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Geckolepis polylepis BOETTGER, 1893

IUCN Red List - Geckolepis polylepis - Data Deficient, DD

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Higher TaxaGekkonidae, Gekkota, Sauria, Squamata (lizards: geckos)
Common NamesE: Many-scaled Gecko 
SynonymGeckolepis polylepis BOETTGER 1893: 35
Geckolepis polylepis — ANGEL 1942: 45
Geckolepis polylepis — WERMUTH 1965: 31
Geckolepis polylepis — KLUGE 1993
Geckolepis polylepis — GLAW & VENCES 1994: 277
Geckolepis polylepis — RÖSLER 2000: 79
Geckolepis polylepis — HAWLITSCHEK et al. 2015 
DistributionW Madagascar (Nosy Boraha = Nosy Sainte Marie)

Type locality: Mojanga [= Mahajanga], West Madagascar.  
TypesLectotype: SMF 9217 (designated by Mertens, 1967) 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: A species of Geckolepis that differs from all other species of the genus by the following combination of characters: innermost pair of large postmental scales make substantial contact with each other posterior to the mental scale (Type E), 30–37 scale rows around midbody, maximum SVL < 1 mm, infralabials to level of anterior margin of eye 4.0–., and adult body coloration not marked by heavy dark spots. Geckolepis polylepis can be distinguished from G. typica by a combination of the arrangement of the postmental scales posterior to the mental scale (Type E vs. Types A, B, C, D), maximum SVL (< 1 mm vs. < 7 mm), and the number of infralabials to level of anterior margin of eye (4.0–. vs. 2.8–4.6). Geckolepis polylepis can be distinguished from G. maculata by a combination of the maximum SVL (< 1 mm vs. < 80 mm), the number of scale rows around the midbody (30–37 vs. 22–30), the number of infralabials to level of anterior margin of eye (4.0–. vs. 3.0–4.6), and dark heavy spotting on body (absent vs. usually present in adults). [from KÖHLER et al. 2009].
CommentBehavior: nocturnal 
  • Angel, F. 1942. Les Lézards de Madagascar. Mem. Acad. Malagache, Tananarive XXXVI: 193 pp.
  • Boettger, Oskar 1893. Katalog der Reptilien-Sammlung im Museum der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main. I. Teil (Rhynchocephalen, Schildkröten, Krokodile, Eidechsen, Chamäleons). [type catalogue] Gebrüder Knauer, Frankfurt a. M., x + 140 pp. - get paper here
  • Evans, A. M., Marshal, J. P., & Alexander, G. J. 2021. Forest patch characteristics affect reptile occurrence in north‐western Madagascar. Austral Ecology - get paper here
  • Glaw ,F. & Vences, M. 1994. A Fieldguide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar. Vences & Glaw Verlag, Köln (ISBN 3-929449-01-3)
  • Hawlitschek, Oliver; Mark D. Scherz; Nicolas Straube, Frank Glaw 2015. Resurrection of the Comoran fish scale gecko Geckolepis humbloti Vaillant, 1887 reveals a disjunct distribution caused by natural overseas dispersal. Organisms Diversity & Evolution, doi:10. 1007/ s13127-015-0255-1 - get paper here
  • Köhler, Gunther; Hans-Helmut Diethert, Ronald A. Nussbaum, and Christopher J. Raxworthy 2009. A REVISION OF THE FISH SCALE GECKOS, GENUS GECKOLEPIS GRANDIDIER (SQUAMATA, GEKKONIDAE) FROM MADAGASCAR AND THE COMOROS. Herpetologica 65 (4): 419-435 - get paper here
  • Lemme, Inga; Martina Erbacher, Nathalie Kaffenberger, Miguel Vences & Jörn Köhler 2013. Molecules and morphology suggest cryptic species diversity and an overall complex taxonomy of fish scale geckos, genus Geckolepis. Org Divers Evol 13:87-95 - get paper here
  • Mertens, R. 1967. Die herpetologische Sektion des Natur-Museums und Forschungs-Institutes Senckenberg in Frankfurt am Main nebst einem Verzeichnis ihrer Typen. Senckenbergiana Biologica 48: 1-106 - get paper here
  • Rösler, H. 2000. Kommentierte Liste der rezent, subrezent und fossil bekannten Geckotaxa (Reptilia: Gekkonomorpha). Gekkota 2: 28-153
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