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Gloydius brevicauda (STEJNEGER, 1907)

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Gloydius brevicauda »

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Higher TaxaViperidae, Crotalinae, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
SubspeciesGloydius brevicauda brevicauda (STEJNEGER 1907)
Gloydius brevicauda siniticus (GLOYD 1977) 
Common NamesG: Kurzschwanz-Mamushi
Chinese: 短尾蝮 
SynonymAgkistrodon blomhoffii brevicaudus STEJNEGER 1907: 463
Ancistrodon halys brevicaudus NIKOLSKY 1916
Agkistrodon halys brevicaudus — STEJNEGER 1926: 97
Ancistrodon halys brevicaudus — RENDAHL 1933: 21
Ancistrodon halys brevicaudus — SHANNON 1956
Agkistrodon blomhoffii brevicaudus — GLOYD 1972: 560
Agkistrodon blomhoffii dubitatus GLOYD 1977
Gloydius blomhoffii brevicaudus — HOGE & ROMANO-HOGE 1981: 195
Agkistrodon blomhoffii brevicaudus — WELCH 1994: 11
Agkistrodon blomhoffii brevicaudus — TRUTNAU 2002
Gloydius brevicaudus — ZHOU et al. 2001
Gloydius brevicaudus — WANG & ZHAO 2007
Gloydius brevicaudus — GAULKE 2008
Gloydius brevicaudus — WALLACH et al. 2014: 310
Gloydius brevicaudus — ORLOV et al. 2014
Gloydius brevicaudus brevicaudus — DAVID & VOGEL 2015

Gloydius brevicauda siniticus (GLOYD 1977)
Agkistrodon blomhoffii siniticus GLOYD 1977
Gloydius blomhoffii siniticus — HOGE & ROMANO-HOGE 1981 [1979]
Gloydius blomhoffii siniticus — ORLOV & BARABANOV 1999
Gloydius blomhoffii siniticus — GUMPRECHT et al. 2004
Gloydius brevicaudus siniticus — WANG & ZHAO 2007
Gloydius blomhoffii siniticus — ORLOV et al. 2014
Gloydius brevicaudus siniticus — DAVID & VOGEL 2015 
DistributionNorth Korea, South Korea, China (Liaoning, Jilin, Guangdong: HR 33: 226); Russia (Pozharsky District) [iNaturalist]

Type locality: Fusan = (Pusan), S. Korea.

dubitatus (invalid): China (Hebei); Type locality: Hsinglungshan (= Mt. Xing- long), Eastern Tombs, Hopei (= Hebei) Prov., China.

siniticus: China (Yangtze River basin from E Sichuan to the delta; north to Anhwei, Kiangsu and Shantung = Shandong; south into N Hunan and Kiangsi). Type locality: Ningkwo (= Ningguo Co.), Anhwei (= Anhui) Province, China.  
TypesHolotype: USNM 17507
Holotype: AMNH 25554 [siniticus] 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Body with a conspicuous pattern of subelliptical blotches (or half-bands) on a light brown or gray ground color; blotches brown, lighter at their center but with dark brown borders, opposite or alternating pairs meeting dorsally at midline or not in contact at all, 3-5 scales wide on sides and extending downward onto scale rows 3 or 2; number of half-bands 23-33 (28.9) in males, 25-36 (30.8) in females (Table 1). Belly black or nearly so, especially posteriorly, lighter laterally; crown and parietal region with conspicuous dark brown markings and a lyriform figure extending backward on neck; cheek stripe strong, dark reddish brown in life, sharply bordered above and below with white, the upper light line extending across top of eye; tongue black; tip of tail light — yellow in life. Internasals wider than long, the posterior margins curving obliquely backward from midline; loreals subquadrate, as high as wide; preoculars 2; postoculars 2 ( 60% ) or 3, the lowest extending forward beneath the eye; supralabials 7 (95%), rarely 8; infralabials 10 (75%), occasionally 9 or 11; posterior supralabials not conspicuously low and narrow. Scale rows 21 at midbody, all with keels posteriorly, lowest without keels anteriorly; paired apical pits present but inconspicuous. Ventrals 135-145 (138.9) in males, 140-149 (143.2) in females; subcaudals 35-44 (40.5) in males, 30-38 (34.9) in females (Table 2) (Gloyd 1972: 560). 

Synonymy: G. blomhoffi dubitatus was listed as a synonym of G. blomhoffi by McDiarmid et al. 1999 but as a synonym of G. brevicaudus by Zhao and Adler (1993), David and Ineich (1999), and Orlov et al. 2014. Some of these authors also consider A. b. siniticus to be a junior synonym of Gloydius brevicaudus although it has been listed as valid more recenlty.

Distribution: see map in ORLOV & BARABANOV 1999. G. b. brevicaudus and G. b. siniticus are allopatric with a large gap in between their ranges. Reports from Primorsky Krai are based on mis-identified G. ussuriensis (Nikita Pokhilyuk, pers. comm., 18 Dec 2020). For a map of localities see Shi et al. 2021: 102 (Fig. 6) 
EtymologyNamed after Latin “breve, brevis” = short and Latin “cauda” = tail. The species name needs to be brevicauda, irrespective of the gender of the genus as “cauda” is a feminine noun in apposition, according to ICZN Article 34.2.1 which states that the gender of a noun in apposition must not be changed to agree in gender with the generic name, The Latin noun for tail is cauda and of female gender. For further explanations and examples see Böhme & Denzer (2019). 
  • Böhme, W. & Denzer, W. 2019. Warum die Endungen adjektivischer Artnamen dem Geschlecht der Gattungsnamen angepasst werden müssen Sauria 41 (1): 55–62 - get paper here
  • Chen, Y.; Zhang, D.; Jiang, K. & Wang, Z. 1992. Evaluation of Snake Venoms among Agkistrodon Species in China. Asiatic Herpetological Research 4: 58-61 - get paper here
  • David, P. & Vogel, G. 2015. An updated list of Asian pitvipers and a selection of recent publications, in: Visser: Asian Pitvipers. Breeding Experience & Wildlife. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main, 571pp. ISBN 978-3-89973-450-8 - get paper here
  • Do, M. S., Kim, J., & Choi, J. H. 2024. Sexual Dimorphism of the Three Pit Viper Species (Gloydius brevicaudus, G. ussuriensis, G. intermedius) in South Korea. Russian Journal of Herpetology, 31(3), 127-238 - get paper here
  • Gaulke, M. 2008. Der Avilon Montalban Zoological Park, Philippinen. Reptilia (Münster) 13 (69): 76-81 - get paper here
  • Gloyd, H. K. 1972. The Korean snakes of the genus Agkistrodon (Crotalidae). Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 85 (49): 557-578 - get paper here
  • Gloyd, H.K. 1977. Descriptions of new taxa of crotalid snakes from China and Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 90: 1002-1015 - get paper here
  • Guo, P. 2000. The anatomy of the skeletal system of Gloydius brevicaudus. Cultum Herpetological Sinica, Zunyi 8:34~38
  • Guo, P.; Zhang, F.J. & Chen, Y.Y. 1999. The Hemipenes of Chinese Species of Deinagkistrodon and Gloydius (Serpentes: Crotaiinae). Asiatic Herpetological Research 8: 38-42 - get paper here
  • Hoge & Romano-Hoge 1981. Poisonous snakes of the world. Part I. Check list of the pit vipers, Viperoidea, Viperidae, Crotalinae. Mem. Inst. Butantan 42/43 [1978-1979]: 179-309 - get paper here
  • Huang, M.; Cao, Y.; Zhu, F. & Qu, Y. 1992. Female Reproductive Cycle and Embryonic Development of the Chinese Mamushi (Agkistrodon blomhoffii brevicaudus). Asiatic Herpetological Research 4: 62-67 - get paper here
  • Koo, Kyo Soung 2019. First Report on the Hybridization between Gloydius brevicaudus and G. intermedius. Herpetology Notes 12: - get paper here
  • Nikolsky, A. M. 1916. Faune de la Russie, Reptiles Vol. 2, Ophidia. Petrograd, 396 pp. [English translation by A. Mercado, Israel and Smithsonian Institution, 247 pp.]
  • Orlov, Nikolai L. and Andrei V. Barabanov. 1999. Analysis of nomenclature, classification, and distribution of the Agkistrodon halys - Agkistrodon intermedius complexes: a critical review. Russ. J. Herpetol. 6 (3): 167-192 - get paper here
  • Orlov, Nikolai L.; Yuri Sundukov, Ivan Kropachev 2014. Distribution of Pitvipers of «Gloydius blomhoffii» Complex in Russia with the First Records of Gloydius blomhoffii blomhoffii at Kunashir Island (Kuril Archipelago, Russian Far East). Russ. J. Herpetol. 21 (3): 169-178 - get paper here
  • Park D, Kim I-H, Park I-K, Grajal-Puche A, Park J 2022. A comparison of gene organisations and phylogenetic relationships of all 22 squamate species listed in South Korea using complete mitochondrial DNA. ZooKeys 1129: 21-35 - get paper here
  • Rendahl, Hialmar 1933. Die Unterarten des Ancistrodon halys Pall. nebst elnigen Bemerkungen zur Herpetologie Zentralasiens. Arkiv för Zoologi 25 (8): 1-31
  • Seung Hoon, Cha 2012. Snake, the world most beautifull curve [in Korean]. Hownext, 304 pp. [ISBN 978-89-965656-7-3] - get paper here
  • Shannon, F.A. 1956. The reptiles and amphibians of Korea. Herpetologica 12 (1): 22-49 - get paper here
  • Shi J-S, Liu J-C, Giri R, Owens JB, Santra V, Kuttalam S, Selvan M, Guo K-J, Malhotra A 2021. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Gloydius (Squamata, Viperidae, Crotalinae), with description of two new alpine species from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. ZooKeys 1061: 87-108 - get paper here
  • Stejneger, L. 1925. Chinese amphibians and reptiles in the United States National Museum. Proc. US Natl. Mus. 66 (2562): 1-115. - get paper here
  • Stejneger, LEONHARD H. 1907. Herpetology of Japan and adjacent territory. Bull. US Natl. Mus. 58: xx, 1-577 - get paper here
  • Trutnau, L. 2002. Die Kurzschwanz-Mamushi Agkistrodon blomhoffii brevicaudus STEJNEGER 1907 - eine selten gepflegte ostasiatische Grubenotter. Herpetofauna 24 (138): 19-28 - get paper here
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
  • Wang, C. G. M. Z. X., Jia, S. Y. K. T. L., & Hu, C. Z. J. 2022. An updated species checklist of amphibians and reptiles in Fujian Province, China. Biodiversity Science, 22090 - get paper here
  • Wang, Kai; Jinlong Ren, Hongman Chen, Zhitong Lyu, Xianguang Guo Ke Jiang, Jinmin Chen, Jiatang Li, Peng Guo, Yingyong Wang, Jing Che 2020. The updated checklists of amphibians and reptiles of China. Biodiversity Science 28 (2): 189-218 - get paper here
  • Welch, K. R. G. 1994. Snakes of the World. A Checklist. I. Venomous snakes. KCM Books, Somerset, England.
  • XIONG Ye, DING Li 2012. A Taxonomic Status of Fu Snakes in Mt. Wuling, Xinglong County, Hebei Province. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 31 (5) - get paper here
  • XU, Yan; Qin LIU, Edward A MYERS, , Lian WANG, Song HUANG, Yun HE,Peihao PENG and Peng GUO 2012. Molecular Phylogeny of the Genus Gloydius (Serpentes: Crotalinae). Asian Herpetological Research 3 (2): 127–132 - get paper here
  • Zhao, E.M. 2006. The snakes of China [in Chinese]. Hefei, China, Anhui Sience & Technology Publ. House, Vol. I, 372 pp., Vol. II (color plates), 280 pp.
  • Zhou, Ji-Liang; Zhang, Ya-Ping; Huang, Mei-Hua; Chen, Yong-Jiu; Chen, Xiao-Qing and Yao, Geng-Dong 2001. Phylogenetic relationships among crotalinae based on mitochondrial cytochrome B gene sequence variations [in Chinese]. Acta Zool. Sinica 47 (4): 361-366
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