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Hydrophis platurus (LINNAEUS, 1766)

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Higher TaxaElapidae (Hydrophiinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
SubspeciesHydrophis platurus platurus LINNAEUS 1766
Hydrophis platurus xanthos BESSESEN & GALBREATH 2017 
Common NamesE: Yellowbelly Sea Snake, Pelagic Sea Snake
G: Plättchen Seeschlange
Farsi: Mâr-e daryâï-ye shekam zard
Russian: Двухцветный гидрофис
Chinese: 长吻海蛇
S: Culebra del Mar 
SynonymAnguis platura LINNAEUS 1766: 391
Hydrus bicolor SCHNEIDER 1799: 242
Pelamis bicolor — SCHNEIDER 1799
Pelamis platuros [sic] DAUDIN 1803: 361
Pelamis bicolor — DAUDIN 1803: 366
Pelamis schneideri RAFINESQUE 1817: 432 (nom. subst.)
Hydrophis pelamis SCHLEGEL 1837: 187 (nom. subst.)
Pelamis ornata GRAY 1842: 60
Pelamis bicolor — DUMÉRIL, BIBRON & DUMÉRIL 1854: 1335
Pelamis bicolor var. variegata DUMÉRIL, BIBRON & DUMÉRIL 1854: 1337
Pelamis bicolor var. sinuata DUMÉRIL, BIBRON & DUMÉRIL 1854: 1338
Hydrophis (Pelamis) bicolor Var. alternans FISCHER 1855
Hydrophis (Pelamis) bicolor Var. sinuata — FISCHER 1855
Hydrophis (Pelamis) bicolor Var. alternans FISCHER 1856: 63 (nom. subst. pro P. variegata)
Hydrophis (Pelamis) bicolor — FISCHER 1856: 63
Hydrophis (Pelamis) bicolor Var. sinuata — FISCHER 1856: 63
Hydrus platurus — BOULENGER 1896: 267
Hydrus platurus — STEJNEGER 1907: 439
Pelamydrus platurus — STEJNEGER 1910: 111
Pelamydrus platurus — KINGHORN 1928
Pelamydrus platurus — MERTENS 1930
Pelamydrus platurus — MAKI 1931
Pelamis platurus — SMITH 1943: 476
Pelamydrus platurus — NEMURAS 1967
Pelamydrus platurus — LEVITON & ANDERSON 1967
Pelamis platurus — PETERS & OREJAS-MIRANDA 1970: 239
Pelamis platurus — STEBBINS 1985: 224
Pelamis platurus — LINER 1994
Pelamis platurus — GLAW & VENCES 1994: 350
Pelamis platurus — COX et al. 1998: 35
Pelamis platurus — MURPHY, COX & VORIS 1999
Pelamis platurus — COGGER 2000: 722
Pelamis platura — BÖHME 2003
Pelamis platurus — LEVITON et al. 2003
Pelamis platurus — SHARMA 2004
Pelamis platyura [sic] — DAS & YAAKOB 2007
Pelamis platurus — NGUYEN et al. 2009
Pelamis platurus — WILSON & SWAN 2010: 532
Pelamis platura — CROTHER et al. 2012
Hydrophis platurus — SANDERS et al. 2012 [by implication]
Pelamis platura — ZUG 2013
Pelamis platura — WALLACH et al. 2014: 540
Pelamis platurus — COGGER 2014: 813
Pelamis platurus — CHAN-ARD et al. 2015: 269
Hydrophis platurus — REZAIE-ATAGHOLIPOUR et al. 2016
Hydrophis platurus — SPAWLS et al. 2018: 566
Pelamis platurus — MILTO & LUKIN 2020

Hydrophis platurus xanthos BESSESEN & GALBREATH 2017
Hydrophis platurus xanthos — BUZÁS et al. 2018 
DistributionIndian Ocean, India (Gujarat, Kerala, Andaman Islands, Nicobar Islands), Sri Lanka, Pacific Ocean (Japan), Bangladesh, Singapore,
South China Sea northward to the coastal regions of Zhejiang and Taiwan, Vietnam, Pakistan, Myanmar, Maldives, Malaysia, Indonesia (Borneo)
coasts of Malay Peninsula and Indoaustralian Archipelago to New Guinea, Gulf of Thailand and Philippines (Surigao del Norte etc.), Korea, Vanuatu, Fiji, Micronesia (Kosrae), Palau

Russia (S Primorskij Territory; Only one dead specimen was found in Russia: on the coast of the Sea of Japan, near Vladivostok city; a second one was reported by Kharin 2007)

Middle East: Iraq, Qatar

Africa and Near East: Madagascar, Tanzania (Loveridge 1957), Somalia, Namibia (Branch 1998), Persian Gulf (Oman, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Iran etc.) to Bay of Bengal, coastal Republic of South Africa

Australia (New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia), New Zealand, Solomon Islands [McCoy 2000], New Caledonia, Nauru,

Americas: USA (California - occasionally, e.g. during El Niño years), Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Gulf of California, Jalisco, Sonora, Sinaloa, Guerrero, Nayarit), Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Galapagos Islands, Peru; Chile, possibly introduced to the Caribbean.

Type locality: non given

xanthos: Costa Rica; Type locality: Costa Rica: Golfo Dulce: inner basin, 08°35.76'N; 083°13.25'W.  
TypesHolotype: unknown (fide PETERS 1960, NGUYEN et al. 2009).
Holotype: UCR (originally as MZUCR:HERP 20614, Zoological Museum of University of Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica), collected 13 February 2009 by A. Solórzano [xanthos] 
DiagnosisDIAGNOSIS: Body compressed, posteriorly more than twice the diameter of the neck; body scales juxtaposed, sub-quadrangular in shape, in 49–67 rows around thickest part of body; ventral scales, 264–406, very small and, if distinct, divided by a longitudinal groove, but usually indistinguishable from adjacent body scales; head narrow, snout elongate, head shields entire, nostrils superior, nasal shields in contact with one another; prefrontal in contact with second upper labial; 1–2 pre- and 2–3 postoculars; 2–3 small anterior temporals; 7–8 upper labials, 4–5 below eye but separated from border by subocular; color variable but most often distinctly bicolored, black above, yellow or brown below, the dorsal and ventral colors sharply demarcated from one another; ventrally there may be a series of black spots or bars on the yellow or brown background, or the yellow may extend dorsally so that there is only a narrow middorsal black stripe, or a series of black crossbars (see Smith 1943:476–477 for a more complete description of the color pattern variants). Total length males 720 mm, females 880 mm; tail length males 80 mm, females 90 mm. [after LEVITON 2003].

Additional details (2233 characters) are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 

Synonymy after COGGER 1983 and STEJNEGER 1907. The name must read “Pelamis platura” not “platurus” according to BÖHME (2003), Salamandra 39 (2): 124.

Type species: Pelamis bicolor Schneider, 1799 is the type species of the genus Pelamis Daudin, 1803:361.

Habitat: marine.

Distribution: Pelamis platura is the most widely distributed species of all snakes and it is pelagic (Hecht et al., 1974). In Qatar fide Wikipedia.

Variation: Completely yellow and mottled variants have been described on this species from Costa Rica (Lillywhite 2014: 139).

Abundance: this is one of the most common sea snakes. In 1966 in the Gulf of Thailand, H. platurus made up 55% of scientifically captured sea snakes (Rieken 1969) 
EtymologyFrom Greek xanthos, “yellow,” to highlight a diagnostic feature of this subspecies. 
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  • Leviton, A.E., R.M. Brown, and C.D. Siler. 2014. The dangerously venomous snakes of the Philippine Archipelago. in The Coral Triangle: The 2011 Hearst Biodiversity Philippine Expedition (G.C. Williams and T.M. Gosliner, eds.). California Academy of Sciences, USA, Pp 473–530
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  • Weinell, Jeffrey L.; Errol Hooper, Alan E. Leviton, Rafe M. Brown 2019. Illustrated Key to the Snakes of the Philippines. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (4) 66 (1): 1-49 - get paper here
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  • Yaghmour, Fadi; Johannes Els, Clara Jimena Rodríguez-Zarate, Brendan Whittington-Jones 2023. Marine Reptiles of the United Arab Emirates. In: J. A. Burt (ed.), A Natural History of the Emirates. Springer, Cham, pp. 585-619 [2024] - get paper here
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