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Eutropis lankae (DERANIYAGALA, 1953)

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Eutropis lankae »

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Higher TaxaScincidae, Mabuyinae (Mabuyini), Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common Names 
SynonymMabuya carinata lankae DERANIYAGALA 1953
Mabuya carinata lankae — MANTHEY 1981
Mabuya carinata lankae — ZIESMANN et al. 2007
Eutropis carinata lankae — SOMAWEERA & SOMAWEERA 2009
Eutropis carinata lankae — KARUNARATHNA & AMARASINGHE 2011
Eutropis lankae — BATUWITA et al. 2020 
DistributionSri Lanka

Type locality: Hambegamuwa (06°32’N, 80°57’E, ~100 m a.s.l.)  
TypesHolotype: NMSL RSK 6A, adult male (Colombo, Sri Lanka) 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Eutropis lankae is distinguished from all other species of the genus Eutropis by the combination of the following characters: maximum SVL 122.0 mm; supranasals widely separated; first loreal reaches the dorsal surface of snout; frontonasal as wide as long; prefrontals widely separated; frontonasal in narrow contact with frontal; frontal as twice long as wide; supraoculars four, only second in contact with frontal; frontoparietals paired, as wide as long; medial border of the fourth supraocular not completely in contact with frontoparietal; interparietal present, longer than wide; parietals completely separated by interparietal; one or two pairs of nuchals; 6 or 7 supraciliaries; two pretemporals, both in contact with parietal, upper smaller than lower; two primary temporals (in contact); two secondary temporals, separated, subequal in size; seven supralabials, 5th in suboccular position; two post-supralabials; postmental wider than long, in contact with first and partially second infralabials; 7 or 8 infralabials; three pairs of enlarged chin shields; first pair separated by a median scale; second pair separated by a single scale and third pair separated by three scales; third pair separated from infralabial row by sublabial row; 39–46 paravertebrals 51–56 ventrals; 28–32 transverse scale rows across mid-body; 16–17 subdigital lamellae on 4th digit of pes.
Eutropis lankae is distinguished from the lectotype of E. carinata by the following characters: presence of widely separated (vs. in contact) prefrontals, widely (vs. narrowly) separated supranasal scales, first supraocular not in contact (vs. in contact) with frontal, medial border of fourth supraoculars not completely (vs. completely) touching frontoparietals, one or two pairs (vs. one pair) of nuchals, postmental scale in contact with first and partially the second (vs. first and second) infralabials, 28–32 (Mode= 30) (vs. 32) transverse scale rows at midbody, 5–7 (vs. 3) body keels; body scales without (vs. with three distinct) mucros, and palm and sole scales tubercle-like imbricate scales (vs. rounded, more or less juxtaposed) (Batuwita et al. 2020).

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EtymologyNamed after the type locality. 
  • Batuwita S, Udugampala S, Edirisinghe U. 2020. Description of a new species of Eutropis (Sauria: Scincidae) from the Central Hills of Sri Lanka with the resurrection of Eutropis lankae (Deraniyagala). Journal of Animal Diversity 2 (2) - get paper here
  • Deraniyagala, P.E.P. 1953. A coloured atlas of some vertebrates from Ceylon. Vol. 2. Tetrapod Reptilia. Govt. Press, Colombo, 101 pp.
  • Karunarathna, Suranjan D. M. S. and A. A. Thasun Amarasinghe 2011. A PRELIMINARY SURVEY OF THE REPTILE FAUNA IN NILGALA FOREST AND ITS VICINITY, MONARAGALA DISTRICT, SRI LANKA. Taprobanica 3 (2): 69-76 - get paper here
  • Manthey, U. 1981. Die Echsen des Ceylonischen Regenwaldes und seiner Randgebiete. Sauria 3 (2): 25-35 - get paper here
  • Somaweera, R. & Somaweera, N. 2009. Lizards of Sri Lanka: a colour guide with field keys. Chimaira, Frankfurt, 304 pp.
  • Ziesmann, S.; Klaas, P.& Janzen, P. 2007. Von Skinken und anderen Echsen [Sri Lankas]. Draco 7 (30): 18-23 - get paper here
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