Hemiphyllodactylus minimus MOHAPATRA, KHANDEKAR, DUTTA, MAHAPATRA & AGARWAL, 2020
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Higher Taxa | Gekkonidae, Gekkota, Sauria, Squamata (lizards: geckos) |
Subspecies | |
Common Names | E: Ganjam slender gecko |
Synonym | Hemiphyllodactylus minimus MOHAPATRA, KHANDEKAR, DUTTA, MAHAPATRA & AGARWAL 2020 |
Distribution | India (Odisha) Type locality: Jhadeswar Shiva Temple, Humma, Ganjam District, Odisha, India (19.451242° N, 85.053831° E; 90 m asl.) |
Reproduction | |
Types | Holotype. ZSI-CZRC-7112, adult male, collected on 18/06/2014 by Pratyush P. Mohapatra. Paratypes. ZSI-CZRC-7113, NCBS-BH667, BNHS 2523, adult males, ZSI-CZRC-7114, BNHS 2520, BNHS 2521, NCBS-BH665, NCBS-BH665, BNHS 2522, BNHS 2524, adult females, BNHS 2522 collected on 13/05/2015 by Pratyush P. Mohapatra and S.K. Dutta; BNHS 2523 & BNHS 2524 collected on 28/02/2017 by Pratyush P. Mo- hapatra & Cuckoo Mahapatra; same locality data as holotype. |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: Hemiphyllodactylus minimus sp. nov. can be diagnosed from congeners by the unique combination of snout-vent length up to 31.2 mm (n=11); nine or ten chin scales; postmentals not enlarged; 9–11 supralabials and infralabials; 15–18 dorsal scales and eight or nine ventral scales at mid-body contained within one longitudinal eye diameter; four subdigital lamellae on the first finger and four or five on first toe; lamellar formula of manus 2222; lamellar formula of pes 2332 and 2333; males with nine or ten precloacal pores separated by 4–6 poreless scales from a series of six or seven femoral pores on each thigh (n=4); no plate-like enlarged subcaudals; dorsum with two pairs of longitudinal stripes extending up to mid-body, the outer pair originating from behind the eye and inner pair from the nape; dorsal pattern with irregular dark lines and white spots; post sacral spot with anteriorly projecting light coloured bands; belly light speckled with dark spots (Mohapatra et al. 2020). |
Comment | |
Etymology | The specific epithet is the Latin word for smallest as this is the smallest known species of the genus Hemiphyllodactylus. |
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