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Diploderma xinlongense CAI, ZHANG, LI, DU, XIE, HOU, ZHOU & JIANG, 2022

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Diploderma xinlongense »

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Higher TaxaAgamidae (Draconinae), Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Xinlong Mountain Lizard
Chinese: 新龙攀蜥 (xīn lóng pān xī) 
SynonymDiploderma xinlongense CAI, ZHANG, LI, DU, XIE, HOU, ZHOU & JIANG 2022
Diploderma xinlongense— DONG et al. 2024 
DistributionChina (Sichuan), elevation 2950–3080 m

Type locality: Eri village (30.8954°N, 100.231797°E; at elevation 3040 m a.s.l.), Wuya Township, Xinlong County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China  
TypesHolotype: CIB 119354, Adult male (filed number 20210907), collected by Huaming ZHOU and Jing LI on September 2021.
Allotype: Adultfemale,CIB119355(filednumber20210906), also collected from Eri vallige (30.895089°N, 100.230106°E; at elevation 3057 m a.s.l.), Wuya Township, Xinlong County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China, by Huaming ZHOU and Jing LI.
Paratypes: The specimens 20210908 share the same locality as the holotype, the 20210909 (female, 30.525361°N, 100.339067°E; at elevation 2961 m a.s.l.), 20210910 (subadult, 30.526836°N, 100.337386°E; at elevation 2976 m a.s.l.), a nd 20210911(male, 30.528414°N, 100.3357°E; a t elevation 2951 m a.s.l.) were collected from Junba Brindge, Xinlong County; 20210912 (male, 30.895036°N, 100.228056°E; at elevation 3052 m a.s.l.) collected from Wuya Township, Xinlong County. All the specimens were from Xinlong County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, China, and the collector information as the holotype. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Diploderma xinlongense sp. nov. can be mainly distinguished from other Diploderma species by the following characters: 1) TAL/SVL 146.7%–152.1% (average 149.4%) in males, and 144.8%–146.6% (average 145.9%) in females; 2) TRL/SVL 43.4%–45.1% in males and 45.3%–52.6% in females; 3) HL/ SVL 31.2%–31.8% in males and 29.4%–34.2% in females; 4) T4S 16–21 (average 19) and F4S 13–16 (average 14); 5) ventral scales distinctively keeled; 6) tympanum concealed; 7) transverse gular fold deep, forming a pouch across throat; 8) radial stripes below eyes present; 9) ventrolateral body smoky white to white (one specimen is mosaic light yellow), with light yellow and white spots in males, light grey white or wheat spots in females; 10) gular spot always cyan surrounded by yellow in live males while cyan or light cyan surrounded by white in live females; 11) inner-lip smoky white, and tongue and oral cavity light flesh color; 12) dorsolateral stripes strongly jagged, and yellow in males while sandy brown (normally) or light grey (dimly lit or stressed) in live females; 13) skin fold under dorsal crest and nuchal crest are weak; 14) fourth toe with claw reaching tympanum when hindlimbs adpressed forward. (Cai et al. 2022) 
EtymologyThe specific epithet of “Xinlong” refers to the Xinlong County where the new species was discovered. 
  • Cai B., Zhang M. H., Li J., Du S. M., Xie F., Hou M., Zhou H. M., Jiang J. P. 2022. Three New Species of Diploderma Hallowell, 1861 (Reptilia: Squamata: Agamidae) from the Shaluli Mountains in Western Sichuan, China. Asian Herpetol Res. 13(4): 205–223 - get paper here
  • DONG, W., LI, L., XUN, H., GAO, W., WANG, K., & CHE, J. 2024. Extended Descriptions and Revised Diagnoses of Three Recently Described, Little-Known Mountain Dragons (Reptilia: Agamidae: Diploderma) from the Yalong River Valley in Southwest China. Zootaxa, 5463(4): 479-500
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