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Eremiascincus pallidus (GÜNTHER, 1875)

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Eremiascincus pallidus »

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Higher TaxaScincidae, Sphenomorphinae (Sphenomorphini), Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Western Sand-swimming Skink, Western Narrow-banded Skink
G: Westaustralischer Streifenskink 
SynonymHinulia pallida GÜNTHER 1875: 12
Lygosoma pallidum — BOULENGER 1887: 233
Lygosoma (Sphenomorphus) pallidum — SMITH 1937: 220
Sphenomorphus pallidus — MITTLEMAN 1952: 28
Lygosoma (Sphenomorphus) pallidum — GLAUERT 1960
Sphenomorphus fasciolatus pallidus — STORR 1967: 15–16
Sphenomorphus fasciolatus — STORR 1974: 69 (part.)
Eremiascincus fasciolatus — GREER 1979: 323 (part.)
Eremiascincus fasciolatus — COGGER et al. 1983: 163 (part.)
Eremiascincus fasciolatus — COGGER 2000: 477
Eremiascincus fasciolatus — MECKE et al. 2009
Eremiascincus ‘pallidus’ — DOUGHTY et al. 2011: 322
Eremiascincus pallidus — MECKE et al. 2013 
DistributionAustralia (SW Northern Territory, E South Australia, sandy parts of arid Western Australia)

Type locality: Nickol Bay, WA  
Reproductionoviparous (Mecke et al. 2016) 
TypesHolotype: BMNH 1946.8.3.38, from Nickol Bay, W. A. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: A medium-sized (snout-vent length up to 77 mm), slender narrow-banded Eremiascincus having 6– 8 undivided supralabials (usually 7); one infralabial in broad contact with the postmental scale (rarely 2); scales on top of the fourth toe in single rows with transverse sutures; 20–31 subdigital lamellae in one row (not grooved), un- or only feebly keeled; plantar scales 14–18, smooth; 30–36 scale rows at mid-body; head small and snout depressed; ear opening small and circular; dorsum with keels posteriorly and tail with ridged scales; coloration pattern usually comprises 32–37 perfectly transverse dark narrow bands (type b, rarely a) on the tail; body usually without banding or at most faint bands on side of body; pale [MECKE et al. 2013] 
CommentSynonymy after MECKE et al. 2013. Eremiascincus pallidus has been considered as a synonym of Eremiascincus fasciolatus previously, but was resurrected by MECKE et al. 2013. Not listed by COGGER 2014.

Habitat: sandy areas surrounding the rocky, inner terrain of the Pilbara.

Limb morphology: 5 digits, 5 toes (Singhal et al. 2018, Cogger 2014) 
EtymologyThe specific name ‘pallidus’ is Latin for ‘pale’ in reference to the pale dorsal coloration of that species. 
  • Cogger, H.G. 2000. Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia, 6th ed. Ralph Curtis Publishing, Sanibel Island, 808 pp.
  • Couper, P., Covacevich, J., Amey, A. & Baker, A. 2006. The genera of skinks (Family Scincidae) of Australia and its island territories: diversity, distribution and identification. in: Merrick, J.R., Archer, M., Hickey, G.M. & Lee, M.S.Y. (eds.). Evolution and Zoogeography of Australasian Vertebrates. Australian Scientific Publishing, Sydney, pp. 367-384
  • Glauert, L. 1960. Herpetological miscellanea. XII. The family Scincidae in Western Australia. Pt. 2. The genus Lygosoma. Western Australian Naturalist 7 (4): 81-99 - get paper here
  • Greer, Allen E. 1979. Eremiascincus, A new generic name for some Australian sand swimming skinks (Lacertilia: Scincidae). Rec. Austral. Mus. 32 (7): 321-338 - get paper here
  • Günther, A. 1867. Additions to the knowledge of Australian reptiles and fishes. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (3) 20: 45-57 - get paper here
  • Günther, A. 1875. A list of the saurians of Australia and New Zealand. Pp. 9-19. In: Richardson, J., and J. E. Gray. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror, during the years 1839 to 1843. By authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Vol. 2. E. W. Janson, London - get paper here
  • Mecke, S., M. Kieckbusch, T. Graf, L. A. Beck, M. O’Shea & H. Kaiser 2016. First captive breeding of a night skink (Scincidae: Eremiascincus) from Timor-Leste, Lesser Sunda Islands, with remarks on the reproductive biology of the genus. Salamandra 52 (2): 178-188 - get paper here
  • Mecke, S; Dougherty, P. & Donnellan, S.C. 2009. A new species of Eremiascincus (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae) from the Great Sandy Desert and Pilbara Coast, Western Australia and reassignment of eight species from Glaphyromorphus to Eremiascincus. Zootaxa 2246: 1-20 - get paper here
  • Mecke, Sven & Paul Doughty 2018. A new species of Eremiascincus (Squamata: Sauria: Scincidae) from the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Vertebrate Zoology 68 (1): 27–37
  • MECKE, SVEN; PAUL DOUGHTY, STEPHEN C. DONNELLAN 2013. Redescription of Eremiascincus fasciolatus (Günther, 1867) (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae) with clarification of its synonyms and the description of a new species. Zootaxa 3701 (5): 473–517 - get paper here
  • Singhal, Sonal; Huateng Huang, Maggie R. Grundler, María R. Marchán-Rivadeneira, Iris Holmes, Pascal O. Title, Stephen C. Donnellan, and Daniel L. Rabosky 2018. Does Population Structure Predict the Rate of Speciation? A Comparative Test across Australia’s Most Diverse Vertebrate Radiation. The American Naturalist - get paper here
  • Skinner, Adam; Mark N. Hutchinson, Michael S.Y. Lee 2013. Phylogeny and Divergence Times of Australian Sphenomorphus Group Skinks (Scincidae, Squamata). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69 (3): 906–918 - get paper here
  • Smith, M.A. 1937. A review of the genus Lygosoma (Scincidae: Reptilia) and its allies. Records of the Indian Museum 39 (3): 213-234
  • Steindachner, F. 1867. In: Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858,1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair (Zoologie), Vol. 1, part 3 (Reptilien p.1-98). K. Gerold's Sohn/Kaiserlich-Königl. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, Wien [1869 on title page] - get paper here
  • Sternfeld, R. 1919. Neue Schlangen und Echsen aus Zentralaustralien. Senckenbergiana 1: 76-83 - get paper here
  • Storr, G. M. 1974. Revision of the Sphenomorphus richardsonii species-group (Lacertilia: Scincidae). Rec. West. Aust. Mus. 3: 66-70 - get paper here
  • Storr, G. M.; L. A. Smith, and R. E. Johnstone 1999. Lizards of Western Australia. I. Skinks. Revised Edition. Western Australian Museum
  • Werner, F. 1910. Neue oder seltenere Reptilien des Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique in Brüssel. [Mabuia dolloi, Mabuia polylepis]. Zool. Jb. Abt. Syst. Okol. Geogr. 28 [1909]: 263-288. - get paper here
  • Wilson, S. & Swan, G. 2010. A complete guide to reptiles of Australia, 3rd ed. Chatswood: New Holland, 558 pp.
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