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Enyalioides touzeti »

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Higher TaxaHoplocercidae, Iguania, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Touzet’s woodlizards
S: lagartijas de palo de Touzet 
Enyalioides touzeti — TORRES-CARVAJAL et al. 2011 
DistributionSW Ecuador (Azuay), NW Peru ?, elevation 300–700 m

Type locality: Finca La Envidia (3°3’0”S, 79°41’25”W, 433 m elevation) Santa Marta hill, Cantón Ponce Enríquez, Provincia Azuay, Ecuador.  
TypesHolotype: MEPN (also as EPN) 10306, an adult male, collected on 13 March 2007 by A. Almendáriz and J. Hernández. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Enyalioides touzeti (Fig. 1) can be distinguished from other species of Enyalioides by the combination of the following characters: (1) ventrals keeled; (2) paravertebrals small, imbricate, and strongly keeled; (3) vertebral scales on neck region in adult males more than twice as high as vertebrals on pelvic region; (4) femoral pores on each side one or two; (5) lateral aspects of body and neck strongly folded; (6) vertebral crest continuous along neck and body; (7) scales on body and limbs homogeneous in size; (8) caudal segments distinct; (9) gular region in adult males dark. 
EtymologyThe specific name is a noun in the genitive case and is a patronym for Jean-Marc Touzet, who has made important contributions to the study and conservation of the herpetofauna of Ecuador including valuable collections and the establishment of the Gustavo Orcés Herpetological Foundation in Quito. Touzet has had a great positive impact in the careers of many Ecuadorian herpetologists including most of the authors in this paper. He was the first person to collect a specimen of the species described by TORRES-CARVAJAL et al., which he recognized as an undescribed species of Enyalioides. 
  • Amador, Luis; Carlos Gómez, Carlos A. Londoño-Guarnizo, Jhulyana López-Caro, Alejandro Arteaga 2017. Northernmost new records of Enyalioides touzeti Torres-Carvajal, Almendáriz, Valencia, Yánez-Muñoz & Reyes, 2008 (Sauria: Hoplo­cercidae) from Ecuador: altitudinal and latitudinal distribution extension, new provincial and biogeographical record. Check List 13 (1): 2032 - get paper here
  • Arteaga, A.; Bustamante, L.; Vieira, J. 2024. Reptiles of Ecuador. Khamai Foundation & Tropical Herping, 1073 pp. - get paper here
  • Beolens, Bo; Michael Watkins, and Michael Grayson 2011. The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA - get paper here
  • Torres-Carvajal O, Pazmiño-Otamendi G, Salazar-Valenzuela D. 2019. Reptiles of Ecuador: a resource-rich portal, with a dynamic checklist and photographic guides. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 13 (1): [General Section]: 209–229 (e178) - get paper here
  • Torres-Carvajal, O.; Almenáriz, A.; Valencia, J.; Yúnez-Muñoz, M. & Reyes, J.P. 2008. A new species of Enyalioides (Iguanidae: Hoplocercinae) from southwestern Ecuador. Pap. Avulsos Zool. (São Paulo) 48 (20): 227-235 - get paper here
  • Torres-Carvajal, Omar; RICHARD ETHERIDGE & KEVIN DE QUEIROZ 2011. A systematic revision of Neotropical lizards in the clade Hoplocercinae (Squamata: Iguania). Zootaxa 2752: 1–44 - get paper here
  • Venegas PJ, Torres-Carvajal O, Duran V, de Queiroz K 2013. Two sympatric new species of woodlizards (Hoplocercinae, Enyalioides) from Cordillera Azul National Park in northeastern Peru. ZooKeys 277: 69–90. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.277.3594 - get paper here
  • Venegas, Pablo J.; Margot Cuyos and Karen Y. Siu-Ting 2010. Reptilia, Squamata, Iguanidae, Enyalioides touzeti Torres-Carvajal, Almendáriz, Valencia, Yañez-Muñoz and Reyes, 2008: Distribution extension and first country record for Peru. Check List 6 (3): 405-407 - get paper here
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