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Hebius igneus »

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Higher TaxaColubridae (Natricinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common Names 
Tropidonotus modestus – BOURRET 1927 (?) (nec Tropidonotus modestus GÜNTHER 1875)
Natrix modesta – BOURRET 1936 (partim) (nec Tropidonotus modestus GÜNTHER 1875)
Natrix modesta – BOURRET 1939
Natrix modesta – BOURRET 1939
Natrix modesta – BOURRET 1939
Natrix modesta – TRAN et al. 1981 (?)
Amphiesma modesta – DAO 1981
Amphiesma modesta – DAO 1982: 8 (partim)
Amphiesma modesta – NGUYEN et al. 1995
Amphiesma modesta – ZHAO et al. 1998 (partim)
Amphiesma modesta – ORLOV et al. 2000
Amphiesma modesta – LE et al. 2001
Amphiesma modesta – BAIN & NGUYEN 2004
Amphiesma modesta – HO et al. 2005
Amphiesma modesta – NGUYEN et al. 2005 a
Amphiesma modesta – NGUYEN et al. 2005 b
Amphiesma modesta – ORLOV 2005 (partim)
Amphiesma modestum – ZIEGLER & LE 2006
Amphiesma modestum – NGUYEN et al. 2009 (partim)
Amphiesma modestum – ZIEGLER et al. 2007
Natrix modesta modesta – BOURRET 1935 (nec Tropidonotus modestus GÜNTHER 1875)
Natrix modesta modesta – BOURRET 1936 (partim)
Natrix modesta modesta – BOURRET 1937
Natrix modesta modesta – BOURRET 1939 (partim)
Amphiesma deschauenseei – NGUYEN et al. 2009 (partim) (nec Natrix deschauenseei TAYLOR 1934)
Amphiesma deschauenseei – BAIN & HURLEY 2011
Amphiesma deschauenseei – GUO et al. 2014 (partim) 
DistributionChina (Yunnan), Vietnam (Ha Giang, Lao Cai, Tuyen Quang; Vinh Phuc),Thailand (Nan)

Type locality: Ban Cai, 21°51’714N, 106°58’063E, elevation: 350–450m, Duc Xuan, Na Hang District, Tuyen Quang Province, Vietnam  
TypesHolotype: IEBR 2295, adult female. Collected by Truong Quang Nguyen, Kien Van Doan and Cuc Thu Ho, 21 May 2004.
Paratypes (n = 8): IEBR, CIB, KIZ 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: A moderately to large sized species of the genus Hebius, defined by the combination of the following characters: (1) 19-19-17 dorsal scale rows, feebly or moderately keeled at midbody, more strongly keeled posteriorly at the exception of the scales of the 1st DSR, all smooth; (2) dorsal scales around the base of the tail strongly keeled; (3) head moderately distinct from the neck; (4) eye rather large; (5) maxillary teeth 29–30, the last two moderately enlarged; (6) tail long, with a ratio TaL/TL at least equal to 0.295; (7) VEN 159–169; (8) SC 115–129; (9) prefrontals 2; (10) one anterior temporal; (11) venter overall dark, i.e., dark brown, blackish-brown or black, with either pale irregular streaks or with several parallel, connected rows of dark blotches separated from each other by a narrow, irregular pale area; (12) dorsal surface and sides dark brown, dark chestnut-brown or blackish-brown, irregularly spotted by the presence of blackish-brown or black scales, darker than the background colour; (13) a dorsolateral series of bright orange, coral or rusty red blotches (yellow in preservative), distinctly enlarged behind the neck and at least on the anterior half of the body, then progressively smaller but always visible; these blotches may be connected and form a distinct dorsolateral line; (14) a dark postocular streak present; and (15) an ochre-yellow or yellowish-brown streak on each side of the neck and nape forming an incomplete collar (David et al. 2021).

Additional details (11135 characters) are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentDiet: Frogs of the families Megophryidae and Ranidae (DAVID et al. 2021) 
EtymologyThe specific nomen is the Latin adjective igneus (a, um) which means “in fire”. This specific name was coined by analogy to the large bright orange dorsolateral blotches on the forepart of the body. 
  • BAIN, R.H. & NGUYEN, T.Q. 2004. Herpetofaunal diversity of Ha Giang Province in Northeastern Vietnam, with descriptions of two new species. American Museum Novitates, 3453: 1–42 - get paper here
  • Bourret, R. 1936. Les Serpents de l'Indochine, vol. 2. Imprimerie Henri Basuyau & Cie, Toulouse.
  • BOURRET, R. 1937. Notes herpétologiques sur l’Indochine française. XIII. Serpents récemment récoltés au Tonkin et en Annam. Bulletin général de l’Instruction Publique, 16e Année (1936–1937), 9 Mai 1937, Annexe, 27–36
  • BOURRET, R. 1939. Notes herpétologiques sur l’Indochine française. XX. Liste des Reptiles et Batraciens actuellement connus en Indochine Française. Bulletin général de l’Instruction Publique, 19e Année (1939–1940), 4 Décembre 1939, Annexe, 49–60
  • BOURRET, R. 1939. Notes herpétologiques sur l’Indochine française. XIX. La faune herpétologique des stations d’altitude du Tonkin. Bulletin général de l’Instruction Publique, 19e Année (1939–1940), 4 Décembre 1939, Annexe, 41–47
  • Bourret,R. 1935. Notes herpétologiques sur l'Indochine Française X. Les serpents de la station d’altitude du Tam-dao. Bull. Gen. Instr. Pub. Hanoi 8 (avril): 259-271 (1-13)
  • Dao Van Tien 1981. [List of the Vietnamese snakes at present known in Vietnam]. Tap Chi Sinh Vat Hoc 3(1): 6-10.
  • DAO, T.V. 1982. Key to the species of Vietnamese snakes. Part II. Tap chi Sinh Vat Hoc, 4 (1), 5–9. [in Vietnamese]
  • DAVID, PATRICK; GERNOT VOGEL, TRUONG QUANG NGUYEN, NIKOLAI L. ORLOV, OLIVIER S. G. PAUWELS, ALEXANDRE TEYNIÉ, THOMAS ZIEGLER 2021. A revision of the dark-bellied, stream-dwelling snakes of the genus Hebius (Reptilia: Squamata: Natricidae) with the description of a new species from China, Vietnam and Thailand. Zootaxa 4911: 1–61 - get paper here
  • GUO, PENG; FEI ZHU, QIN LIU, LIANG ZHANG, JIAN X. LI, YU Y. HUANG & R. ALEXANDER PYRON 2014. A taxonomic revision of the Asian keelback snakes, genus Amphiesma (Serpentes: Colubridae: Natricinae), with description of a new species. Zootaxa 3873 (4): 425–440 - get paper here
  • NGUYEN, S.V., NGUYEN, T.Q. & HO, C.T. 2005. ) Species composition of Amphibians and Reptiles from Vanban District, Laocai Province. [in Vietnamese, English summary] Tap Chi Sinh Hoc, 27 (4A), 117–123.
  • Orlov, N. L., R. W. Murphy & T. J. Papenfuss 2000. List of snakes of Tam-Dao mountain ridge (Tonkin, Vietnam). Russ. J. Herpetol. 7 (1): 69-80. - get paper here
  • XU, Y. H., YANG, D. C., GONG, Y. A., WU, J. X., HUANG, R. Y., LIU, Y. J., ... & HUANG, S. 2023. A new species of the Genus Hebius Thompson, 1913 (Squamata: Colubridae) from Baise, Guangxi, China. Zootaxa 5319 (1): 76-90 - get paper here
  • Ziegler, T., and Quyet, L.K. 2006. A new natricine snake of the genus Amphiesma (Squamata: Colubridae: Natricinae) from the central Truong Son, Vietnam. Zootaxa 1225: 39-56 - get paper here
  • ZIEGLER, THOMAS; RALF HENDRIX, VU NGOC THANH, MARTINA VOGT, BERNHARD FORSTER & DANG NGOC KIEN 2007. The diversity of a snake community in a karst forest ecosystem in the central Truong Son, Vietnam, with an identification key. Zootaxa 1493: 1-40 - get paper here
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