Dalophia welwitschii GRAY, 1865
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Higher Taxa | Amphisbaenidae, Amphisbaenia, Lacertoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards) |
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Synonym | Dalophia welwitschii GRAY 1865 Monopeltis welwitschii — BOULENGER 1885: 456 Monopeltis welwitschii — BOCAGE 1895: 29 Monopeltis welwitschii — FRANK & RAMUS 1995 Monopeltis welwitschii — GANS 2005: 38 Monopeltis welwitschii — MARQUES et al. 2018 Dalophia welwitschii — BRANCH et al. 2019 |
Distribution | Angola Type locality: ‘‘Angola; Pungo Andongo’’. |
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Types | Syntypes: BMNH, RR1946.8.20.90 |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis (genus). Very similar to Monopeltis, but nasal shields almost always separated by rostral segment, no precloacal pores, generally only a single cephalic shield, always a modified pectoral region, and tip of the tail always squarely truncate and produced into a flattened callous pad. Table 2 presents meristic differences for all but the northernmost populations. (Broadley et al. 1976, Modified after Vanzolini 1951) |
Comment | This species is known from its type specimens only (GANS 2005). Type species: Dalophia welwitschii is the type species of the genus Dalophia Gray, 1865 (fide GANS 2005) although he lists this species as a member of the genus Monopeltis. Technically, this implies that Dalophia is a synonym of Monopeltis, but nobody has apparently done a proper phylogenetic analysis to resolve this. |
Etymology | Named after Dr. Friedrich Martin Josef Welwitsch (1806-1872), an Austrian theater critic before fleeing to Portugal to escape the consequences of a youthful indiscretion. |
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