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Gehyra koira HORNER, 2005

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Higher TaxaGekkonidae, Gekkota, Sauria, Squamata (lizards: geckos)
Common NamesE: King’s Rock Gehyra 
SynonymGehyra koira HORNER 2005
Gehyra koira koira — OLIVER et al. 2010
Gehyra koira koira — WILSON & SWAN 2013: 122
Gehyra koira — COGGER 2014: 359
Gehyra koira koira — ELLIS et al. 2018
Gehyra koira — OLIVER et la. 2020: 37 
DistributionAustralia (North-Western Australia, Northern Territory)

Type locality: Nganlang Art Site, Keep River National
Park, Northern Territory, 15°48’26”S 129°06’23”E  
TypesHolotype: NTM R22406, adult female; paratypes (45): NTM 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: A large Gehyra species (up to 80.4 mm SVL), differing from all other Gehyra species outside of the G. koira complex as per the diagnosis above. Differs from other members of G. koira complex in the combination of: large size (adult SVL up to 80.4 mm, mean 72.5 mm); pre-cloacal pores in males numerous (12–23); second chin shields almost always more than two thirds length of first chin shields (mean ratio 0.72, range 0.64–0.79); first chin shield pair not bordered posteriorly by a single enlarged medial gular scale, or if present, median scale is not the largest in first row of gulars; adults in base colouration with tan to brown dorsum and tails, usually with some distinct transverse light and/or dark barring and a distinct to indistinct brown postorbital stripe.
Further diagnosed from other species within the G. koira complex genetically by one unique amino acid in the ND2 locus (Table 1).
Gehyra koira occurs in sympatry or in close geographic proximity to six other species of moderate to large-sized Gehyra. Two of these are distantly related and can be easily distinguished: G. koira differs from G. occidentalis in having undivided lamellae (vs. divided); and from G. xenopus in lacking a wedge-shaped patch of granules that divide the proximal subdigital lamellae and dorsal pattern of barring or banding (vs. numerous light and dark ocelli). Gehyra koira can be distinguished from the four remaining sympatric taxa (all members of the australis group) as follows: from G. ipsa by its smaller size (mean and maximum adult SVL, respectively: 72.5 mm and 80.4 mm vs. 84.9 mm and 94.9 mm) and absence of an enlarged medial gular scale behind the first pair of chin shields, or when present, median scale not the largest in first row of gular scales (vs present and always the largest in first gular row); from G. calcitectus sp. nov. (see below) in having a dorsal pattern generally lacking light-coloured ocelli (vs. usually present); from G. gemina sp. nov. in its larger size (mean and maximum adult SVL, respectively: 72.5 mm and 80.4 mm vs. 62.9 mm and 68.9 mm) and higher number of pores (13–23 vs 10–16); and from G. lapistola sp. nov. (see below) by its brown dorsum with light transverse bars and or spots (vs. generally plainer and almost unpatterned) and generally higher number of pores (13–23 vs. 9–13) (Oliver et al. 2020: 38). 
CommentSimilar species: Due to the morphological overlap and potential occurrence of sympatry of G. koira and G. ipsa, in addition to G. calcitectus sp. nov., there remains some uncertainty as to which species some specimens apply. 
EtymologyNamed after the Greek noun koira, meaning king, ruler or commander, in reference to Max King, in recognition of his landmark work on the cytology and taxonomy of Gehyra. The name is intended as a noun in apposition. The subspecifi c epithet is from the Latin word ipsa, meaning to make prominent one of two or more subjects, in reference to the morphological divergence of the Purnululu population from conspecifi c populations. The name is here intended as a noun in apposition. 
  • Christian, K. A., Moritz, C., Skelton, K., Day, K. A., Weitzman, C. L., Schlesinger, C., ... & Zozaya, S. M. 2024. Climate Does Not Predict Thermal and Hydric Traits in Northern Australian Geckos - get paper here
  • Cogger, H. G. 2014. Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia, 7th ed. CSIRO Publishing, xxx + 1033 pp. - get paper here
  • Horner, P. 2005. Gehyra koira sp. nov. (Reptilia: Gekkonidae), a new species of lizard with two allopatric subspecies from the Ord-Victoria region of north-western Australia and a key to the Gehyra australis species complex. The Beagle 21: 165-174 - get paper here
  • Oliver PM, Prasetya AM, Tedeschi LG, Fenker J, Ellis RJ, Doughty P, Moritz C. 2020. Crypsis and convergence: integrative taxonomic revision of the Gehyra australis group (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from northern Australia. PeerJ 8:e7971 - get paper here
  • Oliver, P. M., Ashman, L. G., Bank, S., Laver, R. J., Pratt, R. C., Tedeschi, L. G., & Moritz, C. C. 2019. On and off the rocks: persistence and ecological diversification in a tropical Australian lizard radiation. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 19(1), 81 - get paper here
  • OLIVER, PAUL; MARK SISTROM, BURHAN TJATURADI, KELIOPAS KREY & STEPHEN RICHARDS 2010. On the status and relationships of the gecko species Gehyra barea Kopstein 1926, with description of new specimens and a range extension. Zootaxa 2354: 45–55 - get paper here
  • Wilson, S. & Swan, G. 2010. A complete guide to reptiles of Australia, 3rd ed. Chatswood: New Holland, 558 pp.
  • Wilson, S. & Swan, G. 2013. A complete guide to reptiles of Australia, 4th ed. New Holland Publishers, 592 pp.
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