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Hemidactylus fasciatus GRAY, 1842

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Higher TaxaGekkonidae, Gekkota, Sauria, Squamata (lizards: geckos)
Common NamesE: Banded Leaf-toed Gecko 
SynonymHemidactylus fasciatus GRAY 1842: 58
Leiurus ornatus GRAY 1845: 157 (fide LOVERIDGE 1947)
Hemidactylus formosus HALLOWELL 1857: 148 (fide LOVERIDGE 1947)
Hemidactylus fasciatus — BOULENGER 1885: 124
Hemidactylus fasciatus — LOVERIDGE 1941: 116
Hemidactylus fasciatus — BROADLEY 1998
Hemidactylus fasciatus — WAGNER et al. 2014 
DistributionGuinea (Conakry), Liberia, Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire), Ghana, Togo

Type locality: unknown (fide WERMUTH 1965)  
TypesHolotype: BMNH XXI.24.a
Syntypes: (3) ANSP 7451-53; Liberia [Hemidactylus formosus] 
DiagnosisAdditional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (1450 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentType species: Leiurus ornatus GRAY 1845 is the type species of the genus Leiurus GRAY 1845, now a synonym of Hemidactylus.

Distribution: The species was considered to be widespread in West Africa until Wagner et al. 2014 split it up into several species. The distribution given here is the restricted range.

Habitat: forests, walls of houses

Relationships. Genetic data was presented by Leaché & Fujita (2010), who showed that this species includes all populations that cluster with those from the western Guinean rainforest with strong support in the Bayesian species delimitation model. This species is closely related to the other West African species described herein (H. kyaboboensis sp. n.), which is so far only known from forests within the Dahomey Gap. See tree in Wagner et al. 2014.

Synonymy: LEACHÉ & FUJITA 2010 described three new species related to H. fasciatus (H. coalescens, H. eniangii, H. kyaboboensis) but were “not aware of any morphological or ecological characteristics that differentiate these lineages”. The new species are only defined by DNA sequences. BAUER et al. (2010) considered these new species as nomina nuda. They were later (again) described by Wagner et al. 2014 with more details, although the new descriptions have some issues too. See the entries of these species for details.

Species delimitation: Douglas & Bouckaert 2022 applied a new species delimitation approach to this and other species but apparently did not infer any changes to current species definitions. 
EtymologyNamed after Latin fascia = band, for the dorsal cross-bands in this species. 
  • Bauer, Aaron M., Matthew LeBreton, Laurent Chirio, Ivan Ineich and Marcell T. Kouete 2006. New species of Hemidactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Cameroon. African Journal of Herpetology 55 (2):83-93. - get paper here
  • Bauer, Aaron M.; James F. Parham, Rafe M. Brown, Bryan L. Stuart, Lee Grismer, Theodore J. Papenfuss, Wolfgang Böhme, Jay M. Savage, Salvador Carranza, Jesse L. Grismer,, Philipp Wagner, Andreas Schmitz0, Natalia B. Ananjeva and Robert F. Inger 2010. Availability of new Bayesian-delimited gecko names and the importance of character-based species descriptions. Proc. R. Soc. B - doi:10.1098/rspb.2010.1330 - get paper here
  • BAUER,A.M.; S. TCHIBOZO, O.S.G. PAUWELS & G. LENGLET 2006. A review of the gekkotan lizards of Bénin, with the description of a new species of Hemidactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae). Zootaxa 1242: 1-20 - get paper here
  • Blanc, P. & Fretey, T. 2000. Les reptiles de la Réserve de La Lopé et de la Foret des Abeilles (Gabon). Bull. Soc. Zool. France 125 (4): 281-292
  • Böhme, Wolfgang, Mark-Oliver Rödel, Christian Brede & Philipp Wagner 2011. The reptiles (Testudines, Squamata, Crocodylia) of the forested southeast of the Republic Guinea (Guinée forestière), with a country-wide checklist. Bonn zoological Bulletin 60 (1): 35-61 - get paper here
  • Boulenger, G.A. 1885. Catalogue of the lizards in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) I. Geckonidae, Eublepharidae, Uroplatidae, Pygopodidae, Agamidae. London: 450 pp. - get paper here
  • Branch, W.R. & Rödel, M.-O. 2003. Herpetological survey of the Haute Dodo and Cavally forests, western ivory Coast, Part II: Trapping, results and reptiles. Salamandra 39 (1): 21-38 - get paper here
  • Broadley, D.G. 1998. The reptilian fauna of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa). In: Schmidt, K.P. and Noble, G.K., Contributions to the Herpetology of the Belgian Congo... [reprint of the 1919 and 1923 papers]. SSAR Facsimile reprints in Herpetology, 780 pp.
  • Burger, M.; Branch, W.R. & Channing, A. 2004. Amphibians and Reptiles of Monts Doudou, Gabon: Species Turnover Along an Elevational Gradient. California Academy of Sciences Memoir 28: 145–186
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  • Douglas, Jordan and Remco Bouckaert 2022. Quantitatively defining species boundaries with more efficiency and more biological realism. bioRxiv, February 16, 2022 - get paper here
  • Gonwouo, Nono LeGrand; Tchassem Fonkwa Arnaud Marius, Doherty-Bone Thomas, Rödel Mark-Oliver 2021. Amphibian and reptiles of a proposed iron ore mining concession in southern Cameroon. Herpetology Notes 14: 1051-1065
  • Gossmann, V.; Lötters, S.; Obame, F. & Böhme, W. 2002. Zur Herpetofauna Gabuns. Teil II: Kommentierte Artenliste der gefundenen Reptilien, Bemerkungen zur Artenvielfalt. Herpetofauna 24 (136): 19-33 - get paper here
  • Gray, J. E. 1842. Description of some new species of Reptiles, chiefly from the British Museum collection. Zoological Miscellany 2: 57-59. - get paper here
  • Gray, J. E. 1845. Catalogue of the specimens of lizards in the collection of the British Museum. Trustees of die British Museum/Edward Newman, London: xxvii + 289 pp. - get paper here
  • Hallowell, EDWARD 1857. Notes on the reptiles in the collection of the museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 8 (4): 146-153 [1856] - get paper here
  • Jackson, Kate 2008. MEAN AND LOWLY THINGS - Snakes, Science, and Survival in the Congo. Harvard University Press, 336 pp. - get paper here
  • Jackson, Kate; Ange-Ghislain Zassi-Boulou, Lis-Bethy Mavoungou, and Serge Pangou 2007. Amphibians and Reptiles of the LacTélé Community Reserve, Likouala Region, Republic of Congo (Brazzaville). Herp. Cons. Biol. 2 (2): 75-86 - get paper here
  • Leache, A. D., Oaks, J. R., Ofori‐Boateng, C. and Fujita, M. K. 2020. Comparative phylogeography of West African amphibians and reptiles. Evolution - get paper here
  • Leaché, Adam D. & Fujita, M.K. 2010. Bayesian species delimitation in West African forest geckos (Hemidactylus fasciatus). Proc. Roy. Soc. B 277: 3071–3077 - get paper here
  • Leaché, Adam D.; Mark-Oliver Rödel, Charles W. Linkem, Raul E. Diaz, Annika Hillers, and Matthew K. Fujita 2006. Biodiversity in a forest island: reptiles and amphibians of the Togo Hills, Kyabobo National Park, Ghana. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 4 (1): 22-45 - get paper here
  • Leaché, Adam D.; Matthew K. Fujita, Vladimir N. Minin, and Remco R. Bouckaert 2014. Species Delimitation using Genome-Wide SNP Data. Syst Biol 2014 63: 534-542 - get paper here
  • Loveridge, A. 1936. African reptiles and amphibians in the Field Museum of Natural History. Zool. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, 22 (1): 1-122 - get paper here
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  • Loveridge, A. 1947. Revision of the African lizards of the family Gekkondiae. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 98: 1-469 - get paper here
  • Loveridge, Arthur 1941. Report on the Smithsonian-Firestone Expedition's collection of reptiles and amphibians from Liberia. Proc. US Natl. Mus. 91 (3128): 113-140 - get paper here
  • Ota, H. & Hikida, T. 1987. On a small collection of lizards and snakes from Cameroon, West Africa. African Study Monographs 8 (2): 111-123 - get paper here
  • Pauwels O. S.G., Carlino P., Chirio L., Daversa D.R., Lips J., Oslisly Richard, Testa O. 2019. Amphibians and reptiles found in caves in Gabon, western Equatorial Africa. Cave and Karst Science, 46 (1): 3-12 - get paper here
  • Pauwels, O.S.G. & Vande Weghe, J.P. 2008. Les reptiles du Gabon. Smithsonian Institution, Washington: 272 pp. - get paper here
  • Pauwels, O.S.G.; Kamdem Toham, A. & Chimsunchart, C. 2002. Recherches sur l’herpétofaune du Massif du Chaillu, Gabon. Bull. Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique (Biologie) 72: 47-57 - get paper here
  • Pauwels, O.S.G.; William R. Branch and Marius Burger 2004. REPTILES OF LOANGO NATIONAL PARK, OGOOUÉ-MARITIME PROVINCE, SOUTH-WESTERN GABON. Hamadryad 29 (1): 115 – 127 - get paper here
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  • Rödel,M. O., Grabow,K., Hallermann,J. & Böckheler,C. 1997. Die Echsen des Comoé-Nationalparks, Elfenbeinküste. Salamandra 33 (4): 225-240 - get paper here
  • Rösler, H. 2000. Kommentierte Liste der rezent, subrezent und fossil bekannten Geckotaxa (Reptilia: Gekkonomorpha). Gekkota 2: 28-153
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  • Rösler, Herbert 2015. Bemerkungen über einige Geckos der Zoologischen Staatssammlung München. Gekkota, Suppl. (2): 3-54
  • Schmidt, Karl Patterson 1919. Contributions to the Herpetology of the Belgian Congo based on the Collection of the American Congo Expedition, 1909-1915. Part I: turtles, crocodiles, lizards, and chamaeleons. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 39 (2): 385-624 - get paper here
  • Scott Jr., N.J. 1982. The herpetofauna of forest litter plots from Cameroon, Africa. In: Scott, N.J. (ed.) Herpetological communities [an SSAR symposium]. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Wildl. Res. Rep. 13: 145-150
  • Segniagbeto, Gabriel Hoinsoude; Jean-François Trape, Komlan M. Afiademanyo, Mark-Oliver Rödel, Annemarie Ohler, Alain Dubois, Patrick David, Danny Meirte, Isabelle Adolé Glitho, Fabio Petrozzi, and Luca Luiselli 2015. Checklist of the lizards of Togo (West Africa), with comments on systematics, distribution, ecology, and conservation. Zoosystema 37 (2): 381-402 - get paper here
  • Trape, J.F.; Trape, S. & Chirio, L. 2012. Lézards, crocodiles et tortues d'Afrique occidentale et du Sahara. IRD Orstom, 503 pp. - get paper here
  • Ullenbruch, K.; Grell, O.; Böhme, W. 2010. Reptiles from southern Benin, West Africa, with the description of a new Hemidactylus (Gekkonidae), and a country-wide checklist. Bonn Zool. Bull. 57 (1): 31-54 - get paper here
  • Wagner, P., Leaché, A. & Fujita, M.K. 2014. Description of four new West African forest geckos of the Hemidactylus fasciatus Gray, 1842 complex, revealed by coalescent species delimitation. Bonn zoological Bulletin 63 (1): 1–14 - get paper here
  • Werner, F. 1899. Ueber Reptilien und Batrachier aus Togoland, Kamerun und Deutsch-Neu-Guinea grösstentheils aus dem k. Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 49: 132-157 - get paper here
  • Witte, G. F. de 1933. Reptiles récoltés au Conge Belge par le Dr. H. Schouteden et par M. G.-F. Witte. Ann. Mus. Conge belge Zool. Ser. 1 Tome III: 53-100.
  • Zwanzig, Bernd-Michael & Wolfgang Grossmann 2013. Halbfingergeckos: Hemidactylus. Die verkannte Gattung. Terraria-Elaphe 2013 (2): 14-27 - get paper here
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