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Eremias argus PETERS, 1869

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Higher TaxaLacertidae, Eremiadinae, Sauria, Lacertoidea, Squamata (lizards)
SubspeciesEremias argus argus PETERS 1869
Eremias argus barbouri SCHMIDT 1925 
Common NamesE: Mongolia Racerunner
Russian: Монгольская ящурка
Chinese: 丽斑麻蜥 
SynonymEremias argus PETERS 1869: 61
Podarces argus STRAUCH 1876
Eremias argus — BOULENGER 1887: 102 (part.)
Eremias argus — STONE 1899: 183
Eremias argus — STEJNEGER 1907: 248
Eremias brenchleyi ELPATEYEVSKY 1906
Eremias (Pareremias) argus — SZCZERBAK 1974
Eremias argus — SZYNDLAR 1984
Eremias argus — SCHLÜTER 2005
Eremias (Pareremias) argus — SINDACO & JEREMČENKO 2008
Eremias argus — MACIAS et al. 2021

Eremias argus barbouri SCHMIDT 1925
Eremias barbouri SCHMIDT 1925
Eremias argus barbouri — OKADA 1935
Eremias (Pareremias) barbouri — SINDACO & JEREMČENKO 2008
Eremias argus barbouri — BÖHME 2014: 145 
DistributionE Mongolia, NE China (Liaoning south to Jiangsu and westward to Qinghai)
C Mongolia and adjacent parts of China (Inner Mongolia)
W Korea, Russia (southern bank of Lake Baikal, SW Chitinskaya Oblast, S Buryatia)

Type locality: Mai Tai Chao, China [E. a. barbouri]
Type locality: “Chefoo, China” [= Yantai Shi, Shandong, China] fide BAUER et al. 1995: 57  
Reproductionoviparous. High-elevation females tended to produce smaller clutches of larger<br>eggs compared with their low-elevation counterparts (Deme et al. 2022) 
TypesLectotype: ZMB 4532 (designated by SZCZERBAK 1974)
Holotype: AMNH 24045, paratypes: FMNH, ZFMK 14230 (ex-AMNH 24079), possibly 1 paratype in NMW [barbouri] 
DiagnosisAdditional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (313 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentSynonymy partly after KHALIKOV & ANANJEVA (pers. comm.).

Genome: Liu et al. 2023.

Distribution: See Tian et al. 2024 (Fig. 1) for a map 
EtymologyNamed after the mythological Greek giant Argus who had many eyes (some accounts say 100). The reptiles named after him are adorned with ocelli (eyelike spots). 
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  • CHANG, JING; YIFAN PAN, WENTAO LIU, YUN XIE, WEIYU HAO, PENG XU & YINGHUAN WANG. 2021. Acute temperature adaptation mechanisms in the native reptile species Eremias argus. Science of The Total Environment 151773. - get paper here
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  • Lixia, Wan; Shihong, Sun; Yuanting, Jin; Yongfeng, Yan; Naifa, Liu 2007. Molecular phylogeography of the Chinese lacertids of the genus Eremias (Lacertidae) based on 16S rRNA mitochondrial DNA sequences. Amphibia-Reptilia 28 (1): 33-41 - get paper here
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  • QU, Yanfu; Qun ZHAO; Hongliang LU; Xiang JI 2014. Population Dynamics Following the Last Glacial Maximum in Two Sympatric Lizards in Northern China. Asian Herpetological Research 5 (4): 213-227, doi 10.3724/SP.J.1245.2014.00213 - get paper here
  • Schlüter, U. 2005. Der Mongolische Wüstenrenner, Eremias argus PETERS, 1869. Draco 5 (21): 82-85 - get paper here
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  • Wang, Y., Li, S. R., Pei, M. Y., Wu, D. Y., & Du, W. G. 2021. Population origin, maternal effects, and hydric conditions during incubation determine embryonic and offspring survival in a desert-dwelling lizard. Oecologia, 1-12 - get paper here
  • Zeng, Zhi-Gao; Jun-Huai Bi , Shu-Ran Li , Yang Wang , Travis R. Robbins , Shao-Yong Chen , and Wei-Guo Du 2016. Habitat Alteration Influences a Desert Steppe Lizard Community: Implications of Species-Specific Preferences and Performance. Herp. Monographs 30 (1): 34-48 - get paper here
  • ZHANG, ZHIRONG; QIAN ZHU, JUNDA CHEN, ROMAAN HAYAT KHATTAK, ZONGZHI LI, LIWEI TENG & ZHENSHENG LIU. 2022. Insights into the composition of gut microbiota in response to environmental temperature: The case of the Mongolia racerunner (Eremias argus). Global Ecology and Conservation 36: e02125. - get paper here
  • Zhao,E. & Adler,K. 1993. Herpetology of China. SSAR, Oxford/Ohio, 1-522
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