Hemiphyllodactylus zwegabinensis GRISMER, WOOD, QUAH, THURA, OAKS & LIN, 2020
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Higher Taxa | Gekkonidae, Gekkota, Sauria, Squamata (lizards: geckos) |
Subspecies | |
Common Names | E: Zwegabin Mountain Slender Gecko |
Synonym | Hemiphyllodactylus zwegabinensis GRISMER, WOOD, QUAH, THURA, OAKS & LIN 2020 |
Distribution | Myanmar (Kayin) Type locality: top of Zwegabin Mountain, Kayin State, Myanmar (16.82407°N 97.66810°E WGS; 710 m in elevation |
Reproduction | |
Types | Holotype. LSUHC 14184, adult female, collected on 8 August 2019 at 1830 hrs by L. Lee Grismer, Evan S. H. Quah, Perry L. Wood Jr., Myint Kyaw Thura, Jamie R. Oaks, and Aung Lin. |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: Hemiphyllodactylus zwegabinensis sp. nov. can be separated from all other species of Hemiphyl- lodactylus by possessing the unique combination of having a maximum SVL of 36.9 mm; 12 chin scales; enlarged postmentals; five circumnasal scales; five intersupranasals (=postrostrals); nine supralabials; 10 infralabials; 16 longitudinally arranged dorsal scales at midbody contained within one eye diameter and seven ventral scales; varied digital formulae on hands and feet; four subdigital lamellae on the first finger and toe; no pore-bearing, femoropre- cloacal scales; no plate-like subcaudal scales; adult females not yellow; a dark postorbital stripe extending to at least base of neck; dorsolateral light-colored spots on trunk; no dark dorsolateral or ventrolateral stripe on trunk; dark paravertebral markings on trunk; light-colored postsacral marking bearing anteriorly projecting arms; and caecum and gonads unpigmented. These characters are scored across all Burmese species in Tables 3 and 6 and from all other species of Hemiphyllodactylus from southern China and western Thailand (clades 3 and 4 in Grismer et al. (2017:Table 3)). |
Comment | |
Etymology | The specific epithet is a toponym referring to the type locality of Zwegabin Mountain. |
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