALBERT 1940. Résultats de la mission du Dr. Monard en Guinée Portugaise 1937 – 1938. Arq. Mus. Bocage, Lisbon 11: 147-182
  • Mook, C.C., and G.E. Mook. 1940. Some problems in crocodilian nomenclature. American Museum Novitates 1098: 1-10 - get paper here
  • Morpurgo, B., G. Gvaryahu & B. Robinzon 1992. Effects of Population Density, Size, and Gender on Plasma Testosterone, Thyroxine, Hematocrit, and Calcium in Juvenile Nile Crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus) in Captivity Copeia 1992 (4): 1023-1027. - get paper here
  • Muchai, Vincent & Patrick Malonza 2011. The reptiles and amphibians of Kibwezi Forest, Ngulia and Chyulu Hills. Kenya Past and Present (39): 45-49 - get paper here
  • Murray, A. 1862. Description of Crocodilus frontatus, a new crocodile from Old Calabar River, West Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) 11: 222-227 - get paper here
  • Myburgh, Jan G. and Jonathan K. Warner. 2011. Crocodylus niloticus (Nile crocodile) induced hatching. Herpetological Review 42 (3): 368 - get paper here
  • Nickel, H. 2004. Neues zum Status von Crocodylus suchus GEOFFROY 1807, dem Nordwestafrikanischen Krokodil. Draco 5 (20): 48-53 - get paper here
  • Nyirenda, Vincent R. 2015. Spatial Variability of Nile Crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus) in the Lower Zambezi River Reaches. Herp. Cons. Biol. 10 (3) - get paper here
  • Osthoff, Gernot; Arno Hugo, Danny Govender, Fritz Huchzermeyer, and Hindrik Bouwman 2014. Comparison of the Lipid Composition of Three Adipose Tissue Types of Male and Female Wild Nile Crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus). Journal of Herpetology 48 (4): 525-531. - get paper here
  • PAN, TAO; JIA-SHUN MIAO, HUA-BIN ZHANG, PENG YAN, PING-SHIN LEE, XIN-YUE JIANG, JIA-HUI OUYANG, YOU-PENG DENG, BAO-WEI ZHANG & XIAO-BING WU. 2021. Near-complete phylogeny of extant Crocodylia (Reptilia) using mitogenome-based data. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 191(4): 1075–1089. - get paper here
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  • Rochford, Michael R.; Kenneth L. Krysko, Frank J. Mazzotti, Matthew H. Shirley, Mark W. Parry, Joseph A. Wasilewski, Jeffrey S. Beauchamp, Christopher R. Gillette, Edward F. Metzger III, Michikoa A. Squires, and Louis A. Somma 2016. Molecular Analyses Confirming the Introduction of Nile Crocodiles, Crocodylus niloticus Laurenti 1768 (Crocodylidae), in Southern Florida, with an Assessment of Potential for Establishment, Spread, <br>and Impacts. Herp. Cons. Biol. 11 (1) - get paper here
  • Rösler, Herbert & Wolfgang Böhme 2021. Das Leben von Friedrich Albrecht Anton Meyer (1768 – 1795) und die Herpetologie in seinen Schriften, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der „Synopsis Reptilium“. Sekretär 21: 83-129
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  • Schmitz, Andreas; Patrick Mausfeld; Evon Hekkala; Tara Shine; Hemmo Nickel; George Amato; Wolfgang Böhme 2003. Molecular evidence for species level divergence in African Nile Crocodiles Crocodylus niloticus (Laurenti, 1786). C. R. Palevol 2: 703–712 - get paper here
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  • Wei, Wentian; Ting Li, Bo Yao, Guangwei Fan, Huabin Zhang, Tao Pan, Pingshin Lee, Haitao Nie, Pen Yan, Jingwang Xu & Xiaobing Wu 2022. The Reproductive Characteristics of the First-generation Hybrid Derived from Three Introduced Purebred Crocodile Species Current Herpetology Feb 2022 Vol. 41, No. 1: 101-113 - get paper here
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  • Whitfield, A.K. & S.J.M. Blaber 1979. Predation on Striped Mullet (Mugil cephalus) by Crocodylus niloticus at St. Lucia, South Africa Copeia 1979 (2): 266-269. - get paper here
  • Willis, Ray E. 2009. Transthyretin gene (TTR) intron 1 elucidates crocodylian phylogenetic relationships. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53 (3): 1049-1054 - get paper here
  • Wilson, R.T. 1978. Notes on the crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) in Darfur, Western Sudan. E. Africa. Wildl. J. 16: 65-67 - get paper here
  • Ziegler, T. & Olbort, S. 2004. Genitalstrukturen und Geschlechtsunterscheidung bei Krokodilen. Draco 5 (20): 39-47 - get paper here
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