Denisonia maculata (STEINDACHNER, 1867)
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Higher Taxa | Elapidae (Hydrophiinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes) |
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Common Names | E: Ornamental Snake |
Synonym | Hoplocephalus maculatus STEINDACHNER 1867: 81 Denisonia ornata KREFFT 1869: 82 Hoplocephalus Muelleri FISCHER 1885: 109 Denisonia maculata — COGGER 1983: 223 Denisonia maculata — WELCH 1994: 55 Denisonia maculata — COGGER 2000: 644 Denisonia maculata — WILSON & SWAN 2010 Denisonia maculata — WALLACH et al. 2014: 226 Denisonia maculata — EIPPER & EIPPER 2024: 133 |
Distribution | Australia (Queensland) Type locality: N. S. W., subsequent restriction to Rockhampton, Qld. proposed by Mackay (1956). |
Reproduction | ovovivparous |
Types | Syntypes: NMW = NHMW, unnumbered (2 specimens) listed by Cogger et al. (1983), but Tiedemann & Häupl (1980) and Tiedemann et al. (1994) did not list any such specimens in the NMW collection. Consequently, a lectotype designation by Wells & Wellington (1985) of the larger of the two specimens is invalid. Holotype: AM 6697, from near Rockhampton, Qld. [Denisonia ornata] Holotype: SMNS 2377 (=10821), from Qld. [Hoplocephalus muelleri] |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis (genus): As in Cogger (in Griggs 1985) with the following additions: Pupil vertically elliptic, iris of eye pale. Distinguished from some superficially similar species of Suta by venom gland musculature of the Oxyuranus type (versus the Pseudechis type), retention of the deeply forked hemipenis (simple in Suta), diploid number of 34 with pair 5 sex chromosomes (versus 30 with pair 4 sex chromosomes) and upper labials strongly barred with white and dark brown. (see Hutchinson 1990: 400) |
Comment | Synonymy after COGGER 1983. Venomous! Type species: Hoplocephalus maculatus STEINDACHNER 1867: 81 is the type species of the genus Denisonia KREFFT 1869. Reference images: see Uetz et al. 2024 for high-resolution reference images for this species. |
Etymology | Presumably named after the Latin maculatus (spotted). (G. Shea, pers. comm., 9 Feb 2024) |
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