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Higher TaxaGeoemydidae (Geoemydinae), Testudinoidea, Testudines (turtles)
Common NamesE: Philippine Box Turtle
G: Philippinen—Scharnierschildkröte 
SynonymCuora philippinensis BLANCK, GAILLARD, PROTIVA, WHEATLEY, SHI, LIU, RAY & ANDERS 2023: 40
Testudo melanocephala — VAN-ERNSTE in DAUDIN 1801 (partim)
Cuora amboinensis amboinensis (partim) — RUMMLER & FRITZ 1991
Cuora amboi- nensis amboinensis — MCLEOD et al. 2011
Cuora oxyslopp — HOSER 2021 (nomen rejectum) 
DistributionPhilippines (Negros, Luzon, Visayas [= Bohol, Cebu, Leyte, Mindoro, Panay, and Samar], Mindanao)

Type locality: Negros, Philippines  
TypesHolotype. NHMW 29470: 2 (Figs. 34 and 35), adult female SCL 147.2 mm, collected in 1880 by Mr. Gerrard.
Paratypes. NHMW 29470: 1 adult male SCL 126.7 mm same collection data as the holotype, NHMW 29470: 3 subadult female SCL 106.9 mm, collected by Gerrard in 1878 on Negros, NHMW 29470: 4, purchased by Steindachner, a juvenile with an SCL 89 mm with origin “from the Philippines.” 
DiagnosisAdditional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (9612 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
  • Blanck, Torsten; Daniel Gaillard, Tomáš Protiva, Madeleine Wheatley, Haitao Shi, Lin Liu, Parimal Chandra Ray, Ben Anders 2023. A Taxonomic Hide and Seek: Phylogenetic and Phylogeographic Relationships in the Southeast Asian Box Turtle, Cuora amboinensis (Riche in Daudin, 1801). Russ. J. Herp. 30 (6) (Supplement): 1 – 52 - get paper here
  • Daudin, F. M. 1801. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles; ouvrage faisant suit à l'Histoire naturell générale et particulière, composée par Leclerc de Buffon; et rédigee par C.S. Sonnini, membre de plusieurs sociétés savantes. Vol. 2. F. Dufart, Paris, 432 pp. [publication date fide Harper 1940] - get paper here
  • Decena, S. C. P., Banado, F. I. C., & Densing, L. A. F. 2024. Amphibians and reptiles from Leyte Sab-a Basin Peatland: A unique wetland habitat in Leyte, Philippines. Annals of Tropical Research, 46(2), 116-154 - get paper here
  • Hoser R. T. 2021. , “Audit finds dozens of unnamed turtle taxa. A body of evidence results in newly named genera, subgenera, species and subspecies based on historical and morphological divergence,” Australasian J. Herpetol., 52 – 53, 1 – 128
  • MCLEOD, David S.; Cameron D. SILER, Arvin C. DIESMOS, Mae L. DIESMOS, Vhon S. GARCIA, Angela O. ARKONCEO, Kelvin L. BALAQUIT, Charlene C. UY, Mariden M. VILLASERAN, Earle C. YARRA, Rafe M. BROWN 2011. Amphibians and Reptiles of Luzon Island, V: The Herpetofauna of Angat Dam Watershed, Bulacan Province, Luzon Island, Philippines. Asian Herpetological Research 2 (4): 177–198 - get paper here
  • Rummler, H. J. & U. FRITZ 1991. Geographische Variabilität der Amboina-Scharnierschildkröte Cuora amboinensis (DAUDIN, 1802), mit Beschreibung einer neuen Unterart, C. a. kamaroma subsp. nov. Salamandra 27 (1-2): 17-45 - get paper here
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